Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Tuesday: A) 3 rounds steady movement throughout 10m handstand walk 30m DB Farmer's walk, 50/hand 10 DB deadlifts, 50/hand - both DB heads touch ground @ bottom 30m DB Farmer's walk, 50/hand B) 3 rounds even - more movement/breathing practice over high effort 15 Assault Bike calories 15 power/muscle cleans, 95 :90 rest 15 row calories 60 double-unders :90 rest 1:18 & 1:30 - 1:18 & 1:26 - 1:21 & 1:25 C) 3:00 for steady reps - begin immediately after final :90 rest from B Alternating box step-up/step-down, 24 62 D) 10:00 mobility work of choice Shoulder work! #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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