Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday June 20th, 2016

06.20 A. Hang squat clean, build to a heavy but crisp single - #235...I think this was a PR from the hang!

B. Front squat, 3 x 3, 22X1; 3:00 rest #235...still terrible!

C. Weighted strict ring pull-ups w/false grip, 2-2-1-1, 21X0; 2:00 rest 44-44-53-53

+ 5 sets:
10 CTB pull-ups(unbroken)
10 thrusters, 100(unbroken)

:60 rest

400m row @ 90% aerobic
:60 rest

CTB getting a bit better...

+ 3 sets not for time:

4-6/side light/moderate Powell raises, 30X0

:60 front leaning rest on rings - very tough! #CrossFit #crossfitmasters

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday June 13th, 2016

All the weights felt heavy this morning...I'll blame it on the travel and good vacation food...yeah that's it...

A. Front squat, 3 x 4, 22X1; 3:00 rest #225 - felt awful! very tough for me today, kept losing front rack!

B. 1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean, 5 x 1 all moderate & fast out of the hole; :60-:90 rest #205 - felt ok...

C. Weighted strict ring pull-ups w/false grip, 3 x 2-3, 21X0; 2:00 rest #35

3 sets:
15 pull-ups(all unbroken)
15 thrusters, 95(all unbroken)
:60 rest
500m row @ 90% aerobic
:60 rest

:54 and 1:50 row
:54 and 1:51 row
:55 and 1:51 row

Best the pull-ups have felt in a long while. Dropped the pace just a bit on the row today.

3 sets not for time:
6-8/side light/moderate Powell raises, 30X0 #15
:45 front leaning rest on rings

Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday June 6th, 2016

A. Front squat, 2-2-1-1, 40X1; 3:00 rest 255-260-265-270 - these all felt solid, may have been able to hit 275...

B. Squat clean, build quickly to a moderate/tough single for the day - #225...ehhh, not feeling real confident above 225 right now...feeling slow...catch was a bit iffy so I didn't go higher

C. Weighted strict ring pull-ups w/false grip, 3 x 3-4, 20x0; 2:00 rest 35 - ehh...I think these were a bit better, but not sure...


3 sets:
9 pull-ups
9 thrusters, 95
6 pull-ups
6 thrusters, 95
:60 rest
500m row @ 90% aerobic
:60 rest

1:02(1:44 row)
1:00(1:45 row)
1:03(1:45 row)

still ugly pull-ups...but a bit better I think. I did the thrusters unbroken, last set of 9 was a bit spicy. The row was ok...


3 sets not for time:

4-6/side light DB external rotation, 30X0 #15
:45 front leaning rest on rings

these felt ok

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Saturday June 4th, 2016

A. Power snatch, build quickly to a heavy single - 175 pull felt strong, catch was ugly! Didn't have 185 in me today...

B. Single-leg KB straight-leg deadlift, 3 x 4-6/leg as heavy as possible w/perfect positions (big hip hinge, neutral back, no reaching w/arm), 21X1; :90 between legs 70-88-88...felt really good today

C. Close-grip bench press, 3-3-3, 20X1 - note there is no pause @ chest this week; 2:00 rest - 205-215-215

D. Strict handstand push-ups, 15 x 3 unbroken - not for time, but keep rest minimal missed reps, rest was between :30 and :45...not too long ago 50 SHSPU took me over 30 minutes...#progress

+ 3 rounds for time:
64 double-unders
16 burpees
4 med ball to shoulders, #150

6:29...ouch! Didn't go over the shoulder, Just stood it up with control...not sure if the time was solid or not...I just tried to keep moving.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday June 1st, 2016


5:00 alternating KB windmills, moderate & steady - I used at #44 and got pretty warmed up...

A. Front squat, 8 x 2 @ 60% 1RM, 10X1; begin a set every :60 #185 - felt solid

B. 1-arm DB rows, 3 x 10-12/arm, 20X0; :60 - 70-75-80(11)

10:00 @ 90%:
.5 mile Assault Bike(around 400 watts)
10 KB walking lunges, 70/hand
10 glute-ham sit-ups - flet good in rounds 3 and 4

4 rounds - probably should have used the dumbbells on the lunge...the KBs kept touching the ground...and those lunges were tough!


3 sets not for time:
15 unweighted hip extensions
:30 ring dip support in external rotation - goal is palms forward