Barbells and Bikes
Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Tuesday: A) 3 rounds not for time 5-10m handstand walk total mess today! 30m med ball bear hug carry 60m (3 x 10m out, 10m back) shuttle jog B) 5 rounds even 10 med ball over shoulder, 100 50 double-unders (UB 2x) :90 walk rest 1:12-1:01-1:01-1:03-1:07 C) 5 sets even 16 Assault Bike calories 16 box step-up/step-downs, 24 :90 walk rest 1:33-1:30-1:26-1:24-1:21 D) 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, January 30, 2017
Well hello...can you guess the weight? #crossfit #crossfitmasters #sandbag @roguefitness
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Monday; A) Back squat 5-4-3-2-1 all moderate (no grind out of the hole), 20X1; 2:00 rest 225-315 B) 2 sets max (-1) unbroken muscle-ups :90 rest 6 then 5...not there right now...broken positions C) 5 rounds for time 10 thrusters, 95 (UB) 10 bar-facing burpees 10 toes-to-bar(5s, singles on last round) 8:11 D) 3 sets not for time 15/side moderate single leg band good mornings, 1010 10 moderate band face-pulls w/slight pause @ back #crossfit #crossfitmasters #foreveryoung
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Saturday, January 28, 2017
Picked up some new @salsacycles Goodness at @athensbicycle today! Can't wait to get it out on the trails! #bike #mtb #rideplus #buylocal
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Saturday: A) 3 rounds not for time 10m forward bear crawl 10m backward bear crawl 10 kettlebell swings, 53 10m goblet walking lunges, 53 B) Power snatch 10 x 3 touch-and-go light/moderate; begin a set every :60 (135 on all) C) For time - 1 bar, change your own plates 21 power cleans, 135 21 row calories 21 burpees over the rower 15 power cleans, 165 15 row calories 15 burpees over the rower 9 power cleans, 195 9 row calories 9 burpees over the rower 10:00 exactly... D) 3 rounds :60 hollow-to-arch rolls :60 rest ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, January 27, 2017
Loved see our students art on display at the Majestic Galleries in Nelsonville this evening! #jhspositive
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Friday: A) as easy warm-up 1.5 mile Assault Bike 10m handstand walk (2x5) 5 bar muscle-ups(UB) B) 3 touch-and-go squat clean + 3 hang squat clean + 3 front squat 3 x 1 start light then add for a moderate and finally a tough set; 3:00 rest 185 C) 4 rounds even - looking for 4 smooth sets, particularly w/the CTBs, even if that mean "slow" absolute times 5 CTB pull-ups 15 wall balls, 20 to 10 5 CTB pull-ups 45 double-unders 5 CTB pull-ups 2:00 walk rest 1:47-1:48-1:51-1:46 D) 5 sets for calories - goal is same rpms during all 5 high effort intervals, as well as same rpms for all 5 low intervals :30 Assault Bike @ high effort (78-80) :30 Assault Bike @ low effort (40ish) 73 calories #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Wednesday! A) Establish the following, in order, on a single 20:00 clock heavy set of 7 touch-and-go squat snatches Hit 135...150(5)...I can make this! heavy set of 7 touch-and-go squat cleans #185 B) 10:00 @ 90% effort - smooth here 5 handstand push-ups 5 CTB pull-ups 5 wall balls, 30 to 10 10 handstand push-ups 10 CTB pull-ups 10 wall balls 15 handstand push-ups 15 CTB pull-ups 15 wall balls and so on... 1 CTBS on the 20s... C) 1 set - begin exactly :60 after completion of B max distance bear hug med ball carry, (100) 110m #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Tuesday: A) 3 rounds not for time 5-10m handstand walk - fet solid 30m med ball bear hug carry 60m (3 x 10m out, 10m back) shuttle jog B) 10:00 @ 80% effort - steady, consider it a "warm-up" for C 5 burpee box jump-overs, 24 10 kettlebell swings, 70 15 Assault Bike calories 4 full rounds C) AMRAP in 10:00 - start exactly 3:00 after completion of B 2000m row (7:18-1:49.9) max double-unders in remaining time 150 DUs...messy and slow row! SMH D) 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, January 23, 2017
Monday: A) Back squat 2-1-1-1 building so only last single is tough, 20X1; 2:00-3:00 rest 335 B) 5 sets even & smooth 3 ring muscle-ups 6 push press, 135 9 bar-facing burpees :90 rest :47-:46-:46-:44-:44 C) For time 20 Assault Bike calories 20 hang power cleans, 95 20 front squats, 95 2:27 all unbroken D) 3 sets not for time 20/side moderate single leg band good mornings, 1010 - note the faster tempo 10-15 moderate band face-pulls ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, January 22, 2017
Fat Bike at Scioto Trail today! #bike #fatbike #ride #trail #crossfit
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Saturday, January 21, 2017
Dinner and a movie at the Colony Club!
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Saturday: A) 3 rounds not for time 10m forward bear crawl 10m backward bear crawl 10 kettlebell swings, 53 10 goblet squats, 53 B) For time w/13:00 cap 55 deadlifts, 225 55 wall balls, 20 to 10 55 row calories 55 handstand push-ups ...messy...1:00+slower on the row than last spring...deadlifts were tough today...and I did workout for 13:00... C) 3 rounds :60 hollow-to-arch rolls, slow and controlled :60 rest These were tough! Video is sketchy today thanks to the @wodproofapp smh...not using it again! #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, January 20, 2017
JHS Cheerleaders paying it forward to the next generation! #JHSpositive
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Friday: A) as easy warm-up 5 dead hang to inverted 20 burpee box jumps, 24 .8 mile Assault Bike B) 1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat 6 x 1 starting light and building each set; begin a set every 2:00 Finished at 200 C) 4 rounds for time - goal is crisp gymnastics movements, big double-under sets 3 bar muscle-ups 5 CTB pull-ups 7 toes-to-bar 45 double-unders 7:48...humbling...I've fail on this! Only 1st 2 sets unbroken...all DUs unbroken though D) 3 sets for calories - goal is same rpms during all 5 high effort intervals, as well as same rpms for all 5 low intervals :60 Assault Bike @ high effort - slightly higher than last week's rpms given only 3 sets this week :60 Assault Bike @ low effort 80 calories...74 rpm high/40 rpm low #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Wednesday: A) Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 sets) 5 touch-and-go squat snatches, start light and build to moderate - finished at 145 B) Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 sets) 5 touch-and-go squat clean to overhead (any way), start light and build to moderate Finished at 175... C) AMRAP in 8:00 30 handstand push-ups (1:59) max in remaining time of [30 toes-to-bar + 30 wall balls @ 20 to 10] 1 round + 33...was spent on this one! D) For time - start exactly 2:00 after completion of C max distance unbroken Farmer's walk, 70/hand 120m...broke... #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Tuesday: A) 3 rounds not for time 5-10m handstand walk 10 med ball over the shoulder, 100 60m (3 x 10m out, 10m back) shuttle jog - just a warm-up B) 5 sets even 4:00 of [30 row calories + 60 double-unders + Assault Bike calories in remaining time] 2:00 walk rest 26-27-27-26-26 C) 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, January 16, 2017
Joe Finch displaying his "raw power" at Scioto Trail this morning! #getoutside #bike #mtb #nocrankneeded
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Monday: A1) Back squat 2-2-2 building so only last double is tough, 20X1; :90 rest - 325 A2) Weighted strict ring pull-up 2-2-2, 4010; :90 rest 35-45-55 B) Push press 3 x 10 light/moderate touch-and-go @ shoulders - efficiency/comfort over load; begin a set every :90 95-115-135 C) For time 60 bar-facing burpees 30 Assault Bike calories 10 power cleans, 185 6:47 D) 3 sets not for time 15/side moderate single leg band good mornings, 1010 - note the faster tempo 15 moderate band face-pulls #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, January 14, 2017
Saturday: A) 3 rounds not for time - just a warm-up 500m row easy 20 air squats 10 med ball over shoulder, 100 B) For times on a running 20:00 clock @ 00:00: 30 snatch (power or squat), 115 @ 05:00: 90 wall balls, 30 to 10 @ 15:00: 30 clean & jerk (ground-to-overhead any way), 115 2:14 4:47 2:08 C) 3 rounds not for time 15 glute-ham sit-ups 15 unweighted hip extensions #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, January 13, 2017
Friday! A) Every :60 for 10:00 (5 sets of each) - treat as easy paced warm-up 1st: 30-50 unbroken double-unders 2nd: 6 burpee box jumps, 24 B) On a single 20:00 clock, establish the following in order heavy single squat clean - 255 max unbroken CTB pull-ups - 16 heavy single front squat - 285 max unbroken toes-to-bar - 21 C) 5 sets for calories - goal is same rpms during all 5 high effort intervals, as well as same rpms for all 5 low intervals :60 Assault Bike @ high effort (70 RPM) :60 Assault Bike @ low effort(40-42 RPM) 120 calories #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Congratulations to the Jackson Ironmen, 2017 SEOAL Wrestling Champions! #jhspositive
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Wednesday; A) Every 2:00 for 12:00 (6 sets) 3 touch-and-go squat snatches, start light and build to a moderate triple - worked up to 135... B) Every 2:00 for 12:00 (6 sets) 3 touch-and-go squat clean to overhead (any way), start moderate and build to tough Went with thrusters...finished at 195 C) 12:00 increasing effort effort every 4:00 so that last 4:00 is @ Open intensity 5 handstand push-ups 10 pull-ups 15 wall balls, 20 to 10 60 double-unders 4 rounds and through 4 DUs... D) For time - start exactly :60 after completion of C 200m Farmer's walk, 70/hand 2:18...broke twice... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Tuesday: A) 3 rounds not for time 5-10m handstand walk 20m med ball bear hug carry, 100 40m (2 x 10m out, 10m back) shuttle jog - just a warm-up B) 5 sets for even times 5 clean-grip deadlifts, starting @ 225 and adding from there - 225-245-255-265-275 15 row calories 60 double-unders 15 row calories 5 bar muscle-ups (all UB) 2:00 rest 2:58-3:07-3:18-2:58-3:04 C) For time 30 row calories @ 97% - goal is to beat the :59 from 2 weeks ago by coming out a bit hotter... :55 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, January 9, 2017
Monday: A) Back squat build to a tough (not true max) triple, 20X1; rest as needed - 315 B1) Close-grip bench press 1-1-1 all tough (not max), 30X1; :90 rest - 225 B2) Strict ring pull-up 3-3-3, 4010; :90 rest - 25 C) For time 21 bar-facing burpees 18 power cleans, 95 (UB) 15 thrusters, 95 (UB) 12 power cleans, 135(6-6) 9 thrusters, 135 (UB) 6 power cleans, 165 (singles) 3 thrusters, 165 (UB) 6:36 D) 3 sets not for time 10-12/side light/moderate single leg band good mornings, 3010 15-20 light/moderate band face-pulls #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, January 7, 2017
Some days things don't go the way you want... A) 3 rounds not for time - just a warm-up 3 dead hang to inverted 6 alternating DB snatches, 70 12 wall balls, 30 to 10 B) 9-7-5-3-1 for time w/8:00 cap Muscle-ups Squat snatches, 135 Just under the cap...smh MUs... C) For time, beginning exactly 12:00 after you start B 25 toes-to-bar (10-5-5-5) 50 thrusters, 44 (30-20) 25 CTB pull-ups (all singles) 5:27... D) Weighted hip extensions 3 x 7-10, 2012; :90 rest used the 15 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, January 6, 2017
Friday! A) 3 sets @ very easy warm-up pace 1/side alternating Turkish get-ups, 53 20-30m bear hug med ball carry B) Front squat build quickly to a moderate/tough single for the day - 275...went 135-185-225-275...felt solid C) Every :60 for 18:00 (6 sets) 1st: 3 touch-and-go power snatches starting @ 115 and building just a bit from there 2nd: 6 hang power cleans, same weight as snatch 3rd: :30 row easy 115-145...10 Cals on each row D) max wattage Assault Bike test take 3-5 attempts to establish the absolute highest wattage within :10 on the AB - score as peak wattage 1427-1467-1467-1506... Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, January 5, 2017
Hmmmm... #fatbike #getoutside
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Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Wednesday: A) Every :90 for 12:00 (8 sets) 1 squat snatch starting @ 65% and building to 80-85% according to feel 135-175...not quite as smooth today B) Every :90 for 12:00 (8 sets) 1 squat clean & split jerk starting @ 65% and building to 85-90% according to feel 165-215 C) For time(s) - handstand push-ups count as first score, total time as second score 55 kipping handstand push-ups (4:48) 50 alternating pistols 45 CTB pull-ups 40 glute-ham sti-ups 15:58 D) 3 rounds steady .5 mile Assault Bike 90m Farmer's walk, 70/hand 6:00ish #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Tuesday: A) Not for time 10 alternating Turkish get-ups w/windmill at top, moderate (nothing above 70) 53(4)-62(4)-70(2) B) 7 sets for even times 7 touch-and-go clean-grip deadlifts, 205 500m row 40 double-unders :60 rest 2:35-2:35-2:35-2:35-2:35-2:40-2:45 C) For times - should be even 20 row calories hard :60 rest 20 row calories hard :37-:38 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, January 2, 2017
Monday! Back at it... A) Back squat 3-2-1-1 all tough but no misses, 20X1; 3:00 rest 305-315-325-335 B1) Close-grip bench press 2-2-2, 30X1; :90 restA) Back squat 3-2-1-1 all tough but no misses, 20X1; 3:00 rest B1) Close-grip bench press 2-2-2, 30X1; :90 rest 195-205-215 B2) Strict ring pull-up 3 x 4 (can add weight if tempo is held), 4010; :90 rest 15-20-25 C) 3 rounds - movement quality/efficiency over absolute speed 10 thrusters, 115 15 bar-facing burpees :60 rest 10 power cleans, 115 15 toes-to-bar - goals is 3 sets of 5 here :60 rest 25 Assault Bike calories @ 90% aerobic :60 rest 1:11-1:15; :49-:55; 1:40-2:00 D) 3 sets not for time 10/side light/moderate single leg band good mornings, 3010 15 light/moderate band face-pulls #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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