Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday October 22nd, 2015

A. Squat cleans, 3 x :30 @ 135; 2:30 rest
9-10-10, probably wasn't quite primed for that first set, strange that I could hit 7-8 at 185, but only 10 on this one...

B. CTB pull-ups, 8 x 5 unbroken; begin a set every :45 - tried some butterflies...ehhh, no rhythm on those...I really want to be able to string those smoothly!

+ 10:00 @ 70% - keep it easy:
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettlebell swings, 70
32 double-unders

6 + 4 HSPU, all HSPU strict except for the last 5...

800m easy run cool-down
sub 4:00

Wodaplooza Wrap-Up
I ended up in the 60s, which was an improvement each week from my 90+ after week one. I looked back over my scores and placing from the events, and from what I can tell I was 11 pounds on the snatch event (#176) and 31 reps on the HSPU-CTB Pull-Up Couplet (6 HSPU-9 CTB-16 HSPU) away from placing in the top 35 to move on to Miami. Overall, it is a bit disappointing finish, I really thought I'd be able to qualify. The programming didn't exactly favor me, but I want to progress to the point where it doesn't matter and I can be competitive. I really struggled with the gymnastic couplet, I thought I'd be able to perform better on it, but I have trouble stringing the higher reps of those movements together. I knew the strength biased events would be tough for me and I hit about what I expected. I was pleased with a 6th place on the chipper, which was able being able to endure the suffering, which I seem to be able to do. Overall, I definitely see the work I need to do between now and the open!

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