Barbells and Bikes
Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Friday, March 17, 2017
Quick one on a Friday... A) Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 sets - nice & easy) 5 deadlifts, 95 4 hang squat cleans, 95 3 thrusters, 95 2 strict handstand push-ups 1 burpee muscle-up B) 5:00-10:00 17.4 movement prep of choice nothing fatigued or tough, just tech work if needed C) 20:00 easy Assault Bike spin #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Wednesday... A) Thruster (from ground build quickly to a moderate single (stop before there is any issue locking out), then take of 30-40 lbs and accumulate 8 singles w/short rest between reps 185 then 155 for 8(9 cause I can't count...) singles... B) 3 sets steady 4 ring muscle-ups 12 kipping handstand push-ups :60 rest All unbroken, just sub :60 C) For time 500m row (1:47ish) 40 wall balls, 20 to 10 (UB) 300m row (1:55ish) 20 wall balls, 20 to 10 (UB) 100m row (1:35ish) 5:30 D) 10:00 easy bike spin starting immediately after completion of C... very easy! #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Deadlifts to start the where are the donuts @doughnutsanddeadlifts ... A) 3 rounds not for time - easy warm-up 5m forward bear crawl 5m backward bear crawl :15 2-arm passive hang from bar 15 Assault Bike calories B) 3 sets even pace :60 deadlift singles, 275 :60 rest 16-14-16 C) 5 rounds easy :60 Assault Bike @ Z1 (50 RPMs) :60 row @ Z1 (2:00 pace) :30/side plank D) Reverse hypers 3 x 15 light; :90 rest Felt good to just move today! #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, March 13, 2017
17.3 redo...a bit better...but not competitive...on the the next one...#crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, March 12, 2017
6 egg omelette...
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Saturday, March 11, 2017
Getting ready to watch Richard the III...I'm hoping for dragons or possibly a white walker... #got
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17.3...#weaksauce #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, March 10, 2017
Friday: A) Every 2:00 for 8:00 (4 sets) 7 CTB pull-ups 5 deadlifts, 155 3 hang squat cleans, 155 1 thruster, 155 :35ish/set B) 5:00-10:00 17.3 movement prep of choice nothing fatigued or tough, just tech work if needed C) For completion 5:00 Assault Bike very easy :30 rest :60 Assault Bike @ high effort (80 RPM, 27 cals) :30 rest 5:00 Assault Bike very easy #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, March 9, 2017
Back on the trail on this beautiful March day... #OhioWx #mtb #bike #crossfit
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#TBT...5 years ago...back when I used to do big rides! Hotel...Motel...Holiday Inn! Getting ready for that Sub-9 Death March! #bike #mtb #crossfit
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Wednesday... A) Squat snatch build to a single @ 70-80% max - nothing more 160 B) Squat clean & split jerk build to a single @ 70-80% max - nothing more here, either 185 C) For time 27 wall balls, 20 to 10 UB 9 muscle-ups (4-2-2-1) 21 wall balls UB 7 muscle-ups (3-2-2) 15 wall balls UB 5 muscle-ups (3-2) 6:52...shoulder was a bit achy...played it conservative D) 3 sets :60 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic 10 kipping handstand push-ups :60 rest All UB and felt solid #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Tuesday... A) 3 rounds not for time - easy warm-up 5m forward bear crawl 5m backward bear crawl :15 2-arm passive hang from bar 25 air squats B) For time(s) @ 90% effort 75 row calories (3:27) 4:00 rest 60 row calories (2:45) 3:00 rest 45 row calories (1:55) 2:00 rest 30 row calories (1:10) :60 rest 15 row calories (:29) C) Reverse hypers 3 x 15 light; :90 rest D) 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, March 6, 2017
17.2...and this about some up this years open for me...kinda, but not really there...#crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, March 3, 2017
Friday: A) Squat clean build quickly to a crisp, moderate single 225 B) Every 2:00 for 8:00 (4 sets) 3 strict handstand pus-ups 5 strict pull-ups 7 wall balls @ 20 to 10 C) 5:00-10:00 17.2 movement prep of choice nothing fatigued or tough, just tech work if needed D) 5 sets :30 row @ 100% aerobic - high breathing but avoid lactate :90 rest Low 1:30s E) 5 sets according to feel :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic :30 Assault Bike easy #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Wednesday ...felt a bit better today... Did some Snatch(135) and Clean and Jerk(185) work Then 3 RFT 5 MUs(unbroken) 10m FR Walking Lunge (95) 300m Row 10m FR Walking Lunge (95) 7:58... Then 5 sets :60 @assaultairbike @90% aerobic :30 easy #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Tuesday....trying to get back into the swing of things... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, February 25, 2017
@crossfitgames 17.1...well, at least I didn't get timecapped...rough morning with that one! #crossfit #crossfitmasters #open2017
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Friday, February 24, 2017
Friday...and the @crossfitgames Open Season Begins... A) Hang squat clean build quickly to a crisp, moderate single 216 B) Every 2:00 for 8:00 (4 sets) 5 strict handstand pus-ups 6 strict pull-ups 7 wall balls @ 30 to 10 C) 5:00-10:00 17.1 movement prep of choice just a few touches on BBJO method, nothing fatigued or tough, just tech work D) 3 sets :15 row hard 2:45 rest E) 5-10 sets according to feel :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic :30 Assault Bike easy #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Wednesday: A) Every :30 for 12:00 (8 sets of each) sets 1-8: 1 squat snatch, 135 sets 9-16: 1 squat clean, 185 sets 17-24: 2-3 handstand push-ups B) For time w/deliberate, steady movement and breaks 60 row calories 50 wall balls, 20 to 10 - mandatory set of 10 40 CTB pull-ups - mandatory sets of 5 30 Assault Bike calories - sprint only the final 15 11:17 C) 10:00 :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic, final set @ 90% effort (400 watts, 550+ on last) :30 Assault Bike easy ...and that concludes the training for the year...#open2017 is here...time to test that fitness #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Back out in the woods to enjoy this 70 degree February #OhioWx ! #getoutside #mtb #275plus #crossfit
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#JHSFFAweek #jhspositive
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Tuesday: A) 3 rounds not for time 3/side 1-arm DB snatch, 50 3 DB deadlifts 3 DB burpees 3 DB hang squat cleans 3 DB shoulder-to-overhead B) 5 rounds even - same idea as last week, more movement/breathing practice over high effort 40 double-unders 20 box step-up/step-downs, 24 10 deadlifts, 185 2:00 walk rest 1:36-1:35-1:35-1:36-1:37 C) 10:00 mobility work of choice ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, February 20, 2017
Another Grande day on the trails! Loving the #OhioWx #getoutside #mtb #275plus #crossfit
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Monday...just a few days out... A1) Squat clean thrusters 5-4-3-2-1 touch-and-go for the multi-rep sets, moderate; :60 rest 115-135-155-175-195 A2) Muscle-ups 5-4-3-2-1 unbroken; :60 rest B) AMRAP in 5:00 - start over @ 21 upon completion of round of 9 21-15-9 of [row calories + overhead squats @ 95] 1 round and 12 calories C) 10:00 easy Assault Bike cool-down ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters #open2017
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Saturday, February 18, 2017 week out from the @crossfitgames #2017Open - just some tune-up today... A) 3 rounds not for time 10m forward bear crawl 10m backward bear crawl :10/side 1-arm passive hang from bar B) For time(s) 15-12-9 of [overhead squats @ 115 + toes-to-bar] 2:42 and unbroken...went ok... 10:00 rest 15-12-9 of [row calories + handstand push-ups] 3:21 and unbroken...I'll take it! 10:00 rest 15-12-9 of [thrusters @ 115 + CTB pull-ups] Thrusters and (7-5-3)-(4-3-2-1-1-1-1) - (all singles)...blew up on CTBs... C) 10:00 cool-down of choice @assaultairbike Easy pace.... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, February 17, 2017
Great to back on the bike and in th woods w/ @jtate59 and @tdswack ! #mtb #getoutside #unrideable #crossfit #275plus
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Friday! A) 10:00 @ very easy pace, just a steady warm-up 5 strict handstand push-ups (rough) 10 strict pull-up 15 air squats B) 1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat + 1 split jerk 8 x 1 moderate & crisp - nothing shaky today!; begin a set every :60 155(2)-165(2)-175(2)-185(1) C) 10:00 @ 80-90% effort 100 double-unders (UB) 50 Assault Bike calories (3:38) 100 row calories (sub-5:00) 9:52 D) 10:00 Assault Bike easy flush ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Wednesday: A) Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets of each) sets 1-5: 3 squat snatches, 135 sets 6-10: 3 squat cleans, 165 B) 2 sets @ high effort 20 handstand push-ups 25 CTB pull-ups 30 wall balls, 20 to 10 3:00 easy spin rest on Assault Bike 14:07... C) 10:00 easy bike cool-down and/or mobility work #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Coming soon...#liketomorrow #JiJava #jhspositive
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Tuesday: A) 3 rounds steady movement throughout 10m handstand walk 30m DB Farmer's walk, 50/hand 10 DB deadlifts, 50/hand - both DB heads touch ground @ bottom 30m DB Farmer's walk, 50/hand B) 3 rounds even - more movement/breathing practice over high effort 15 Assault Bike calories 15 power/muscle cleans, 95 :90 rest 15 row calories 60 double-unders :90 rest 1:18 & 1:30 - 1:18 & 1:26 - 1:21 & 1:25 C) 3:00 for steady reps - begin immediately after final :90 rest from B Alternating box step-up/step-down, 24 62 D) 10:00 mobility work of choice Shoulder work! #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, February 13, 2017
Monday: A) Back squat 3-3-3 @ 65% max; rest as needed 230...felt easy B) 3 sets max (-1) muscle-ups :60 rest 4s....rough today! C) For time 21-15-9 of (toes-to-bar + DB thrusters @ 50/hand + burpees) (8:55) 45 row calories 11:22...soul crushing...felt terribly out of shape on this one! DB Thrusters are just awful! D) 10:00 easy Assault Bike cool-down👍🏼 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, February 11, 2017
Saturday: A) 3 rounds not for time 10m forward bear crawl 10m backward bear crawl :10/side 1-arm passive hang from bar B) Every :60 for 15:00 (5 sets of each) 1st: 5 light overhead squats from the ground (75-115), focus on speed/efficiency 2nd: 10 ring dips 3rd: 5-6 CTB pull-ups(butterfly) C) AMRAP in 15:00 500m row 10 DB burpee box step-ups (chest on ground to standing on box holding DBs throughout), 50/hand to 24 3 rounds and 6 DB BSU D) 10:00 cool-down of choice - easy @assaultairbike flush #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, February 10, 2017
Friday...bit of a rough session for me today...... A) 3 rounds not for time 5 strict handstand push-ups (rough) 10 strict pull-up 15 air squats B) 1 squat clean + 2 hang squat cleans + 3 front squats 10:00 to build to a moderate/tough set for the day Hit 185...missed 215... C) Every 4:00 for 20:00 (5 sets) 1 moderate/tough split jerk (no misses, keep it crisp) 215... 15 wall balls, 20 to 10 5 muscle-ups 45 double-unders All setts between 1:45-1:55...slow today! #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Wednesday: A) Every :90 for 22:30 (5 sets of each) sets 1-5: 5 squat snatches, light/moderate/smooth 95-115(2)-125(2) sets 6-10: 5 squat cleans, light/moderate/smooth here as well 135-155(4) sets 11-15: 10 CTB pull-ups - goal is unbroken, open w/biggest set each round then chip All unbroken... B) "Assault on DT" 3 rounds @ high effort 15 Assault Bike calories 12 deadlifts, 155 9 hang power cleans, 155 6 shoulder-to-overhead, 155 7:58 C) 10:00 easy bike cool-down and/or mobility work #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Tuesday A) 5 sets 8m handstand walk :60 rest 2 solid and 3 sketchy... B) 5 rounds even 50 double-unders (unbroken) 10 med ball over shoulder, 100 :60 walk rest All at or just below 1:00 C) For time @ 90% effort - steady, don't empty the tank here 2000m row (7:28) 3 mile Assault Bike (8:38) 200m Farmer's walk, 70/hand(unbroken) Somewhere around 18:00... D) 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, February 6, 2017
@jdcrawfordatc hitting a 46" seated box jump! #crossfit
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10 miles...60 degrees...February 6th...I'll take it! #ohiowx #getoutside #bike #sınglespeed #crossfit
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Monday: A) Back squat build to a moderate/tough (not true max) single for the day - 315 B) AMRAP in 7:00 50 row calories 30 DB thrusters, 50/hand (12-6-4-4-4) 10 muscle-ups(3-3-2-2) 1 round... C) 3 sets for time 15 strict pull-ups 15 strict ring dips :60 rest 7:30...rough! D) 3 sets not for time 15/side moderate single leg band good mornings, 1010 10 moderate band face-pulls w/slight pause @ back #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, February 5, 2017
Great day at Scioto Trail with these guys! #bike #mtb #getoutside #crossfit
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Saturday, February 4, 2017
Shakedown ride for the @salsacycles Timberjack! Loving the 27.5 plus! #bike #mtb #275plus #crossfit
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Saturday: A) 3 rounds not for time 10m forward bear crawl 10m backward bear crawl 5/side light DB snatch (50) 5-10 strict pull-ups B) Power snatch build to a tough single for the day - nothing maximal, goal is no misses Ugly 175 C) For time @ high effort 50 power snatches, 75 50 CTB pull-ups 50 box jump or step-up/step-down, 24 50 Assault Bike calories 13:17...CTB were rough as always... D) 3 rounds not for time :30 hollow rock :30 glute-ham Russian twist :30 med ball bear hug hold, 100 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, February 3, 2017
Friday! A) 3 rounds not for time 10m double DB overhead walking lunge, light (35) 10 strict pull-ups B) 3 touch-and-go squat clean + 2 hang squat clean + 1 front squat 3 sets all moderate/tough; 3:00 rest hit 195...missed the 2nd hang of 205...lost the grip! C) Every :60 for 15:00 (5 sets of each) 1st: 5 muscle-ups (UB) 2nd: 15 wall balls, 20 to 10 (UB) 3rd: 45 double-unders (3 UB) D) 10:00 Assault Bike easy flush ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, February 2, 2017
Congratulations to the Ironmen Wrestling Seniors! #jhspositive
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Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Excellent performance by our Wind Orchestra today! They leave to perform at the OMEA Conference tomorrow! #jhspositive
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Wednesday: A) Every :60 for 24:00 sets 1-8: 3 hang squat snatches, moderate/smooth 115(4)-135(4) sets 9-16: 3 hang squat cleans, moderate/smooth here as well (135(3)-155(3)-185(2) sets 17-24: 6 unbroken CTB pull-ups B) AMRAP in 10:00 20 row calories 10 handstand push-ups to Open standard(UB) 6 rounds and 7 calories #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Tuesday: A) 3 rounds not for time 5-10m handstand walk total mess today! 30m med ball bear hug carry 60m (3 x 10m out, 10m back) shuttle jog B) 5 rounds even 10 med ball over shoulder, 100 50 double-unders (UB 2x) :90 walk rest 1:12-1:01-1:01-1:03-1:07 C) 5 sets even 16 Assault Bike calories 16 box step-up/step-downs, 24 :90 walk rest 1:33-1:30-1:26-1:24-1:21 D) 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, January 30, 2017
Well hello...can you guess the weight? #crossfit #crossfitmasters #sandbag @roguefitness
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Monday; A) Back squat 5-4-3-2-1 all moderate (no grind out of the hole), 20X1; 2:00 rest 225-315 B) 2 sets max (-1) unbroken muscle-ups :90 rest 6 then 5...not there right now...broken positions C) 5 rounds for time 10 thrusters, 95 (UB) 10 bar-facing burpees 10 toes-to-bar(5s, singles on last round) 8:11 D) 3 sets not for time 15/side moderate single leg band good mornings, 1010 10 moderate band face-pulls w/slight pause @ back #crossfit #crossfitmasters #foreveryoung
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Saturday, January 28, 2017
Picked up some new @salsacycles Goodness at @athensbicycle today! Can't wait to get it out on the trails! #bike #mtb #rideplus #buylocal
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