Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Monday, September 26, 2016
Monday: A) Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets of each) 1st: 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, start moderate build to tough (205-215-225-235-240) 2nd: 3 unbroken muscle-ups B) 12:00 increasing effort every 3:00 so that you start "easy" and only last 3:00 is @ "game pace" 12 row calories 10 wall balls, 20 to 10 8 CTB pull-ups 6 handstand push-ups 5 rounds and 12 cal + 2 WBs C) 3 sets not for time 6-8/side light Powell raises 15 15m/side moderate 1-arm DB overhead carry #70 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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