Barbells and Bikes
Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Friday, December 30, 2016
Looking forward to this!
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Can't pass up some fresh #AF1 ! #sneakerhead #airforce1
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Nice view for the evening!
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Friday! A) 3 sets @ very easy warm-up pace 2 rope climbs 10 burpee box jumps w/step-down, 24 B) Front squat build to a tough double for the day 275...not Oly shoes or belt! C) Every :60 for 24:00 (6 sets of each) 1st: 1 squat snatch starting @ 135 and building from there 2nd: 6 hang squat cleans, same weight as snatch 3rd: 9 unbroken toes-to-bar 4th: rest Finished the barbell at 175 D) max wattage erg test - same as last week take 2-4 attempts to establish the absolute highest wattage within :10 on the rower w/damper set to 10 - score as peak wattage 826 watts...slightly better this week! Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Wednesday...a little bit of everything... A) Every :60 for 10:00 (10 sets) 1 squat snatch starting @ 65% and building to 80-85% according to feel Fin shed with 2 at 175, get better than expected B) Every :60 for 10:00 (10 sets) 1 squat clean & split jerk starting @ 65% and building to 80-85% according to feel Finally shed at 210...felt ok C) For reps 2:00 strict handstand push-ups (11) 2:00 rest 2:00 kipping handstand push-ups(29) D) For time 20 alternating pistols 25 CTB pull-ups 30 glute-ham sit-ups 25 CTB pull-ups 20 alternating pistols 8:00...smh E) 3 rounds steady .5 mile Assault Bike 90m Farmer's walk, 70/hand 6:00ish #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Tuesday: A) Turkish get-ups build to a challenging sinlge/side 88 on each side B) 5 sets for even times, switch movement order each set 30m bear hug med ball carry 20 row calories 50 double-unders .3 mile Assault Bike 10 touch-and-go clean-grip deadlifts, 185 2:00 rest All between 3:00-3:25... C) For time 30 row calories @ 95-97% effort :59...felt better than I thought it would, held it to 1800-1900 c/h #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, December 26, 2016
Monday: A) Back squat 5-4-3-3 all tough but no misses, 20X1; 3:00 rest #280-390-305-310 B1) Close-grip bench press 3 x 3-4, 30X1; :90 rest 185-190-200(3) B2) Strict ring pull-up 3 x 4 (can add weight if tempo is held), 4010; :90 rest BW+10-15-15 C) 5 rounds - movement quality/efficiency over absolute speed 5 thrusters, 135 10 bar-facing burpees :30 rest 5 power cleans, 135 10 toes-to-bar - goals is 2 sets of 5 here :30 rest 15 Assault Bike calories @ 90% aerobic :30 rest 18:15 (:40-:50, :30ish, :60) D) 3 sets not for time 24 moderate band good mornings 24 light band face-pulls #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, December 25, 2016
Great Christmas morning spin on the bikes with these guys! #getoutside #bike #crossfit
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Saturday, December 24, 2016
Christmas Training... A) 3 sets not for time - treat as a general warm-up 1 rope climb 300m row 5m handstand walk B) For time(s) 9 muscle-ups (8-1 smh) 9 ground-to-overhead, 185 (singles) 2:03 5:00 rest 45 pull-ups (10-6-4-5-5-5-5-5) 45 wall balls, 20 to 10 (30-15) 4:32 5:00 rest 45 row calories (2:03) 135 double-unders (50-35-20-30) 4:05 C) 10:00 Assault Bike flush #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, December 23, 2016
Friday: Thad, Here's your workout for Friday, December 23, 2016: A) 3 sets @ very easy warm-up pace 1/side alternating Turkish get-ups, 53 .4 mile Assault Bike 6 burpee box jumps w/step-down, 30 B) Front squat 3-3-3 starting light and building so even last set is only moderate w/no grinding out of the hole, 20X1; 2:00 rest 185-225-235... C) Every :90 for 12:00 (8 sets) 1 squat snatch, start @ 65% and build to 80-85% max 135-170...went ok... D) Every :90 for 12:00 (8 sets) 1 squat clean & split jerk, start @ 65% and build to 80-85% max 155-200...these felt better today... E) max wattage erg test take 2-4 attempts to establish the absolute highest wattage within :10 on the rower w/damper set to 10 - score as peak wattage 806...weak sauce...smh...don't have that high end power... Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Wednesday...all the weights felt heavy... A) Every :90 for 12:00 (8 sets) 1 squat snatch starting @ 65% and building to 80-85% according to feel Finished at 170 B) Every :90 for 12:00 (8 sets) 1 squat clean & split jerk starting @ 65% and building to 80-85% according to feel Finished at 185...these are not smooth right now... C) AMRAP in 8:00 - quality & consistent sets over absolute speed 6 handstand push-ups (UB) 8 alternating pistols 10 CTB pull-ups (5-5) 4 and through 3 pistols on round 5... D) 3 rounds not for time 15 glute-ham sit-ups 60m Farmer's walk, 70/hand #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Tuesday! A) Turkish get-ups build to a challenging triple/side (working arm stays locked out throughout the 3 reps) jump would have been to 88... B) 5 sets for even times, switch movement order each set 500m row 40 double-unders 30m bear hug med ball carry 2:00 rest Right at 2:50 each set, closer to 3 of the row was in the middle C) For time 50 row calories @ 95% - hard but even effort w/no drop-off within the work period 1:54...1500-1600 cal/hour...26 cal in 1:00 close to it in second... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, December 19, 2016
Monday! A) Back squat 5-5-5, 20X1; building so only last set is above moderate; 3:00 rest 225-255-280 B1) Close-grip bench press 3 x 4-6, 30X1; :90 rest - 185 B2) Strict ring pull-up 3 x 6, 4010; :90 rest C) 3 rounds @ even, steady pace - think 80% 20 Assault Bike calories 20 Russian kettlebell swings, 70 20 Assault Bike calories 20 wall balls, 20 to 10 14:37 D) 3 sets not for time 20 moderate band good mornings 20 light band face-pulls ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, December 17, 2016
Four games at Athens HS today for the Ironmen and Ironladies...I think this will serve me well!
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Saturday: #OPEX Winter Challenge 00:00-12:00: AMRAP in 12:00: 11 bar-facing burpees 11 squat snatches, 95 9 bar-facing burpees 9 squat snatches, 125 7 bar-facing burpees 7 squat snatches, 155 5 bar-facing burpees 5 squat snatches, 185 Only made it through 3 of the Snatches at 185, failed the 4th as the time ran out... 12:00-15:00: rest 15:00-27:00: AMRAP in 12:00: 2 rounds of [2 muscle-ups + 4 handstand push-ups + 8 kettelbell swings @ 70] 5 squat clean thrusters, 155 3 rounds and 2 MU + 4 HSPU...thrusters were tougher than I expected... 27:00-30:00: rest 30:00-?: For time w/12:00 cap: 111 row calories, off every :60 for your choice of 5 toes-to-bar 7:29...thought I had a solid pace...just a bit more and I could have finished under 7:00..had 6 calories left when I went back to the TTB Then 10:00 very easy Assault Bike flush #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, December 16, 2016
Finishing the week out with a home Wrestling match vs. Wellston! #jhspositive
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'Tis the Season! #jhspositive
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Friday...couldn't quite get warmed-up and moving well today... A) 3 sets not for time 1 legless rope climb 1 rope climb (w/legs) 5-10m handstand walk 10 box jumps w/step-down, 24 B) Front squat build quickly to a moderate but fast single - stopped at 245 C) Squat snatch build quickly to a single @ 80% max - 165...ehhh...sketchy... D) Squat clean & split jerk build quickly to a single @ 70-80% max - 200...ugly transition to jerk, and slow on the jerk! Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, December 15, 2016
Scenes from the hike...#hike #getoutaide #crossfit
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Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Wednesday: A) 3 sets not for time 6-10 alternating pistols w/:01-:02 pause in the hole - approaching passable... 5 dragon flags B) Squat clean 8 x 1 building to a tough single - all crisp reps, no misses; begin a rep every 2:00 Finally he's at 235 C) Not for time - break, rest, and partition as desired/needed to ensure quality 50 strict ring dips 50 strict pull-ups (switch grip each break) Dips are better than pull-ups... D) For time 45 wall balls, 20 to 10 100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand 30 wall balls 100m Farmer's walk 15 wall balls 5:24 (all unbroken) #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Tuesday: A) Not for time 10 slow & controlled alternating Turkish get-ups, 35 B) 5000m row @ Z1 - 21:25 C) Not for time 10 slow & controlled alternating Turkish get-ups, 53 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, December 12, 2016
Someone hit his first ring muscle up tonight! Nice work @heathmckinniss #RISC
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Monday! A1) 1 & 1/4 back squat 1-1-1-1 building so last set is near-maximal; :90 rest 275-295-305-325 A2) Strict handstand push-ups 4 x 6, 10X1 - note tempo change; :90 rest 6-6-(5-1)-(4-2) B) 15:00 movement/skill practice - rest as needed to ensure you hit the rep counts muscle-ups (so mandatory break after the 4, the 3, and the double) ground-to-overhead, 135 (same as the muscle-ups, touch-and-go 4, touch-and-go 3, touch-and-go 2, then a single) 4 full rounds... C) 3 sets not for time 15 moderate band good mornings 15 light band face-pulls #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, December 10, 2016
2nd half set to start w/ Ironladies trailing by 2.
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Saturday: A) 3 sets not for time 3 rope climb (w/legs) 6 burpee box jump overs, 24 12 kipping handstand push-ups(all unbroken) B) Every 2:00 for 20:00 (10 sets) 1 power snatch + 2 hang power snatches, begin @ 115 and add a bit to end at a heavy set 115-125-135-140-145-150 C) Every 7:00 for 3 sets 6 touch-and-go power cleans, start @ 135 and build as long as reps stay fast 12 Assault Bike calories @ 97% - goal is best repeatable effort 6 burpees 1:04(135) 1:12(155) 1:03(185) - yeah...heaviest was the fastest...go figure... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, December 9, 2016
Another #cleansweep as the Ironmen pick up a great road win at Meigs! #jhspositive
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Friday: A) Front squat 5-5-5 build so last set is tough, 40X1; 3:00 rest 185-215-230...rough tempo... B) 1-arm DB row 3 x 4-5/side, 10X1; :45 between sides - #100 C) AMRAP in 8:00 4 squat snatches, 125 8 CTB pull-ups 32 double-unders 4 thrusters, 125 8 toes-to-bar 32 double-unders 2 rounds and through the thrusters in 3...couldn't cycle Snatches or CTB very quickly... Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Thursday, December 8, 2016
Jazz band putting the finishing touches on tonight's Winter Concert! See them Tonight at 7:00 at JMS. #jhspositive
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Wednesday: A) 3 sets not for time 6-10 alternating pistols w/:01-:02 pause in the hole - messy...especially on the right! 5 dragon flags B) 1 squat clean from :02 pause just below the knees build to a heavy single for the day 230 C) 5 rounds steady 4 strict ring dips 4 strict pull-ups 4 kipping ring dips 4 kipping pull-ups 16 wall balls, 30 to 10 16 row calories 14:53 D) 3 rounds for time 30 double-unders :30 double kettlebell front rack hold (no carry, just hold w/hands together @ sternum and elbows down @ sides), 53/hand 2:55 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Solid road win tonight by the Ironmen! 69-50 over River Valley! Freshmen & JV wins too. #cleansweep #jhspositive
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Tuesday... A) Snatch pull 8 x 1 @ 225; begin a rep every :90 Felt solid today... B) 8 sets - this is it!...til they come back... 500m row @ 1:42.0-1:42.9/500m 2:00 walk rest (6:00 rest between sets 4 & 5) 1:42.0-1:42.0-1:42.2-1:42.0 1:42.0-1:42.1-1:43.2-1:42.1 Done! #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, December 5, 2016
Monday! A1) 1 & 1/4 back squat 2-2-2-2; :90 rest 285-290-300-305 A2) Strict handstand push-ups (add depth like last week if you're comfortably hitting 6) 4 x 5, 21X1; :90 rest B) 5 sets for times (if feeling good through 5 you can add a 6th set) 3.2.1 muscle-ups (so mandatory break after rep 3 and 2) 3.2.1 ground-to-overhead, 135 (same as the muscle-ups, touch-and-go 3, touch-and-go 2, then a single) :90 walk rest 1:05-1:03-1:11-1:13-1:12-1:18 C) 3 sets not for time 60 double-unders (3 misses, 1 miss, UB) 30 light band good mornings 30 light band pull-aparts #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, December 4, 2016
We've been very fortunate to be able to get on the trails a lot this fall! #mtb #bike #getoutside #crossfit
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Saturday, December 3, 2016
Beautiful sights on the ruck this morning! #naturefindsaway #getoutside #crossfit
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Saturday... #allthepractice A) 3 sets not for time 3 rope climb (w/legs) 10 box jumps w/step-down, 24 10 kipping handstand push-ups(UB - :20) B) Every 2:00 for 20:00 (10 sets) 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 jerk, begin @ 155 and add a bit to end at a heavy set 155-165(2)-175(2)-185(5)...was very clean in the jerk today C) Every 7:00 for 3 sets 5 touch-and-go power snatches, 115 5 burpees 15 Assault Bike calories @ 97% - goal is best repeatable effort 1:06-1:07-1:07 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, December 2, 2016
Friday: A) Front squat 5-5-5 @ 185 - treat as a deload; 2:00 rest B) Squat snatch 12 x 1 @ 135; begin a rep every :30 C) 1-arm DB row 3 x 5-6/side, 10X1; :45 between sides 88 D) 3 sets for even times 10 CTB pull-ups 10 thrusters, 75 30 double-unders 10 toes-to-bar 10 thrusters, 75 30 double-unders 3:00 walk rest 2:11 - 2:14 - 2:12 - everything unbroken with a miss on the DUs Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Wednesday: A) 3 sets not for time 6-10 alternating pistols w/:01-:02 pause in the hole - a bit better this week. 5 dragon flags B) 1 squat clean from pause just below the knees (:02 pause on initial pull before completing the lift) + 1 squat clean (no pause) + 1 front squat 6 x 1 @ 205; :10 between the pause clean & no pause clean, then go right into the front squat, 2:00 rest C) 10:00 @ 80% effort - focus on relaxed, quality movement over intensity 10 strict ring dips 10 strict pull-ups 20 wall balls, 30 to 10 40 double-unders 3 rounds... D) For time .5 mile Assault Bike :60 double kettlebell front rack hold (no carry, just hold w/hands together @ sternum and elbows down @ sides), 53/hand 2:13...ouch... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Congratulations to the December Rotary Seniors, Zayne Warrens and Cole Wallis! Thanks @debbycrabtree #JHSpositive
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Tuesday: A) 1 snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull 6 x 1 @ 225; :15 between movements, begin a set every 2:00 B) 10 sets 500m row @ 1:43.0-1:43.9/500m 2:00 walk rest (5:00 rest between sets 5 & 6) Last 3 were tough... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, November 28, 2016
Monday! A1) 1 & 1/4 back squat 3-3-3-3; :90 rest 275-285-290-290 A2) Strict handstand push-ups 4 x max (-1), 21X1; :90 rest 4-5-5-5...not real strong on these... B) 6 rounds for time 5 muscle-ups 5 ground-to-overhead, 135 9:27...MUs got me again! C) 3 sets not for time 50 double-unders (unbroken) 25 light band good mornings 25 light band pull-aparts #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, November 27, 2016
Beautiful (but cold) start to the day on the trail! #bike #mtb #getoutside #crossfit
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Saturday, November 26, 2016
Saturday: A) 3 sets not for time 3 rope climb (w/legs) 6 box jumps w/step-down, 30 6-12 kipping handstand push-ups - hit 12 each time, adjust my hands on last set(closer to wall) and felt much better B) Every :60 for 24:00 (12 of each) - set up 2 bars for this 1st: 1 power snatch w/:01 pause @ catch before finishing off lift, 135, can add 5-10 if feeling good 2nd: 1 power clean w/emphasis on fast/high elbows @ catch, 185, same as power snatch, can add 10-20 if reps are feeling good Not quite as good as last week C) Every 6:00 for 3 sets 7 Russian kettlebell swings, heavy 7 burpees as fast as possible 14 Assault Bike calories @ 97% - goal is best repeatable effort 1:05-1:02-1:02... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, November 25, 2016
Friday! A) Front squat 3-2-1-1 all moderate/tough, 20X1; 3:00 rest 255-265-275-285(fail)-285 B) 1-arm DB row 3 x 6/side, 10X1; :45 between sides #88 C) Squat snatch 10 x 1 @ 135; begin a rep every :30 Most felt solid D) 2 sets for even times 25 toes-to-bar (10-8-7)(8-7-4-3-3) 50 double-unders (messy) 25 thrusters, 75 (unbroken on both) 4:00 walk rest 2:23 and 2:40...TTB got me on 2nd set... Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, November 24, 2016
Great 🦃 Day ride with these guys! #bike #mtb #getoutside #crossfit
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Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Wednesday: A) 3 sets not for time 4-8 alternating pistols w/:01-:02 pause in the hole - used a band and then w/o...still a big struggle! 5 dragon flags B) 1 squat clean from pause just below the knees (:02 pause on initial pull before completing the lift) + 1 squat clean (no pause) 5 x 1 @ 185-205; :10 between movements, 2:00 rest C) For reps 10:00 @ 80% of [3 rope climbs + 15m tough prowler push w/straight arms + 50 double-unders] 4 rounds and 1 rope climb(those were a struggle today...) 5:00 rest 10:00 @ 80% of [30m heavy Farmer's walk + 30m bear hug med ball carry + 30m bear crawl + .3 mile Assault Bike] 3 rounds and through the Bear crawl on 4...that 150 MB is tough! #crossfit #crossfitmasters #riseandgrind
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Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Great day at the @The_iBELIEVE Leadership Summit with these outstanding students! #JHspositive
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Tuesday! A) 1 snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull 4 x 1 @ 225; :15 between movements, begin a set every 2:30 B) 10 sets 500m row @ 1:44.0-1:44.9/500m 2:00 walk rest (5:00 rest between sets 5 & 6) #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, November 21, 2016
Monday! A1) Back squat 2-2-1-1 building so only last single is near-maximal, 22X1; :90 rest 265-275-295-315 A2) Strict handstand push-ups (add depth like last week if you're comfortably hitting 6) 4 x 4-6, 21X1 - ; :90 rest - 6 was a struggle so didn't add a deficit... B) AMRAP in 7:00 4 muscle-ups 3 power cleans, 155 2 front squats, 155 1 shoulder-to-overhead, 155 6 rounds - MUs were a struggle today! C) 3 sets not for time 40 double-unders (UB) 20 band good mornings 20 band pull-aparts #crossfit #crossfitmasters @savage_barbell
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Sunday, November 20, 2016
Great ride at Bob Evans Farms until the flat tire...good to see @jtate59 and @tdswack craving the #sıngletrack this morning too! #getoutside #bike #mtb #crossfit
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Saturday, November 19, 2016
Weather has taken a turn...did a "ruck" at Lake Katherine... #getoutside #useyourfitness #ruck #crossfit
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