Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday June 21st

A. Back Squat - 8 sets of 2 every minute / with the knee issue, I worked up to 255 for double and didn't get to far below parallel. 

B. Snatch (power) - 3x3 @#135, 2x2 @#145 - solid, focused on pulling speed and not moving feet. I felt good so I worked up to a #165 double

C. Close Grip Bench Press - 5-3-1 - #205-#225-#235 - these felt solid

D. Deadlift - 5-3-1 - worked up to #275 to warm-up for the metcon

Then for time;
6 sets 
5 deadlifts #185
400 meter run
90s rest

Finished in 17:50, runs got tough.  Was around 1:40ish for all rounds.  Knee was ok during this.  

Friday, June 20, 2014

Knees Please

I've been dealing with some knee swelling this week. I've had it in the past, but it's never lingered this long. This really affected my training this week. It's doing better now, but I'm gonna take it easy through weekend and the next week while I'm on vacation.

A. HBBS - 3 x 10 - went to parallel with #185, #215, and #255. Knee is ok, til i try to get below parallel.

B. Hang snatch (below knee) 2 sets of 3 at 75%, 3 x 3 @ 80% - #125, #135 - these felt solid, I was able to get decent depth on this one.

C. Heaving snatch balance + 1 OHS - 2 sets at 70%, 2 sets at 75% - used #140 and #150, this was ok as well.

D. Deadlift: 1-1-1-1-1-1 - went to #355 not issues, but was probably a little "backy".


2:00 max distance yoke carry (#375) - went for #75 meters (turned every 25m)
rest 2:00 
2 minutes max carry #88 Kettlebell on shoulder - went 200m (turned every 25) 
2 min rest
2 minutes max distance farmer carry #110+ per hand - went #150m (turned every 25m)


A. Jerk: 2 x 3 @70%, 3 x 3 @80% - #165, #190 - the felt solid.

B. Push Press: 3 sets of 4 @85%, 1 set of 3 @90% - #185, #195 - felt solid on these, I was looking back on TimeHop and saw that a year ago I worked up to a heavy single of #185, and I remember being ecstatic that I was able to hit that. A year later I'm hitting a triple oat #10 more than that! Even with the knee issue, I need to remain focused on the positive!

C. Weighted dip: work up to a max single in 15 minutes - PR'd this one at #108, I may have been able to hit a bit more, but this was very solid!


8 minute Amrap: 100 DU, 10 KBS (70), 10 burpees, 10KBS, 10burpees, 10KBS. 100 DUs to repeat the cycle. 

I was able to get back to 8 KBS on the second round, this was tougher than I though, never thought the DUs were going to end!


A. Progressive heavy 50m sled drags, left off the squat today to give the knee a rest. Worked up to #251 on these.

B. Hang clean (below knee), 2 sets of 3 @75%, 3 x 3 @85% - #175, #200 - these were ok.

C. SLDL - 3 sets of 5@70% (of backsquat) - #235 - solid, no issues with these


6 sets. 5 UB hang clean and jerks @ #135, 15 AirDyne Calories (bad knee up on peg), 50 meter sled drag at ##141; rest 2:00 - I was finishing each round in under 2 minutes. Not bad considering I was taking it easy on the knee.


A. Power Snatch 2 sets of 3 at 70%, 2 sets of 3 at 75% - #115, #125 - these were very solid.

B. Power Clean and Power Jerk: 2 sets of 3 at 70% (of clean), 2 sets of 3 at 75% - #165, #175 - these felt solid today.

C. Snatch high-pull: 3 x 3 @ 80% - #135 - this wen ok.


4 sets unbroken reps;

15 Push-Press, #95, 15 pullups
I finished each round in under a minute, and stayed unbroken on each movement. Today was the best I've felt on pull-ups in a long time. Was able to hit butterfly (kinda) pull-ups on round 3-4 for most of the reps.

rest 4:00

400 sled drag: ##186 - kept it moving this week. Still very tough!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saturday June 14th, 2014

This was a rough one today. I'm dealing with swelling in my left knee. it feels like someone inflated a cuff around it. Very tight in the bottom positions. I had my friend who is an athletic trainer check and he felt there was no structural damage. It's probably some bursitis and some crepitus.

A. High Bar Back Squat- 8 sets of 3 @ 88%
#295 These were tough today. Really felt pressure at the bottom.

B. Snatch: 1 set of 3 @75%, 1 set of 3 at 80%, 1 set of 2 @85%, 2 x 2 @80%
#125, #135, #140, #135 - these felt good today, I'm still catching and riding down, but feeling more solid.

C1. Close-grip bench press 3-3-3 (21X1) rest 2:00 - went #185, #205, #225 these were tough at the end.

C2. Deadlift - 3-2-1 rest 2:00 built to #335 for a single

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wednesday and Thursday June 11th -12th, 2014


A. High Bar Back Squats 5 x 5 at #280
These were a bit rough today, got a little stuck on rep 4.

B. Hang Squat Clean (below knee) 2 sets of 3 at #165, 1 set of 3 at #175, 2 sets of 2 at #185
These felt good, I'm still getting the bar high and kind of riding it down.

C. Clean pull from riser 4 sets of 3 at #225
These feel very awkward, not sure if I'm getting them quite right.

D. SLDL: 1 set of 5 at 65%; 2 sets of 5 at #225
These felt more solid than previous weeks.


12:00 AMRAP - 3 muscle ups, 6 burpees, 9 CTB pullups, 27 UB double unders.
I was able to finish 5 full rounds. Rounds 1 and 2 were unbroken for the muscle ups, after that I would fail on the third attempt. I broke the ctb pull-ups up into 5-4 or 3-3-3, these are tough on me. All the DUS went unbroken.


A. Power Snatch 1 set of 3 at #110, 2 sets of 3 at #115, 1 set of 2 at #125
Felt solid, no issues.

B. Power Clean and Power Jerk: 1 sets of 3 at #155, 2 sets of 3 at #165, 1 set of 1 at #175
These felt a bit rough today. Don't feel real smooth on the jerk portion of the lift.

C. Snatch High-pull, 1 set of 3 at #125, 2 sets of 3 #135
Felt ok, no issues.


10:00 AMRAP

25 meter farmers carry (#110 per hand)
8 clean and jerks #95
8 Burpees jumping to a plate (2 #15s)

I was able to get through 5 rounds and the farmer's carry and 7 clean and jerks. The clean and jerks felt extremely light today, almost threw it all the way overhead on the first one. I was on pace for 6 full rounds at the 5 minute mark. I fell off on the second 5 minutes.

400 sled drag - #206

I bit off a much on the sled drag. The weight was very tough. I struggled to keep it moving and stopped more than I wanted. I should have went lighter on this one. First time sled drag mistake, next time will be more on point.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday June 10th, 2013

A. Jerk (Split): 2 sets of 3 at 70%, 1 set of 3 at 75%, 2 sets of 2 @80%
#165, #180, #190 - these felt ok, felt solid dropping into the split.

B. Push press: 1 set of 4 @80%, 3 sets of 3 @ 85%
#175, #185 - the sets at #185 were a grind at the end, just kept telling myself that is where the improvement comes. You have to push and finish strong.

C. Snatch High-pull, 2 sets of 5 @ 75%, 2 sets of 5 @80%
#135, #140 - didn't feel like I was getting as low as I should, felt I had to much early arm pull.

Then5 Min AMRAp: 
15 KBS (#70), 15 Pushups (hand release)
Finished with 4 rounds, 15 KBS and 2 hand release push-up. The KBS went unbroken for all 5 sets, and the first round of push-ups was solid, and then proceeded to kick my tail!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday June 9th, 2014

A. High Bar Back Squat - 3 sets of 10 at 73%
#245 - first round was a bit tough, might have been the 46 miles and 3000 feet of climbing on the CX bike yesterday. Round 2 went better, and I started to run out of steam a bit on round 3. My knee was a bit swollen, but I think it may be from a slight tweak in the hamstring. I didn't have any knee pain while performing any of the movements.

B. Hang snatch (below knee). 2 sets of 3 @70%, 1 set of 3 at 75%, 2 sets of 2 @80%.
#115, #125, #135 - these felt pretty solid, still pulling way high and not getting under quick enough, but I think I'm getting better. It feels smoother and "hit-able"

C. heaving snatch balance + OHS. 1+2 reps x 2 sets at 70%, 1+1 reps x 2 sets at 75% (of OHS)
#140, #150 - the first 3 set felt good, got a bit stuck on the second set of #150, couldn't quite drop under, but I kept going until I finished them

D. Deadlifts - 3-2-1-1-1 rest 3:00
I worked up to #355 for a heavy-ish single, wasn't going to push past my form on these.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The week that was

I have gotten a bit behind the curve posting this week, so I'm just doing a summary.


A. Back Squat (high bar) - 3 sets of 10 @ 70% 1RM 
I used #235, weight wasn't an issue, I got spent a bit toward the end.

B. Hang Snatch (below knee). 2 sets of 3 @ 70%, 3 x 3 @ 75%
#115, #120 - these felt good, really solid at these weights

C. 1 Heaving snatch balance + 2 OHS. 2 sets at 65% (of OHS). 2 sets at 70%
#135, #145 - these felt solid, I probably need to retest the OHS for a max.

D. Work up to a max deadift in no more than 15 minutes
I worked up to #385, #20 less than my PR, I may have been able to pull that again, but I felt a "backy" on these today, so I stopped so that I'd be able to train the rest of the week. 


A. Jerk: 2 sets of 3 at 70%, 3 x 3 @ 75%
#165, #180 - these felt pretty good today.

B. Push Press: 3 sets of 4 at 80%, 1 set 3 at 85%
#160, #170 - felt smoother on these than last week. I was able to keep my feet set and not leave the floor on these.

C. Snatch High pull 4 sets of 5, 75% of snatch max
#125 - these felt fine


5 rounds: 50 DU's, 12 KB Snatch/Arm, #53
I finished these in 9:07 was unbroken on my first and last rounds of DUs. I went unbroken on the KB Snatch, I found a rhythm on these, my technique is getting better.


A. HBBS 5 x 5 @80%
#270 - these were tough toward the end.
B. Hang clean, (below knee) 2 sets of 3 at 70%, 3 x 3 75%
#170, #180 - felt ok, not quite as quick as last week.

C. Clean pull from 2" riser, 2 sets of 3 @ 90% (of clean), 2 sets of 3 at 95% of clean
#215,  #230 - these feel awkward still.

D. Stiff Legged DL: 3 sets of 5 at 65% of backsquat max
#205 -  these felt ok.

Session 2 - Crossfit Countdown

After a visit to the dentist, I met up with Gerald Sasser and John Davis at Crossfit Countdown in Ashland. I told John the next time I was in the area, I'd drop-in and train with him. They were hitting a workout that Spencer Arnold had come up with:

For time:
50 DUs
15 KBS #53
30 foot handstand walk (I subbed 10 shoulder touches on the wall in handstand)
100 m farmer carry (2x#53 kbs)
75 DUs
20 KBS
60 foot HS walk (subbed 12 shoulder touches)
100 m farmer carry'
100 DUs
25 KBS
90 foot HS walk (subbed 14 shoulder touches)
100 m farmer carry

I finished in 10:37. I was able to stay unbroken on the 50s, 75s DUs, and broke at 82 on the 100s. I stayed unbroken on all KBS. The most shoulder touches I strung together was 6 in the second round. Felt solid afterwards, would be interesting to retest this after getting HS walks!

After this John and I hit a climbing sets of 1 push press, 1 push jerk, 1 split jerk. Goal was to keep adding weight til failure. I worked up to #205 successfully for all three movements. I did hit #215 on the push press (new PR for me!)

It was cool to workout at a different spot with some cool people!


A. Power Snatch 2 sets of 3 at 65%, 2 sets of 3 at 70%
#105, 115 - these felt solid, focused on little feet movement.

B. Power Clean and Power Jerk: 2 sets of 3 at 65% (of clean), 2 sets of 3 at 70%
#155, #165 0 these felt pretty good.

C. Snatch high-pull: 3 x 3 @ 75%
#125 - felt solid


20 m yoke carry #375
5 bar MU
20m yoke carry
4 bar MU
etc down to 1.

Finished in 6:04. This was interesting, really concentrated on being solid under the yoke and not rushing (definitely felt some new soreness the next day). I went unbroken on the first 5 MUs, 3-1, 2-1, 2, 1 for the remainder. I failed on 3 MU attempts on round 3, couldn't seem to get hip pop on the failures.


Rest, I usually hit a mobility session, but I've been neglecting this and I can feel the toll!


A. HBBS - 8 sets of 3 @ 85%
#285 - these felt very tough today.

B. Snatch: 3x3@75%, 2x2@80%
#125, #135 - these felt pretty solid, had a fail at #125, solid on the #135s

C. Deadlift: 3-3-2-2-1-1 rest 3:00
worked up to #345 today, these didn't' feel good at all, bar was bending, but the bumpers didn't!


3 rounds:

400m row, 30 sec easy, 30 sec sprint
10 Hang Power cleans, #135

Finished in 6:30 and felt awful! First set of rows was ok, (1:50s and 1:30s), dropped to 1:50s, 1:40s for second, and could barely keep anything under 2:00 for the last round, didn't have any juice on this. Felt totally out of shape on this session.
This felt like the worst day of training I've had in a long while. My left knee is a bit swollen, gonna see how that responds to a "rest day" on Sunday.