Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Saturday, February 18, 2017 week out from the @crossfitgames #2017Open - just some tune-up today... A) 3 rounds not for time 10m forward bear crawl 10m backward bear crawl :10/side 1-arm passive hang from bar B) For time(s) 15-12-9 of [overhead squats @ 115 + toes-to-bar] 2:42 and unbroken...went ok... 10:00 rest 15-12-9 of [row calories + handstand push-ups] 3:21 and unbroken...I'll take it! 10:00 rest 15-12-9 of [thrusters @ 115 + CTB pull-ups] Thrusters and (7-5-3)-(4-3-2-1-1-1-1) - (all singles)...blew up on CTBs... C) 10:00 cool-down of choice @assaultairbike Easy pace.... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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