Monday, March 16, 2015

Beautiful weather tonight meant some running for the FST crew! Strength: A. Push Press 9-7-5 - build to a heavy 5 B. Box Jumps 3 x 15 C. Side Planks 3 x 30s each side MetCon: 3 sets Against a 3 min cap 10 Hang Cleans 400 m run Max effort Burpees in the time remaining Rest 3 min between sets

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Second go around with 15.3

...same as before but just a bit faster.
I'm definitely leaning where my weakness are during this year's Open!

I again hit 425 reps (made it through 54 Double Unders on the 3rd round). My tie break dropped to 9:20. The MUs felt solid, I went 7, 2-2-2-1, 2-2-2-1. i would like to get where I can hit 4-3 consistently when fatigued. The wall balls went in sets of 10 on the first 2 rounds, and a 10 and mostly 5s on the third round. These still wear me down, I'm not comfortable pushing the high reps on these right now. I need to refine the technique a bit, too much of the ball hitting and skipping up instead of bouncing and returning. I was able to get back to the DUs with about 40s left, but couldn't run the table to finish out. Tough one, I feel I left a bunch of reps on the table, but I need to realize that's where I am right now.

Some recovery later and then back to it tomorrow to keep pushing forward! 15.4 is coming!

Monday, March 9, 2015

#judgementday @thebarbellbearclaw ensuring that @quadjilla41 holds the standard! #crossfit

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CrossFit Open 15.2

15.2 went pretty well for me. I hit 244 reps which is a 49 rep improvement form my 195 a year ago. Mainly by hitting 13 more reps and getting out of the round of 16 I was able to get through 1 set of 18 in each of the movements. Currently (as of 9:00 PM on 3-9-2015) I have made it back inside the top 200 scores. 

The workout:

Workout 15.2

For as long as possible:
From 0:00-3:00
  2 rounds of:
  10 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
  10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
  2 rounds of:
  12 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
  12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
  2 rounds of:
  14 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
  14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern
I was able to go unbroken on all of the OHS through the round of 16. I was so spent from the pull-ups, I broke and went 5-5-4-4 for the 18 OHS. The CTB pull-ups are always a challenging movement for me, I have yet to develop a solid rhythm on them.  I was able to string 5s together early in the rounds of 14 and 16 which helped put me over the hump to get to the next round. I am very pleased with the 244 reps and decided not to try to get a higher score, as I'm not sure that I would have been able to do that today.
I have been able to get back into the top 200 (188ish), just by the barest of margins. 15.1A continues to haunt me. I was buried in the 1000s on that piece, while the best score (205) I had on 15.1 would have put me inside the top 15, to go along with a top 50 placing on 15.2. The is the test of fitness, which I was found lacking in the strength component. Strength takes time to build, and it will be a continued investment as the off-season come. 
Training today was affected by some fatigue from the weekend. I'm not sure I earned it today, but tomorrow I will make sure that happens!

Word! Can't give the @thenaturalgrip enough props for taking care of my hands the last two weeks! 210 TTB from the 2x I did 15.1 and the 122 CTB pull-ups from the only 15.2 attempt. #nomorerippedhands #crossfit #repost from @samdancing First of all, use @thenaturalgrip so you don't tear. I like red, it reminds me of blood and how I never see it on my hands because I take care of them. This is how you heal your big idiot tear. 1st clean your big idiot ripped hands with @cleansnatchsoap 2nd take a chunk of @wodrepairlotion and kneed it till it is soft and warm. 3rd take the ball, place it right in the middle of your rip. Work the edges down until the entire wound in covered. 4th put on a latex glove and wear it overnight. If it's not to bad it will be ready to roll by morning. If it's bad it will need two overnight applications.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday 150304


A. Sled drag – 4 x 25m shuttle - #245

Then: 6:00 at Open Pace 
25 double unders 
15 push press 95 

+ 2:00 Max muscle ups. Transition from 6:00 to 2:00 amrap without delay. 

6 rounds and then 9 MUs, missed #10. I would have been really pleased with 10, I want to get to the point where I can hit sets of 3 under fatigue. 

#crossfit #CrossfitMasters #open15 @jtate59 @tdswack @dwoot61 @cutty201 #pigironcrossfit