Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Wednesday: Warmup: 5:00-8:00 freestanding handstand hold practice Slightly better A) Front squat 8 x 3 @ 70% (215) 1RM, 10X1; begin a set every :90 - felt better this week B) Unsupported 1-arm DB rows 3 x 3-4/side, 20X1; :45 between sides 88-100-100(3) tempo was tough on 100s Then 5 rounds nice & steady 5 rounds of [1 dead hang to inverted + 1 strict toes-through-rings] 10m double KB front rack walking lunges, 53/hand 1:30/round Then 2 sets :70 row @ 95% effort 7:00 rest Awful...fell off around :30 left...1:33...376ish meters...34ish calories #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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