Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday, April 8th 2014

Some days you have it and some days you get it handed to you. Today, I had it handed to me. I started coughing and felt some rattle in my chest last night as I was heading home. I woke up this morning with it still there and feeling zapped. I still went ahead with my training this morning, and I'm hoping it will move out quickly!

A. Squat Clean - build to a max in 15 minutes

I was able to work up to #215 on this one. My previous 3 rep was at #205, so this may be as heavy as i have squat cleaned. I still need some work on this one. 

B. Front Squat - 4 x 4, 31X1 rest 3:00

I worked at #185, #205, #210 and #215 on this one. I needed to pause a bit more in the bottom. I didn't feel fast or powerful coming out of the hole on this one today. 

3 Rounds
10 alt DB snatch, #70
10 CTB pullups
10 Wallball #30 to 10'
10 Row Cals.
Rest 2:00 between rounds

Round 1 - 1:57
Round 2 - 2:00
Round 3 - 2:00

All these round went pretty much the same. I felt ok with the DB snatch. The CTB pull-ups felt very good (about the only movement all day that did) and I hit all unbroken. I stayed unbroken on the wall balls, but it was tough. Finally, I didn't feel very good on the rower at all today. 

Rest 10:00
3:00 AD for calories

I really had it handed to me on this one today. I was barely able to keep the wattage in the 300s and high 200s on this one. I finished with about 60 calories today. 

This was rough going today, and hopefully I'll be fully ready to get after it tomorrow!

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