Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday May 31st, 2014

A. Back Squat 3 sets of 3 @ 80% (#270) - these felt a bit rough this morning. Legs felt tired. Probably poor nutrition, less sleep over the past couple days, and spending nearly 13 hours in a car between Thursday and Friday.

B. Snatch (Squat): 2 sets of 3 @70% (#115), 3 sets of 2 @ 75% (#125) - these felt fairly solid as I got loose during them, had a miss, but ok otherwise I felt.

C. Clean (Squat) & Jerk: 2 sets of 3 @ 70%, 3 sets of 2 @ 75% - tried to get under the bar quickly, and did ok for the most part, but I felt fatigued on these, very badly. Didn't have the ability to cycle these very quickly today.

4 rounds for time:
50 double unders, 20 KBS #70

6:47 -  I was totally gased on this one. Broken on the DUs, missed a couple in round 1 so I broke them before they broke me (for the most part) in rounds 2, 3, and 4. I was able to do the KBS unbroken. My first round was 1:20 and 1:40 for round two(don't have the splits for the other two due to clock on phone being covered by a text message). I am a bit off for the time being as I try to get stronger, but I should be able to knock this one out fully unbroken and sub 6 minutes. Just didn't have it on this one today. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Wednesday and Thursday May 28-29, 2014

WEDNESDAYA. High Bar Back Squat 5 x 5 @75% (#255) - felt good. I felt I was going lower than it looks on video. I pleased with my depth progress in my squat. 
B. Hang Clean (just above knee) 5 sets of 3 @ 70% (#170) - these felt very solid today. 
C. Clean pull from 2" riser 4 sets of 3 @ 90% of clean (#215) - interesting, had to get low. Still need to work on that pop off the quads/hips. 
D. Stiff Leg Dead Lift (3 sets of 5 @ 60% of back squat 1rm) (#155) - these felt awkward, but I could feel it in my hammys later in the day. 

A. Power Snatch: 4 sets of 3 @ 65% (#110) - felt solid this week. 
B. Power Clean + Power (not split) jerk. 4 sets of 3 @65% of PC max) #165 - these felt better as I progressed through the rounds. 
C. Snatch high pull = 2 sets of 3@ 70% (#115), 1 set of 3 @ 75% (#125) - these were fine

5 rounds for time:
8 pull ups
8 ring push ups

I finished this in 2:23, stayed unbroken on pull-ups and ring push-ups. I couldn't seem to get a smooth rhythm for the pull-ups. After a couple of reps, I felt like I was fighting myself! I need to get "turned out" at the top of those ring push-ups. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday May 27th, 2014

A. Jerk - 5 sets of 3 @ 70% 1RM (#165)

These felt a bit smoother than previous weeks.

B. Push press - 2 sets of 5 @75% (#150), 2 sets of 4 at 80% (#160)
These were ok.  Caught myself looking at the bar.  Front rack needs work in these and Jerk.

C. Snatch high-pull, 2 sets of 5 at 70% (#115), 2 sets of 5 at 75% (#120)
These went ok. Need to really drive through my feet.  A bit soft in the bottom.

4 rounds for time
400m row
10 1-arm KB clean & press (per arm) 1.5 pood

Finished in 10:46.  The rows stay mostly in the mid 1:40s on this, but on rounds 3 and 4, the final 200m pushed it up to 1:50.  Couldn't really sustain that low 1:40-1:30 pace like I had hoped on these. The KB C&J went good.  Unbroken on all with the right arm, broke once on each of the first two rounds then finished unbroken on 3 & 4.  Felt stronger with the single arm than in previous weeks.  

Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday May 26h, 2014

A. High Bar Back Squats3 sets of 10 @ 65% 1RM 

#220 on these today, go a bit fatigued on the final couple of reps. Otherwise no issues.

B. Hang Snatch 5 sets of 3 @70% 1RM 

#115 on these from the hang, felt pretty good.

C. Snatch Pull from a 2" riser. 4 sets of 3 at 90% of 1RM

#145 - forgot to raise them up. Pulled as high as I could, tried to get tight in the bottom.

D. 1 heaving snatch balance + 2 OHS - 4 sets

#125 - #135 - started with #125 and it felt fine, went to #135 and it went fine as well. I need to drive and drop low on the balance instead of riding it down!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday May 19th, 2014

Beginning the deload week!
A. Snatch - 5 sets of 2, 60% 1RM
#100 - felt pretty good.

B. Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 60%
#145 - fell good, I felt like I got some more pop off the shoulder in the jerk on the last couple of sets. 

C. Back Squats 3 sets of 2 @ 50% 1RM. Focus on acceleration
#165 - felt fast, looked slow...isn't that always the case!

50 Burpees for time

Finished in 1:47, same time as last week. Looks like the wall for now...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday May 15th, 2014

Power Snatch - 1 set of 3 @65% 1RM, 2 sets of 3 @70%, 1 set of 3 at 75%
#110 - #115 - #125 - these all felt solid today, better than usual. 

Power Clean - 1 set of 3 @65% 1RM, 2 sets of 3 @70%, 1 set of 3 at 75%#155 - #170 - #180 - all of these felt good as well. Front rack still has a ways to go.

Power Jerk - 1 set of 3 @65% 1RM, 2 sets of 3 @70%, 1 set of 3 at 75%#155 - #165 - #175 - the first set of these felt awful. Had no technique or rhythm. The subsequent sets felt somewhat better, but I didn't like how these went today.

Snatch High-Pull - 5 sets of 3 @75%#125 - these felt pretty good, it was nice finishing with a better feeling than the jerks left me with today.
5 (2-4-6 rep) ladders:
Pulups, Ring dip.
2 pullups, 2 dips, 4 pullups, 4 dips, 6 pullups, 6 dips = 1 ladder. Repeat 5x.

I finished in 5:34 on this one. Going in I thought my grip would go, but really it was the shoulders tiring out during the ring dips. I was all over the place on the dip, too much wasted motion.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday May 14th, 2014

A. Back Squat - 5 sets of 5 at 83% 1RM
#260 for 4 sets, and #270 for 1 set. I used the weight belt for this one today, my back felt a bit tweaky so I wanted to be sure to protect it on these. I felt solid coming out of the bottom on these. 

B. Block (or hang) Clean (mid-thigh) - 3 sets of 5 @70%
#170 - #175 - #180 - I broke these into singles in the first set, a double and singles in set 2 and 3. These felt better today than last week. I still need to get more comfortable in the front rack and dropping under the bar. Just need to get out of my own head on these.

C. Halting Clean Deadlift - 85% (of clean) x 3 x 3
#215 - went fine, tried to get comfortable in these.


EMOM 10 minutes: 3 Muscle Ups

I held all sets to 3 unbroken. I had a blister develop on my 9th set of these. Otherwise these felt good, and I think my endurance for these has increased a lot in the past several months. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday May 13th, 2014

A. Jerk behind the neck - 3 sets of 3 @75% of jerk 1RM, 2 sets of 3 @ 80%.

#175 and #190 - these felt better today, especially on the catch after each rep. I felt like I was getting lower on the split. 

B. Push Press - 1 set of 5 @75% 1Rm, 2 sets of 5 @ 80%, 1 set of 5 @ 85%
#150, #160, #170 - these felt solid, although looking at the video, I was breaking by over-arching my lower back, I need to keep that tight and solid.

C. Jerk dip squat - 85% (of jerk) 3 sets of 5.
#205 - these felt better, second and third sets felt better in the rack position.


Amrap 5:00

5 1-arm KBS/arm

5 1-arm KB clean and push press/arm
5 1-arm KB snatch/arm. #53

I finished with 3 full rounds and 11 reps, I can definitely tell that my left side is weaker than my right.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday May 12th, 2014

A. Back Squat - 3 x 10 @ 73% of 1RM. 
#235 - #235 - #240 - I finished with #240 and felt ok, got a little fatigued near the end of the sets. I think my depth is improving

B. Hang snatch - 5 sets of 3 reps at 70%.
#95 - #115 - #115 - #115 - #120 - these felt better than the last couple of weeks.

C. Halting Snatch Deadlift  - 85% (of snatch) , 3 x 3 @ 85%
#140 - these felt fine. 

D. Overhead Squat - 5 x 3 @ 70%
#135 - #135 - #135 - #135 - #145 - I felt like I could get low and felt stable on these today. 


50 Burpees for time

I was able to sub-1:50 on this one, finishing in 1:47. I kept a solid pace and didn't lose it today. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday May 7th, 2014

A. Back Squat - 5 sets of 5 at 80% 1RM

#255 - these felt heavy toward the end, but I held depth without Oly shoes on these.

B. Hang Squat Clean - 2 sets of 5 @65%, 3 sets of 3 @70%

#155 and #165 for these. The squat clean were a mixed bag. Some felt ok, some felt sloppy, and I may have tweaked my back just a bit on them.

C. Halting Clean Deadlift - 80% (of clean) x 3 x 3, 85% s sets of 3

#195 and #205 - These were fine, I'm trying to get comfortable in the positions. 


"1/2 Nate"
10 minutes @
2 muscleups
8 KBS@ #70

I finished with 6 full rounds and 1 muscle up. I was able to be unbroken on all the muscle ups and kettlebell swings. HSPUs are the big limiter for me right now. I went unbroken on the first set, and broke the others up into 2s, or singles. i had 1 fail. I took time between and didn't rush and fail multiple reps. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday May 6th, 2014

A. Jerk behind the neck - 5 sets of 3 @75% of jerk 1RM
 - 175 - I felt like I was able to get lower throughout these today, not that I didn't have a few wobbly reps. 

B. Push Press - 2 sets of 5 @75% 155 1Rm, 2 sets of 5 @ 80% 
- 155 - 165 - These felt felt better than last week, and the best "feeling" set was the last at #165. 

C. Jerk dip squat - 85% (of jerk) 3 sets of 5
-  205 - went fine, got a bit anxious on the last set. Also, my front rack has a long way to go!


3 rounds for time:
10 pullups
350m row

Finished in 5:35, felt good on the first row (held in the 1:30s) and fell into the 1:40s for the second and third. The pull-ups felt strained. Tired shoulders on this one!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday May 5th, 2014

A. Back Squat - 3 x 10 @ 70% of 1RM. Rest 2:00

#220 - these went fine, depth is getting more comfortable. I wore the knee sleeves today to give me some support(my knees were a bit achy).

B. Hang snatch (mid-thigh) - 2 sets of 3 reps @ 105 - 65% of 1RM, 3 sets of 3 reps at 115 70%

#105 and #115 - these felt better this week. I still need to work that shoulder mobility and getting under the bar quickly into lockout. I am riding the bar down.

C. Halting Snatch Deadlift (hip) - 80% (of snatch) x 2 x 3, 2 x 3 @ 85% 140

#140 - #145 - these taxed me a bit. I tried to poscus on being solid in the pulls and not rushing, just feeling each position.

D. Overhead Squat - 2 sets of 3 reps at 65% of 1RM, 3 x 3 @ 70% -

#135 - #145 - these felt retty good, i was a bit off balance a couple of times.

50 Burpees for time.

1:56 (again) - these felt better, didn't check pace at the 1 minute mark today. I think I can get that time down, and see what happens when I speed up my rhythm.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Saturday May 3rd, 2014

Back Squat - 8 X 3 @ 80% rest 2:00 - #255
These felt ok, no oly shoes and no knee sleeves

Snatch - 2 x 3 @70% , 3 x 2 @75% #95-115
These didn't feel very solid. Several misses. Probably needed a better warm-up series for these.

Clean & Jerk -2 x 3 @70% , 3 x 2 @75% #175
I ended up power cleaning these, should have went full squat clean. Didn't feel comfortable on these.

Snatch High-Pull - 70% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 - #135
These didn't feel quite as solid as Thursday.  

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wednesday April 30th, 2014


A. Back Squat - 5 sets of 5 at 75% 1RM

#230 - These went without the Oly shoes. I feel that my mobility is improving, though I have a long way to go!

B. Hang Clean - 5 sets of 5 @65% 1RM

#185 - these went ok.  I tried to work on keeping my arms extended the end of the pull.  These feel a bit better than previously.

C. Halting Clean Deadlift - 80% (of clean) x 3 x 3

#195 - these went ok. I need to get comfortable in these positions.  I worked to get it into a good spot.

then:8 min. amrap @85%: 12 STO #115 Axel, 30 DU, 2 MU

4 rounds and 42 reps (didn't have time for the final 2 MUs). Round 1 went unbroken and 2-3 went 6-6, and unbroken on the DUs and MUs.  I failed on a MU on round 4, didn't stay tight on the transition and my arm went out to the side. Round 5 was much the same and ran out of time on the 5th MUs. I felt a bit smoked on the STO.  

Thursday May 1st, 2014


Power Snatch - 4 sets of 3 @65% 1RM
#115 - these felt ok. I tried to keep my feet from moving too much and am continuing to not use the oly shoes for right now, to improve my mobility and positioning without the extra aid.

Power Clean - 4 sets of 3 @65% 1RM
#155 - really tried to get under and release my grip on the catch. Lots of work to go for this one.

Power Jerk - 4 sets of 3 @65% 1RM
#155 - I feel I have a lot of solid technique work to invest on this one. I'm not dropping under and I need to use the pop off of my shoulders more.

Snatch High-Pull - 70% x 3 x 3
#135 - this felt ok. High pulls are a "strength" of mine, it's just getting under and finishing that is real tough. I know this will add to my overall strength and get me where I want to be!

3 sets; no rest:
600 m row
15 DB push press - #55

I finished this in 10:38. I struggled on the push press. Went 10-5, 5s, and 8-4-3 on the last round. I don't feel quite as strong on the rower as I felt a year ago, probably because my overall rowing volume is lower.

Tuesday April 29th, 2014

A. Jerk behind the neck - 5 sets of 3 @70% of jerk 1RM
I used #145 for this one. Felt ok. Hand was ok. The return from the jerk to the high back position is not real comfortable.

B. Push Press - 4 sets of 5 @75% 1Rm push press #155

These felt really heavy!

C. Jerk dip squat - 80% (of jerk) 3 sets of 5. #195

These were different. I expect this will get me more comfortable under the weight.


3 rounds for time:

50 double unders
15 pull-ups

Finished in 4:00. Pull-ups were the sticking point, went 15, then 8-7 and in 5s for the last round. I broke at 30 on the first set due to wardrobe malfunction (i.e. forgot to tie my shorts, which reminded me of the very first competition I was a part of and had the same thing happen. Of course in that comp, I barely had double unders.). The next two sets were as usual.