Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday September 30th, 2014

2 rounds 
Not For Time: 
8 strict Toes To Bar
12 alt pistols
30 UB DU

A. 1 squat clean, 2 hang squat clean, 5 front squats: 

4 sets, rest 2:00 
#185-#185-#195-#195 - the front squats got to me! 

B. 1 arm DB row, 3 x 10 reps, rest :60 between each arm - #75 

then for time: 

"Lil Liz"
Squat cleans, #135
ring dips

3:21 - this was tough! hit the first 6 unbroken and  then hits singles and 2s. Mostly sets of 5s on the ring dips. 


Monday, September 29, 2014

How you make it through a Monday! #crossfit #coffee #killcliff

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1oryTaZ

A. HBBS 8-6-4-2-1
#205-#245-#275-#310-#345 (tied my PR)

These felt pretty solid, I may have been able to hit above $345, but it felt solid, I didn't feel stuck at all.

Rest as needed then:

B. 2 sets: 10 HBBS @60% of max from A - #205), rest 2:00

First set felt harder than the second, I paused a bit during the first. During the second, i tried to keep a good rhythm.

Then: on a 30 minute clock:

0-10:00 Run 1 mile. 25 KBS, #70

The run started to jump on me a bit around the 1000 meter mark

10:00-20:00 Run 800m, 8 rope climbs

Run felt ok, and the rope climbs were good til 6, 7, and 8.


Row 1000m, 40 pullups. (3:30.- 7:00)

Flet bad on the row after 600 meters and the pull-ups were a mess! Mostly 5s or less.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday September 25th, 2014

EMOM 1 - 12:00
odd – 5 Power clean, Touch and Go #175
even – Close grip bench press x 3 reps #185

EMOM 2 – 12:00
odd – 4 power snatch touch n go #115 usually 10s of work
even – 45 DU - all but 1 unbroken, @21s work

EMOM 3 – 12:00
odd – KBS 2 Pood x 10
even – Push press #115 x 8

+ 5mins amrap Curtis Ps at #135

Finished 19 reps - this was tough! bad front rack = no pop back to the overhead after the final lunge

Topped my evening off by investing some time working my handstand positioning and standing back tuck with the JHS Cheerleaders gymnastics coach! Very much a work in progress, but it's better than it was!

#crossfit #turnoutthights #we'llbeback
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1rdK7WA

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday September 24th, 2014

A. 6 x 1 push press, 1 push jerk, 1 split jerk. #185-#185-#185-#190-#195-#200

B. Clean pulls, 3 x 3 #215-#215#-#225

 then: 6 sets:
3 deadlifts #265, :20 AD 100%. Rest 3:30 -

stayed in the 600+watt range on AD, but recovery felt good #crossfit

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1xe8y8x

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday September 23rd, 2014

2 rounds NFT: 
8 strict TTB
12 alt pistols
8 walking lunges, #53/hand

No issues with movements, other than the pistols, these are still a struggle!

A. 1 squat clean, 2 hang squat clean, 4 front squats: 4 sets, rest 2:00

Felt solid, went #185-#190-#195-#200

B. 1 arm DB row, 3 x 12 reps, rest :60 between each arm

used #70 on these, felt solid

4 rounds:
10 Power cleans #135
10 ring dips
rest 1:30

Power Cleans felt good, cycle time felt good, the dips were a bit of a mess.


Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday September 22nd, 2014

A. Snatch clusters: 4 x 1.1.1 :15 between reps. (#145-#155#165-#170)

These were ok, #165 and #170 were a bit ugly at times

B. 1-1/4 back squat. 2-2-2-2 rest 3:00 (#235-#245-#255-#265)

Not issues, except that I misloaded the last set (was supposed to add 2 10s to make it #275, and forgot to put a 10 on the left side, I can't math!)

 then For time:
6 Bar muscle ups (unbroken)
8 wall walks
10 wallball #30
100m farmers carry 110#
10 wall ball #30
8 wall walks
6 bar muscle ups(3-1-1-1)

Finished in 6:17 - very happy with the bar muscle ups, felt pretty solid. I didn't push the pace on the secon d set of wall walks, tried to have enough for the bar MUs. Hit 3-1-1-1 on those to finish, I broke them to make sure I didn't have any misses.

Then 10:00 Z1 Cooldown #crossfit #morningcrew

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1wFmBRw

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Just a few days...

Hard to believe that 14 days of the 2014 - 2015 school year have gone by so far...#crazyfast.
Here is a recap of my last 3 days of training:

A. Split jerk from blocks: EMOM 10 x 2 reps, - 

#175 - these felt ok.

B. Deficit clean grip deadlift 3" x 3 reps, 31X1; rest as needed
used #315 on these, grip started to fail at rep 3.

EMOM 12:
Evens: pullup/ctb/bar MU combo
Odds: 10 KBS #70
I only connected on 3 of the 6 MUs. Still a mess on those!
3 x :15 sec. AD Sprint (97%)
2:45 easy

Hit for 12 - 14 calories on this effort in the 15s...then I just hung on...

A. Snatch high-pull clusters: 6 x 1.1.1 :10 rest between 
#185 - #185 - #185 - #185 - #195 - #195 - these felt a bit slow, but ok. 

B. OHS from the ground 4 x 2 rest 2:00
Went #185 - #195 - #195 - #205 - I would have gone for #210, but I needed to get moving to get to work. 

8 min:
Row 150m - 30 DU - 5 HSPU

Finished 4 rounds, 150 m row and 30 DUs, went unbroken on kipping HSPU, should have pushed a bit faster to get 5.

rest 4mins
8 mins:
10 walk lunges - 10 kbs 53 - 8 TTB
Finished 7 rounds and 11 reps, I may have been about to get 1 rounds min, but it was solid. 

rest 4mins
8 mins:
2 MU - 7 GHD situps - 3 Power snatch #115

Hit 6 rounds, 2 MUs, and 2 GHD sit-ups. Solid throughout, all doubles on the MU, no misses, T&G on the Snatch, surprisingly the GHD sit-ups were the hard part!

rest 4mins

8 mins:
Row for cals maintain same pace entire time -  I didn't have time to do the full 8 minutes, I had to get showered and get into the office. I hit 20ish calories/minute for the short time I was able to row. 

Friday: Rest - I hit 30 minutes of mobility before heading off the watch the Ironmen play Waverly on football. Felt good to get some mob work done!

A. HBBS 10 x 2 - 2 reps every minute

used #245 - these all felt very solid today. 

B. Strict press: 4 x 2 31X1

#135 - #135 - #140 - #140 - these were a struggle, felt tweaky in my right shoulder, didn't feel smooth at all. Feeling weak in the strict press right now. 

9 DB STO #65
7 Sandbag to bar
2 legless rope climbs
50' KB OH walking lunge #45/53
10 CTB
5 5" deficit HSPU
5 Snatch, #135

rest as needed then repeat  

round 1 - 4:39
round 2 - 4:49

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday September 1st, 2014


A. Snatch tech work. 1 snatch + 2 drop snatch. 

Worked up to #125, missed the second drop-snatch at #135 (couldn't lock it out).

B. 1-1/4 back squat. 4-4-4-4 rest 

#185 - #215 - #235 - #235 - those got tough toward the end of the last set.

"Karen" 150 wall balls for time.

finished in 6:42 - hit 20, then stuck with 10s til 100, broke into 5s and 6s then, finished with 2 sets of 9. Got a bit messy with this, didn't make a solid pace plan going into it, just winged it. The last time I did 150 wall balls was at  the beginning of 13.3 when I finished those in 8:12.

10:00 Z1 cooldown in which I just kept moving.