Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday February 17th, 2014


I would describe today as taking a step back then a step forward.

A.  Squat Snatch clusters 4 x (1.1.1) 15 seconds between rep

These felt very off today. Power snatching these would have been easy, but I just couldn't get myself connected to drop into that squat. My hamstrings felt tight, legs felt dead. I din't have much of a bounce in my step today. Looking back at yesterday, I spent around 4 hours in the car traveling and sitting around a lot. I also had caffeine very late (After 8:00 PM) and I my nutrition was off. I had some junk and didn't have high quality sources for fuel to be used this morning. I also need to be better warming up.  I went away from what was previously working for me on my snatch warm-up (I'm not going to do that again).

B. For time: 50 Chest to bar pull-ups.

I finished this in 2:56. These felt pretty solid. I went 7-6-5-5-5-2-4-4-3-3-2. I need to stick with 5 and stay in rhythm.


On a 5 minute clock: AMRAP - 30 Squat clean and jerks @165, 30 burpees over bar

I finished with a total of 25 reps (not counting the squat clean that I couldn't lock out overhead, which I re-squat cleaned). This was similar to 11.3 which I tested on January 9th and hit for 20 reps (40 points as scored in the open). Today I was hoping to get to the burpees (never thought I would say that!). I was on pace through the first two minutes of the work (13 reps before the 2 minutes were up). Then I seemed to fall off. I had really high hips on this, and I was really pulling with my arms which spent me for the overhead portion. I missed a rep late (couldn't get it locked out).  This weight seems to be a bit of a breaking point for me in some movements and when it shows up in a metcon situation. 

Excuse the video as it was a bit sketchy. 

I need to become more committed to taking care of myself outside of the workouts. I have 10 days to get things tightened up for the open. 

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