Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday October 30th, 2014

8:00 Amrap at 80%
5 hspu
10 Box jumps 24"
30 double unders

7 rounds + 5 HSPU (kipping) - I started on a 1 min per round pace, and fell off that a bit toward the end. Box jumps seemed to be the biggest issue. All put 1 round of HSPU (kipped) were unbroken. All DUs were unbroken. Really suprised at how much the box jumps smoked me today, was landing bent over toward the end.

 Rest 4 minutes

8:00 Amrap at 90%
10 hang power snatch #75
10 wallball #30lb
10 knees to elbow pullups

4 rounds + 3 HPS - I was able to keep moving on this one. All of the hang power snatches were unbroken, the first wall balls were unbroken, and then 5-5, 4-4-2, 4-3-3. The K2E pull-ups were very tough to get a rhythm, and were mostly broken into 4-4-2, and fell to some singles on the last round.

Rest 4 Minutes then:

300m row, max calories 29 calories - WOW, I felt awful after this one, I really wanted the 30 cals, but I fell off the last 100, couldn't keep in the 2K plus range, fell to 1700s. I make have felt like puking just a bit after this one.

4 minutes at Games pace burpee box step overs w/ #35 dbs

Finished with 32 burpee box step/overs, didn't feel as recovered as i expected after the row, but I just tried to keep moving. I fell off just a bit around the high teens and again at 25. Glad to have been over 30 on this one today.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29th, 2014

A. 1 clean + 1 push jerk. Build to a tough but crisp single. 

Worked up to #215 on these, missed at #225. I don't really have a feel for the push jerk, I'm more comfortable using the split technique. 

B. Deficit Deadlift (2-3"): 3 x 4-5, 31X1 rest as needed;

Went #275 on the first two sets, then went to #315. The #315 felt really solid, I should have used this on all three sets. 


4 sets at max effort
7 Thrusters, #135
14 CTB pullups
25m HEAVY yoke carry (#375 then #300)

Round 1 - 1:45
Round 2 - 1:37
Round 3 - 1:30
Round 4 - 1:17

I did these as starting a round every 5 minutes so that I could finish before work.

This combo really smoked me today. I can't seem to get the technique dialed in on the pull-ups and I feel I'm gripping the bar too much in the thrusters without being able to rest it in the front rack when would change the load a bit. The yoke at #375 felt very heavy today and I was stutter stepping so I dropped it to #300. 

This felt like a rough one overall for me today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday October 28th, 2014


1/2 Tabata DUs - id this to warm-up and stay fresh with these
then 2 rounds Not for time:
8 Wallball, #30 to 11' - woah...these were tough
3-6 muscle ups - a mess, singles, chicken winging...need work!
4 1 arm KB OHS - used  #44 & #53, did 4 on each arm each round

A. Emom 7: 3-rep hang power clean, #195 and #200
I was hoping to hit all sets at #205, but had to settle for #195 and #200, didn't feel like I was getting good hip pop on these. Went way wide with my legs too. I have trouble in the power clean of pulling under the bar and catching in a good front rack.

B. OHS: Build to a 1RM
Hit #240  for a PR on this! These felt solid, and I've got more in the tank on this one. Is your OHS supposed to be more than your clean and jerk?

then: 9:00 at 80%
30 burpee toe-to-bar, 30 front squats, #135
1 round and 24 burpee T2B

Still can't cycle these much faster than about 7-8s a rep. Finished the first 30 right at 3 minutes into it. Went 10-8-4-8 on the front squats, those were tougher than I thought! I went back to the bar at the 3 minute mark and was able to hit 24 burpee T2B.

Rest 5:00

9:00 at 90%
400m run, 1 legless rope climb

4 rounds and 75 meters

I just tried to keep moving on the run and felt solid on the rope climbs today! This is about how I have to run a mile, breaking it up with rope climbs!

Monday, October 27, 2014


HBBS 5-5-5 40x1 tempo

#305 - these didn't feel real solid today, didn't feel like I had any drive to the legs.

Then For time (12 min cap)
15 CTB Pull-ups (10-5)
15 Snatches #115 (5-6-4) (finished at just over the 2 min mark & changed plates)
10 bar muscle ups (all singles) (started at 2:45 and finished right at the 5 min mark)
10 Snatches #135 (all singles) (finished at just over the 6 minute mark)
5 Ring Muscle Ups (4(failed 5) - 1)
5 Snatches #155 (All singles)

Finished in 8:10 got it handed to me in bar muscle ups! I felt pretty good on the pull-ups, but struggled to get over the bar on the MUs, I had two fails. The snatches felt pretty good. All singles for me after the #115s, and no misses nor press outs on the #135s or #155s.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Love the #XM #Backspin channel! Lik #PRT for ride to the hacienda! #rockdisfunkyjoint

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Awesome #BarbellsForBoobs at @crossfitincognito w/ @tdswack @a_rooon @jillianrenae41 @kaylacarl00 @annettelong42 @kellidubdub @150wallballsthomson @slandrum91e #crossfit #Grace

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Barbells for Boobs and some other work!

Saturday morning began with the usual 6:30 AM workout session with those DinaB boys.

A. Front Squat: 2-2-2-2 41X1, 3:00 rest

#265, getting more comfortable with weight above #250, still lost the front rack on a 2nd rep on one of the sets.

 For time:
1000m row
50 UB double unders
15 Wall walks
50 UB double unders

Finished the 3:30 row, unbroken DUs and kept moving on the wall walks, and finished with unbroken double unders. This felt solid, except for the row, I feel I should be able to hold my pace for a 1K in the sub 1:40s, I did for the first 500m and then fell off. The DUs felt good today, and I may have been able to push the wall walks a bit faster, but I wasn't sure how they would affect the second DUs so I paced. The last DUs I tried to stay smooth and not rush to sub 7 min it, feeling that slower and smoother beat rushing and failing. overall pretty satisfied with teh effort.

After coaching my Functional Strength Training class, I went with my buddies to the CrossFit Incognito Barbells for Boobs workout in Chillicothe. We did "Grace" - 30 Clean and Jerk (#135) for time. I finished right at 2 minutes and did it with 5 then singles. Felt solid, and I recovered pretty quickly afterwards. Pretty cool day with a lot of my friends, which is what this thing called CrossFit is all about!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday October 23rd, 2014

8:00 Amrap at 80% 
5 deadlifts #305 
5 HSPU deficit 
30 DU 

4 round 8 reps 
Went unbroken on the first and last set of deads, and all DUs, but only on the 3rd set of kipping deficit HSPU (most were 2-3, 3-2 variety). #305 felt tough to me today!

Rest 4 minutes 

8:00 Amrap at 85% 
4 Box step overs w/ dumbells #60 
6 burpee w/ #60 DB 
4 L-pullups strict 

5 + 10 

Wheels fell off after round 2 on this one! Very tough! My grip got smoked. The core strength/hip flexibility is inhibiting my ability to L-sit. 

Rest 4 Minutes 

8:00 Amrap at 90% 
100 m shuttle sprint 
10 HRPU 
1 rope climb (legless)

#6+ run & 10 push-ups 

This pretty much finished off my grip! The legless were a struggle, couldn't find a groove on this one!

Rest 4 Minutes 3 minutes at Games pace 

Squat clean & jerks #165

Ouch! This was tough! I failed my first rep and did the rest as singles. Going into this one I wanted to hit at least 15, and I did, but I should have more than this in me!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

@a_rooon holding the standard! @iamprojectx #gooniesofcrossfit #crossfit

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Wednesday October 22, 2014

A. 1 clean + 2 jerks. Build to a tough but crisp double #225

These felt pretty solid, not happy with my front rack in the clean, but the double of #225 felt god, considering I failed at a single rep a few weeks ago at @225

B. Clean grip deadlift: 3 x 5, 31X1 rest as needed; #305 - got very tough! This was harder than I thought it would be, I wanted to hit #315+, but #305 T&G with the clean grip was all I had in me today.

8 Minutes cap:
1 HSPU, 1 Deadlift #225, 2/2, 3/3

perform HSPU strict at least through the 4s then kip.

8 rounds, strict through 4 then kipped, really got caught on round 4, 4 fails on it. Kipped the 5-6-7 unbroken. All deadlifts were unbroken.

then:  :60 accumulates L-sit on rings - very hard for me!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday October 21st, 2014


2 rounds Not for time:
8 Burpee chest to bar pullups
14 hollow rocks
6 DB manmakers #20

A. Emom 12:
Hang Clean + Clean.
Add weight every other set.
Began at #165 and worked to #215 adding #10 every other set. I failed the

B. OHS: Build to a solid but tough double - #135 - #185 - #205 then #215, I felt very good up til the last set. I had to walk to catch the 1st rep so I hit 2 more. They were ok, but I need to be more stable.

C. 1 arm DB row, 3 x 5 reps #70, rest :60 between arms

8:00 at 80%
0 burpee toe-to-bar
10 squats, w/ 2 KBs #53 front-racked

4 rounds 9 burpee t2b

I felt like I could cycle the burpee T2B a bit better, jsut still haven';t figured how to get quicker at them, I feel move momentum gets in the way as I return to start the burpee. I went unbroken on 3 of the 4 KB FR Squats (set em down on round 2, and then decided not to let myself put them down after that).

Rest 4:00 8:00 at 90%
10 wallball
8 pullups
6 box jumps 30"

6 rounds,  10 wall balls and 5 pull-ups

This one got a bit spicy! I stayed unbroken on the wall balls, and din't leave my feet either. The pull-ups felt solid today, I butterflyed through them unbroken. The box jumps were a different. The 30' was tough today, didn't feel like I had a bounce in my jump today. I just tried to keep moving on this one!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Some of that #TCQ classic ish for the trip home! #tribe #reallive #hiphop

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Monday October 20th, 2014

Did a little work in the Monday morn!

HBBS - 1-1-1-1-1 @ #315-#315-#325-#325-#335

Then against a 12 min running clock:

0-4 min 40 push press #95 - 5 MUs

4-8 min 30 push press #105 - 4 MUs

8-12 min 20 push press #115 - 3 MUs

2:19 (2-2-1 MUs) 1:57 (2-2 MUs) 1:19 (3 MUs)

I really need this barbell cycling this morning! I had to break too often on this one. The first round of PP went 25 - 5 - 3 - 7, second round went 15 - 8 - 7 and the last went 14 - 6. I paced the MUs early so as not to fell. I felt weak on the lock-out portion of those.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday October 18th, 2014

Quick cycle time to that #pandora #hiphopclassof93#ultramag #prt #tcq 
A. Front Squat: 3-3-3-3 41 X 1, 3:00 rest 

#255-#255-#260-#260 - very tough today, the front rack was hard to maintain

then: For time: 
Row 500m (1:38) felt good
30 wallball #30 (8-6-6-5-5)
30 Burpee toes to bar (haven't figured out how to cycle)
30m yoke #415 (didn't put it down, this is the most I've yoke carried, no issues from it!)
30 CTB pullups (3-3-2-2-2-2-2-1s til last 2) ripped my hand very early and went to singles to protect it. 
500m row (1:50) felt awful, just kept trying to leg drive and pull

12:26 #woah #crossfit #toast


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday October 16th, 2014

Just moving on a THURSDAY

8:00 Amrap at 80%
5 Power Snatch #115
10 Box step-up/down
25 double unders UB

6 rounds  - felt solid, had 2 fails on the 3 set of DUs, the Power Snatch was unbroken and felt good

Rest 4 minutes

8:00 Amrap at 90%
Row 150
6 burpee toes to bar
8 Russian KBS heavy #88

4 rounds 50m - held the rows in 1:30s, burpee t2b were hard to cycle, KBS were ok

Rest 4 Minutes

2 min amrap at games pace burpees to a two hand touch 6" above max reach

34 burpees - didn't really cycle these well today. #crossfit
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday October 14th, 2014

TUESDAY 2 rounds Not for time; 10 burpee-pullups. 10 GHD situps 10 alt KB snatches (5/arm) #53 A. Hang power clean. 5-5-5 rest 2:00 #185-#190-#195 B. OHS: Build to a solid but tough triple #210 (video) C. 1 arm DB row, 3 x 5-6 reps, rest: :60 between arms #88 8:00 at 80% [1 rope climb, 7 squat cleans #135, run to opposite wall and back] 5 rounds 1 rope climb Rest 4:00 8:00 at 90% [10 row calories, 10 box jumps 30", 10 air squats] 4 round 10 calories and 1 box jump #crossfit

Monday, October 13, 2014

Getting ready to coach that FST class, so I had to break out some #newhitness @elijahezmuhammad #mysockgameiskillingyours #sockwars #shoegame #sneakerheadproblems #crossfit

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@elijahezmuhammad a little post-workout #sockgame #mysockgameiskillingyours #socktober #sockwars

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Monday October 13th, 2014

 8@ #260
6 @ #275
4@ #290
2@ #310
1@ #325
1 @ #360 - spotters
Rest as needed between sets

Then against a 15:00 time cap:
 20 Thrusters, #95 (unbroken) (7-7-6) (50s)
20 pullups (12-8) (8-7) (back to thrusters just over 2 mins into this)
15 thrusters, #115 (7-3-5) (not sure)
15 CTB Pull ups (4-3-2-1-1-1-1-2) (not sure)
10 Thrusters, #135 (5-5) (not sure)
10 Bar Muscle ups (2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1) (started these at 9:50, after I had went ahead and loaded the bar for #155 - wanted to catch my breath before the bar) MUs
5 thruster #155 (1-1-1-1-1)
5 Ring Muscle ups (1-fail-1-1-1-1)
if time remains, start over;

Finished 1 round and 35 reps in round 2

I was able to get further than I thought I would on this one. Everything felt pretty good, except for the #115 thrusters, felt out of position on those. Had a good butterfly working on the pull-ups, and hit 4 butterfly CTB to start then fell into just getting reps.  The #135 thruster was very tough on the second set of 5. Hit a double on the bar MUs which gave me some confidence in those and I kept hitting singles so as not to fail a rep. The #155 thruster went fine, as I did singles. The first 3 MUs were tough to lock out and I was a bit on stable on 1 and 2(fail). I had to chase down the #25s which I kinda tossed out of the way because I didn't think I'd need them again, but that gave a me a second to catch my breath! Overall i'm pretty pleased with this effort.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Saturday October 11th, 2014

Trying to up that #sockcred @elijahezmuhammad #mysockgameiskillingyours

Then did some work:
A. Front Squat: 3-3-3 41X1, 3:00 rest

#250-#250-#250 - holding upright in the front rack is th toughest part for me, I keep losing the bar from my fingertips...

then: 4:00 amrap:
4 Deadlifts #325
4 Muscle ups
finished 3 rounds and 4 reps

I hit the first sets of deads and muscle ups unbroken, the rest of the deads were done in singles, I was trying not to rust so that I wouldn't tweak my back. The MUs went unbroken, 3-1, 2-1-fail-1, 1. I feel I should have been able to get through 4 full rounds on this one. I need to push the pace a bit on the deads and I have to get better at string MUs when fatigued!

rest as needed then:

Three rounds for time of:
15 Wallballs #30
10 Toes to Bar

2:58 - I was hoping to finish under 2:#0, but had it handed to me on the WBs. I opened big 10-5, then 7-3-5, and finally 4-4-2-1-4 (got sloppy). I did all of the TTB unbroken. Round 1 was right around 50s, a minutes-ish for the second and around a minute for round 3. Felt like the open workouts at one point!

Rest 4:00


30 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs #45, 20" box #

finished in 4:02 (I was hoping for sub-4 on this one) that was bad...this is a tough one for me to cycle, I was worried about biting it on the box. i think I have more in me from this one after having now done this particular movement! #crossfit #socktober #sockwars

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday October 9th, 2014

Sled drags by the moonlight at 40ish degrees this morning! Gotta get up early to #chasetheram @shawn_theram 

8:00 Amrap at 70% 
3 clean and jerk #135 (all touch and go)
4 front squats #135  (straight into these from the C&J)
50m run (25 out, 25 back) 

8 rounds

Rest 4 minutes

8:00 Amrap at 80% 
2 wall walks 
4 power snatch, #95 (all touch and go)
35 DU (all unbroken)

7 rounds and 2 wall walks

Rest 4 Minutes

8:00 Amrap at 90% 
50m Farmer carry #120 per handle 
50m sled drag #196 

3 rounds + 1 farmer carry - dumped the weights to start the first set due to collars coming off, so I should have been able to get 4+ full rounds. Weight was ok, the drag became one near the end of set 3.  

Rest 4 minutes

4 min amrap at games pace 
7 box jumps 24" step down
7 burpees 

5 rounds 7 box jumps and 5 burpees  - I think I could have cycled the burpees a bit faster. Almost paid skin homage to the box on a rep...ugly on that one! The step downs slow the cycle time and let me recover a bit. I feel I should be nearing an EMOM on this one. 


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday October 8th, 2014

 A. 8 X 1 push jerk, 2 split jerks. 
#185x5, #190x3 - these felt pretty solid, I'll post video when I get a chance latter today.

B. Clean pulls 3 x 1 rest as needed - #265 

21 deadlifts #225 (39s - unbroken)
21 HSPU (4-1-2-4-5-5)

 rest 3:00 
15 deadlifts (25s - unbroken)
15 HSPU (10-1-4 kipping)

rest 2:00 
9 deadlifts (15s - unbroken)
9 HSPU (unbroken kipping)

9:52 with the rests - HSPU felt much better, I adjusted my hand and head positioning on the 15s and 9s, head further from the wall and hands in a better stacked position. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Squat clean and hang squat clean @#205. Getting more comfortable with the squat clean. #crossfit

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Tuesday October 7th, 2014

2 rounds NFT:
4-6 strict HSPU - 4ish on these, really struggled, feel like I have no drive with my shoulders at the bottom without a kip.
4-6 strict CTB (supinated) - seemed solid and easy
2 skin the cats - not bad, although on the first one I don't think my shoulders were warmed up all the way!

 A. 1 squat clean, 1 hang squat clean, 3 FS tough. 4 sets, rest 2:00 -
 #185-#205-#205-#205 and several failed attempts from the hang @ #205
B. 1 arm DB row #88 , 3 x -68 reps, rest: :60 between arms

then: 50 squat cleans #145 7 min in the dot - tough! This was tough, I feel like I should cycle these more quickly and hit sets of 3 - 5, back was feeling a bit tweaky today so I wore the belt. My legs are tired!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday October 6th, 2014

Some days you just don't have it! Today was one of those!

Not every day is going to be about the next PR, and I want to paint as honest as picture as i can of my training. In order to affect the change necessary to meet my goals, I need to be real about where I stand. Today things got a bit heavier and took me out of my comfort zone, which is good. No change can come without challenge.

HBBS - from last week's max single (#345):

10@ 255

8 @ #275

6 @ #290

4 @ #310

2 @ #325 - failed rep 2

1 @ 105% fail

Rest as needed between sets

Then on a 30 minute running clock:


Row 1000m

25 Thrusters @ #135

3:45 - 6:50 - 5-5-1-2-3-3-3-3 - originally meant to do these in 5s, didn't have much pop out of the bottom after the first two sets. Front rack is still crushing me a bit. I need to commit to fixing that.

10:00 - 20:00

Row 750m

30 strict pull ups

2:50 - 6:25 - I hit for 6 on the first set then bunch of 3s, even hit some singles as well. I haven't felt comfortable on the pull-ups for a while yet. I just feel a bit week in this movement right now. It will come back and there is a long way to go before those count for real!

20:00 - 30:00 

Run 800 meter in the remaining time, no push-up burpees - 4:00 and 91 burpees - I had 6 minutes and would have to like to have gotten to 100, but I just kept plugging along on this one! It got a little spicy!

Felt off today, nutrition from the weekend probably didn't help. I need to get that part together and hit more mobility throughout the week!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday October 4th, 2014

Front Squat: 4-4-4 41X1 #205-#225-#225 - I probably should have pushed the weight a bit higher, but these felt pretty solid. 

then 8 Sets: 

Run 400 Meters
10 Push Press (#115 )
3 Muscle-Ups 

Begin a set every 3:00 Scale as needed so you can finish the round in 2:30. 

Finished all rounds under 2:30, scaled the run to 300 meters on rounds 6&7, back to 400 meters on round 8. This was tough! My splits were: 2:10, 2:12, 2:18, 2:25, 2:28 then 2:20, 2:25, 2:33 for the 8th (400 m). I started to feel fatigue in the push press around rep 8 for rounds 6, 7, and 8. I was able to hit the muscle ups unbroken with no fails, the final rep on rounds 6, 7, and 8 were slow to lockout. i needed this session to get me more comfortable to be uncomfortable! #crossfit

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Doggy WOD: accumulate 2 miles, alternate between human sled pull (#185) and 100m sprints! #lifewithweims #instaweim #weimsofinstagram #dog #crossfit #dogfit

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Thursday October 2nd, 2014

Today I turned 42 so was there a birthday WOD...nah just Thursday Training... 
8:00 Amrap at 70% 
1 clean and jerk @#185
1 rope climb 
25m bear crawl 

7 + 1 C&J - off all things the bear crawl felt awful! 

Rest 5 minutes 

8:00 Amrap at 80% 
10 Box step ups 24" 
10 hang snatch #65 
30 DU 
5 +20 
Moved through these fairly well, the snatches and DUs were all unbroken. 
Rest 5 Minutes 

8:00 Amrap at 90% 
150m Row 
4 KB Thrusters #44 
7 Strict Pull-ups 

5 rounds +105m - felt ok, held the rows to low 1:40s, did strict pull-ups because our new rig isn't bolted down yet. 

Rest 5 minutes 

4 min amrap at games pace 
7 TTB 

3 + 7 HSPU 
still a mess on the HSPU, couldn't string more than 4 kipping together before falling off the wall.