Sunday, March 2, 2014

CrossFit Open 14.1

The first WOD of the 2014 CrossFit Games season was announces Thursday night, and it is a repeat of the very first Open workout from 2011. A 10 min AMRAP of 30 Double Unders and 15 Snatches (#75). I did not participate in that first Open as I had yet to find CrossFit. As part of my training leading up to the Games Season, I performed a 7 min version of this one at the beginning of February. I felt like I had a pretty good handle on this workout leading into it. 

I decided to hit it after school on Friday. All of my morning workout crew have signed up for the Open this year, and most decided to hit it up then as well. We setup and warmed-up. I ended up going last and post a score of 355 reps. Very solid. I was hoping to be over 350 for it. The bump in the road came after the workout. After uploading the video and posting my score, It became evident that the last 40 seconds of my video was missing. So the online judges, correctly noticed this and informed me of it. In addition, I missed a DU rep during one of the rounds, and my score was reduced to 330. Below is the original attempt at 14.1. 

On Saturday morning, less than 14 hours since my previous attempt, I was not ready to do this workout again. I hit some mobility and then went on a 10 mile mountain bike ride (trail and gravel combo) to spin out my legs and get the blood flowing. 

Sunday came and I decided to redo the workout. I go with the guys around 11 and began warming up and prepping for the workout. We set-up 2 iPads, an android tablet, and an iPhone to ensure that the video would be there and in it's entirety. 

I decided to approach the workout in much the same manner. i hit the first 3 rounds of snatches unbroken, and then switched to 8-7 for two rounds before finishing out with 5-5-5. I hit mostly 31 DUs to ensure that I didn't come up short in this one, and I mistakenly hit an extra snatch during the 3rd round. I finished with a total of 358 reps. I did miss on one round of the DUs. Overall, there are a few places in which to improve my work in this setting. First, I need to make sure I am hitting the prescribed reps and not more. Also, when I put down the bar, I need to be sure to only drop from the wait, no more super-starring it. This caused the bar to travel too far during from my spot during the workout spending precious time and energy recovering it. There are some technique ares to improve as well with bar path and hip contact during the snatch proton to speed up cycle time and shorten the bar path from a swooping one to a tighter line. Below is my 14.1 redo.

I also need to thank my friend for helping film and motivating me to push through this workout. There are with me every morning at 5:30 and have helped keep me motivated and pushing everyday. I can;t say enough of how much that means to me. 

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