Monday, February 2, 2015

#knowledgebombs #Repost @crossfit_weightlifting with @repostapp.
What makes a good lifter great? CONSISTENCY. We've talked about finding consistency in positions on both snatch and clean and jerk. But, have you ever thought what your day to day activities do to enhance or hurt your lifts? How many of you sit at a desk all day (tightening up your quads and hamstrings), typing on a computer (where your shoulders roll forward and your upper back rounds), and then you come to the gym and expect to achieve optimal positions when all day long, you've worked against it? Let's face it, life often gets in the way, we get busy, and we forget (or neglect) mobility and utilizing the very best positions. Let's take a look at Chad Vaughn's positions. The photo on the left is from the Olympics (Chad is a two-time Olympian); photo on the right, is Chad coaching a few months ago at an Advanced Weightlifting Course. What do you notice in the photo on the right? He's squatting, his feet are narrow and flat on the ground, and his torso is upright. There are few people who can squat this well on purpose, and Chad squats this way naturally, without even thinking about it. He didn't pose for this picture - he just squatted down to have a conversation. How in the world does Chad squat like this naturally? First and foremost, he's drilled perfect technique. It doesn't matter if Chad is snatching 300 lbs., or sitting in a Starbucks typing on his computer, or coaching athletes -- whether he stands, squats or sits, his torso is always is upright and in a perfect position. He has ZERO WASTED MOVEMENT all day long which translates into perfect positions and movement in his lifts. Want to be a more efficient lifter? Attack your mobility and daily positions as much as you do the positions in your lifts. PERFECT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Learn more about movement synergy from Chad and Matt Bruce at the Advanced Weightlifting Courses - register today at #synergy #crossfitweightlifting #crossfit #MWOD @olychad @brucebarbell @mikeburgener @mobilitywod

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