Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday September 22nd, 2015


A. Power snatch clusters, 4 x 1.1.1 @ 68-73% 1RM; :10 between singles, 2:00 rest - #135 - #140 - #140 - #145 - these felt a lot better than last week...still some early bend on the pull though...

B. Single-leg deadlift (not Romanian - start on floor), 3 x 3-4/leg, 31X0; :90 between legs - #140 - still not sure if I'm getting these quite right, this is a tough movement for me...really tests my balance...

+ 5 sets for even times:
3 muscle-ups
10 burpees
3 muscle-ups
10 kettlebell swings, 70
2:00 walk rest

This was tough, the second sets of muscle ups really challenged me today and found me wanting. I was able to go unbroken on all of the first sets and made it through 3 for unbroken on all. On set 4 I went 2-1 on the second set of MUs and on the 5th I went 1-2. I felt very loose and sloppy on the second sets.

3 sets:
:45 row @ 97%
5:35 rest

1:32.2 - 244 meters
1:31.4 - 246 meters
1:33.3 - 240 meters

I broke on these today, couldn't susutain any type of good pace. I was unable to get below 1:28 to start on these. This is well off my pace from July 16th (1:26-1:27 and over 250m). Not sure what happened to me today...I suppose it's due to beginning these very soon (less than 5:00 after the previous work), when in July it was after a more moderate EMOM session...but that feels like a bit of a cop out to me...really felt bad on these today...

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