Barbells and Bikes
Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Monday, October 31, 2016
We received a tremendous gift from Carol Stager, daughter of Margaret Hoover Anderson(1921 graduate of JHS). She found Osky Woe yearbooks from 1918-1919-1920-1922 that are in outstanding shape. We feel very fortunate to receive this gift. Thank you Carol! #JHSpositive
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Monday... A) Back squat 2-2-1-1-1, 40X1; 3:00 rest 295-305-315-325-330...felt heavy today! B) 16:00 @ 90% effort - even throughout 2 muscle-ups 4 handstand push-ups 6 kettlebell swings, 70 8 wall balls, 20 to 10 10 rounds 2 MU-4 HSPU - 3 KBS C) 3 sets not for time :30/side plank 30 light band good mornings 30 light band pull-aparts #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Sunday, October 30, 2016
Great ride this morning with this crew! #bike #legendsofthetrail
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Saturday, October 29, 2016
Sad to see a great season by @JHHWomensSoccer come to a close. These ladies competed hard and represented JHS with the utmost class! #JHSpositive
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Great @FAFSA session this morning! Nice work Mr. Finch! Special thank to Hocking College, Ohio University - Main Campus, OU-Southern, and Shawnee State University representatives for helping our Seniors and their parents today! #JHSpositive
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Saturday...rough...trying to get some movements dialed...#workinprogress A) Every :60 for 15:00 (5 of each) - set up 2 bars for this 1st: 1 power snatch w/:01 pause @ catch before finishing off lift, 165 - messy 2nd: 1 power clean w/emphasis on fast/high elbows @ catch, 225 - felt slow and no power off the floor... 3rd: 7-10 unbroken toes-to-bar B) 10:00 @ 70% - same idea as last week, save the intensity for the bike sprints 10 bar facing burpees 5 deadlifts, 245 :30 L-sit accumulation .5 mile Assault Bike @ easy effort 3 full rounds C) 3 sets :25 Assault Bike @ 97% effort 4:05 walk rest 19-20-19 calories
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Friday, October 28, 2016
Beautiful evening for some football! Go Ironmen! #JHSpositive
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@JacksonHS_NHS looking good at the Hope Haven Halloween Dance! #JHSpositive
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Friday! A) Front squat w/chains 2-2-2-2 starting moderate and building to a tough double, 20X1; 2:30 rest 185-205-215-225 + #80 in chains B) Squat snatch 12 x 1 @ 135; begin a rep every :40 C) AMRAP in 10:00 3 bar muscle-ups 10 thrusters, 95 30 double-unders 6 + 5 all unbroken Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, October 27, 2016
Great win by @JHSWomensSoccer over Hillsboro 2-1! #JHSpositive #FAC
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Wednesday: A) 3 sets not for time 5/side shrimp squats 5 dragon flags B) 1 squat clean + 1/side alternating reverse lunges + 1 front squat build to a max Hit 210...missed 225... C) 3 sets 3 rope climbs (w/legs) 12 ring dips :60 rest 12 CTB pull-ups 12 push presses, 115 24 air squats 2:00 rest :45-1:00 for the first part and 1:28-1:38 for second part...tough! D) 5:00-10:00 Assault Bike easy✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Down in the Farm! Trails are in great shape! Thanks to Gallia Trails! #bike #mtb #trail #crossfit
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On Tuesday's we row... A) 1 snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull 6 x 1 @ 210; :10 between movements, begin a set every 2:00 B) Freestanding handstand hold and walk 10:00 C) 10 sets 500m row @ 1:47.0-1:47.9/500m 2:00 walk rest 1 @ 1:47.2 5 @ 1:47.1 4 @ 1:47.0 #crossfit #crossfitmasters #simpleyeteffective
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Monday, October 24, 2016
Tempo Monday! A1) Back squat 2-2-2-2-2, 40X1; :60 rest 285-295-305-310-315 A2) Strict handstand push-ups 5 x 2, 50X1 - ; :60 rest B) 10:00 @ 90% effort - goal is even pacing throughout 10 thrusters, 75 10 Russian kettlebell swings, 70 10 ring push-ups 10 toes-to-bar 5 + 16...fell off a bit after round 4. Had to break TTB in round 5 to 5-3-2... C) 3 sets not for time :30/side plank 25 light band good mornings 25 light band pull-aparts ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, October 22, 2016
Saturday...getting a late one in today... A) Every :60 for 14:00 (7 of each) - set up 2 bars for this 1st: 1 power snatch, 78-88% 1RM 165-175 2nd: 1 power clean, 78-88% 1RM 225-230 Pills were solid...catches were real ugly! B) 10:00 @ 70-80% - save the intensity for the bike sprints 10 alternating DB rows from plank - 55s 10 deadlifts, 225 :30 L-sit on parallettes accumulation .3 mile Assault Bike 3 rounds and through 10 DLs C) 3 sets :20 Assault Bike @ 97% effort 3:40 walk rest Longest :20 ever! 17 calories... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Great win today by @JHSWomensSoccer! Sectional Champs! #JHSpositive
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Friday, October 21, 2016
Friday! A1) Front squat w/chains 3-3-3-3 starting moderate and building to a tough triple, 20X1; :90 rest 165-185-200-215 with #80 in chains A2) Ring muscle-ups 4 x 6 unbroken; :90 rest B) Squat snatch 10 x 1 @ 135; begin a rep every :40 No misses C) 3 rounds for time 90 double-unders 30 wall balls, 20 to 10 7:02...round 2 got me! Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Wednesday! All the movements! A) 3 sets not for time 5/side shrimp squats 5 dragon flags B) 1 squat clean + 1/side alternating reverse lunges + 1 front squat 10 x 1 starting @ 155 and adding a bit; begin a set every :90; built by 5 every 2 sets, finished at 175 C) 5 sets 2 rope climbs (w/legs) 6 strict ring dips :60 rest 9 toes-to-bar 12 push-ups 15 air squats :60 rest Sun :30 for RC and Dips, :50 for TTB, PU, AS D) 5:00-10:00 Assault Bike easy #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Tuesday: A) 1 snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull 8 x 1 @ 205; :10 between movements, begin a set every :90 B) Freestanding handstand hold and walk 10:00 practice, goal is same as last week - come down before you fall down Work in progress... C) 8 sets 500m row @ 1:47.0-1:47.9/500m 2:00 walk rest 1:47.1-1:47.2-146.9-1:47.0-1:47.2-1:47.2-1:47.0- 1:47.2 #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Monday, October 17, 2016
Loving the one year anniversary gift from my crew at #RISC. Hard to believe that it's been just over a year since we opened! I feel fortunate everyday to get to work with a great group! Looking forward to see what the next year brings! #family
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Monday! A) Back squat 3-3-3-3, 40X1; 3:00 rest - accumulate a strict muscle-up or 2 during the rest 275-295-305-310 and the MUs felt solid today B) For reps 5:00 strict handstand push-ups 24... 5:00 rest 5:00 strict pull-ups 46... C) 3 sets not for time :30 front leaning rest on rings 20 light band good mornings 20 light band pull-aparts #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, October 15, 2016
Great day of learning at the @usa_weightlifting Coach's Course!
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Taking the @usa_weightlifting coaches course I got in some work late yesterday... A) Every :60 for 12:00 (6 of each) - set up 2 bars for this 1st: 1 power snatch, 75-85% 1RM 205-215-225(3) 2nd: 1 power clean, 75-85% 1RM 165-170 B) 10:00 @ 80% - save the intensity for the bike sprints 10 unbroken toes-to-bar 10 burpees 10 deadlifts, 205 .3 mile Assault Bike 4 + 12, all unbroken C) 3 sets :15 Assault Bike @ 97% effort 3:15 walk rest 11-12-12... #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Friday, October 14, 2016
Friday! A1) Front squat w/chains 5-5-5 starting light and building to moderate, 20X1; :60 rest 135(+80)-165(+80)-175(+80) A2) Bar muscle-ups 3 x 6 unbroken; :60 rest B) Squat snatch 10 x 1 @ 135; begin a rep every :60 C) For time 90 double-unders 30 wall balls, 20 to 10 1:48(all unbroken)...not sure how I could do it faster... Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters #riseandgrind
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Thursday, October 13, 2016
The JhS Symphonic Choir capped off an outstanding evening! #JHSpositive
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Great performance by the JHS Women's Choir this evening! #JHSpositive
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JHS Men's Choir started off a great evening! #jhspositive
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Wednesday: A) 3 sets not for time 5/side shrimp squats 5 dragon flags B) 1 squat clean + 1/side alternating reverse lunges + 1 front squat 6-8 x 1 moderate/tough; begin a set every 2:00 155-185(fail)-185(fail)-175-180-185-185-190...these were tougher than expected! Then 5 sets 1 legless rope climb 5 handstand push-ups :60 rest 5 CTB pull-ups 10 hand-release push-ups 15 air squats :60 rest Everything unbroken... D) 5:00-10:00 Assault Bike easy #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Tuesday Hey Thad, Here's your workout for Tuesday, October 11, 2016: A) 1 snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull 6 x 1 @ snatch max(205); :10 between movements, 2:00 rest B) Freestanding handstand hold and walk 10:00 practice, goal is to come down before you fall down - still a work in progress... C) 6 sets 500m row @ 1:49.0-1:49.9/500m 2:00 walk rest 1:49.-1:49.1-149.0-1:49.0-149.2-1:49.1 #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Monday, October 10, 2016
Monday! A) Back squat 5-5-5, 40X1; 3:00 rest - accumulate a strict muscle-up or 2 during rest - 265-275-280-2 MU each set B) 5 rounds for steady, repeatable reps :45 pronated strict pull-ups :45 rest :45 strict handstand push-ups :45 rest Total 31 SHSPU and 59 Pull-ups C) 3 sets not for time :30 front leaning rest on ground 15 light band good mornings 15 light band pull-aparts #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, October 8, 2016
...and that was the last of #WZAOC WODs...#7 didn't quite go as well as I'd hoped, but everything is a learning experience...commit to the work, keep grinding and moving forward! #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, October 6, 2016
#WZAOC WOD nasty as that was, it's nothing compared to what @guidotrinidad and the rest of the @thewodapalooza is going through. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers! Stay safe! #crossfit #crossfitmasters #riseandgrind
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Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Tuesday #grind! A) 1 snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull 5 x 1 starting @ 90% snatch max and adding from there as long as positions & speed @ the hips is there; :05 between movements, 2:00 rest 185-195-195-205-205 B) 5 rounds for movement practice/quality 5m handstand walk :45 med ball bear hug hold, 100 .5 mile Assault Bike easy C) Every 2:30 for 3 sets 30m sled push w/straight arms, load for a tough grind that will take :30(#332) Thanks for the push @jdcrawfordatc #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, October 3, 2016
Monday! A) Back squat build quickly to a moderate single, 20X1 300 B) AMRAP in 5:00 @ high effort 5 muscle-ups 5 thrusters, 155 4 muscle-ups 4 thrusters 3 muscle-ups 3 thrusters 2 muscle-ups 2 thrusters 1 muscle-up 1 thruster begin again at 5 if you complete the round of 1 1 round and 10 reps...UB on everything til the second set of 5 MUs(3-2) C) For time @ high effort 50 row calories 30 burpees over the erg 4:11...real slow today! Was hoping to be close to 3:00...smh D) Powell raises 3 x 4-6/side light/moderate, 30X0; :45 between sides 15s...felt good #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, October 1, 2016
Frustrating morning with the #WZAOC WODs 3&4...not what I was wanting...#crossfit #crossfitmasters
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