Barbells and Bikes
Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Friday, September 30, 2016
Friday Flush...needed this after the #WZAOC yesterday... A) 10:00 mobility work, upper focus B) 3 rounds @ very easy pace 15m forward bear crawl 15m reverse bear crawl 500m row 1 mile Assault Bike C) 10:00 mobility work, lower focus #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, September 29, 2016
Thursday! #WZAOC WOD 5...HSPU...pistols...pull-ups...wall balls... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Tuesday grind! A) Snatch-grip deadlift 2-2-1-1, 31X1; 3:00 rest 225-235-245-255 B) 5 rounds for movement practice/quality 30m med ball bear hug carry, 150 :30 L-sit on parallettes accumulations :60 Assault Bike easy Can't breath carrying that MedBall! L-sits are very tough for me! C) Every :90 for 6 sets 15m sled push w/straight arms, load for a tough grind that will take :10-:20 - 342(280+sled) #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, September 26, 2016
Monday: A) Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets of each) 1st: 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, start moderate build to tough (205-215-225-235-240) 2nd: 3 unbroken muscle-ups B) 12:00 increasing effort every 3:00 so that you start "easy" and only last 3:00 is @ "game pace" 12 row calories 10 wall balls, 20 to 10 8 CTB pull-ups 6 handstand push-ups 5 rounds and 12 cal + 2 WBs C) 3 sets not for time 6-8/side light Powell raises 15 15m/side moderate 1-arm DB overhead carry #70 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, September 25, 2016
Beautiful morning on the trails with these guys! #getoutside #bike #mtb #crossfit
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Saturday, September 24, 2016
Take 2...#WZAOC this was definitely a learning experience today...smh...#crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, September 23, 2016
Friday Flush: A) Back squat 2-2-2 light/moderate, 20X1; 2:30 rest 255-265-275 B) Strict weighted pronated CTB pull-up 2-2-2, 21X0; 2:30 rest 44 C) 5 rounds :60 row easy :30 rest :60 Assault Bike easy :30 rest Just under 1200 cal/hour and 55 RPM D) 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, September 22, 2016
JHS boys XC just started! Ironladies Soccer leads Logan 1-0 at the half...lots of action on the Hill tonight!
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Hit up the #WZAOC week 1 workouts this AM...and found wanting... Hit #185 on the 6RM Bear Complex...and then got crushed by the deadlifts and OHS...smh #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Trail ride! #applefestivaltradition #trailrandomizer #bike #mtb #crossfit
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Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Tuesday: A) Snatch-grip deadlift (no deficit this week) 3-3-3, 31X1; 3:00 rest 225-235-240 B) For time 25 strict handstand push-ups 25 kipping handstand push-ups 8:17...slow and weak! Mostly 2s and 4s C) For time - be smart here, absolutely no tearing! #naturalgrips 25 strict pull-ups 25 kipping pull-ups 3:54 D) 3 rounds not for time 15m/side 1-arm Farmer's walk, as heavy as possible #185 :60 front leaning rest on ground✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters #humbling
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Monday, September 19, 2016
Monday: A) 1 squat clean + 1 front squat build to a tough set - goal is still no misses here 225...not quite feeling it today Then: 5-4-3-2-1 for time Bear complex, 115 Muscle-ups 5:34...slow! Went cautious on MUs...didn't want to miss Then 3 sets not for time 4-5/side light DB external rotations 15m/side moderate 1-arm DB overhead carry 70 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, September 17, 2016
Another outstanding performance by @JacksonBands
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Saturday: Hey Thad, Here's your workout for Saturday, September 17, 2016: Warmup: 5:00-10:00 handstand walk & double-under efficiency practice - just a few rounds back & forth, all non-fatigue - not bad, DUs felt good A) 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk build quickly to a moderate set - think prep for bear complex #205 B) Bear complex build to a tough 5 - not a max, but want to get an idea of how this will feel @ heavier loads This is tough! Then AMRAP in 12:00 30 row calories 30 burpees 30 row calories 90 double-unders Missed 2 full rounds by 15 DUs...smh Then 3 rounds not for time 20 light band pull-aparts 20 band good mornings Cooldown: 10:00 mobility work of choice - shoulders! #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Thursday, September 15, 2016
Awesome support from the student section tonight at the Ironladies Volleyball game! 3-2 win on the Hill!
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Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Wednesday: Warmup: 5:00-8:00 freestanding handstand hold practice Ehhh A) Front squat 10 x 3 @ 70% 1RM(215), 10X1; begin a set every :90 B) 3 rounds nice & steady 1 legless rope climb 10m double KB front rack walking lunges, 53/hand 4 rope climbs (w/legs) 10m double KB front rack walking lunges, 53/hand 10:00ish...tough! C) For time @ 97% effort 400m row 1:11.1...ouch! #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Tuesday: A) Snatch-grip deadlift (no deficit this week) 5-5-5, 31X1; 3:00 rest 205-215-225 B) 5 rounds not for time - nothing has to be unbroken, just cruise through this as smoothly as possible focusing on quality reps 5 strict handstand push-ups 5 kipping handstand push-ups 4 sets unbroken, 3-2&5 C) For time 50 push-ups 40 box jump w/step-down, 24 30 alternating DB snatches, 70 5:49...slow! D) 3 rounds not for time 20-30m/side 1-arm Farmer's walk, 70 :45 front leaning rest on ground ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, September 12, 2016
Monday: A) Squat clean build quickly to a moderate/tough single for the day - 235 B) 3 sets even, focus is on quality reps/movement throughout 10 CTB pull-ups - mandatory unbroken 5s 10 squat cleans, 165 10 CTB pull-ups - mandatory unbroken 5s .5 mile Assault Bike 1:1 work:rest 3:25 3:45 3:54 Second set of CTBs was very tough for me C) 3 sets not for time 4-5/side light DB external rotations 15m/side moderate(70) 1-arm DB overhead carry #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, September 10, 2016
Saturday! Got in today's work at #RISC Warmup: 5:00-10:00 handstand walk & double-under efficiency practice - just a few rounds back & forth, all non-fatigue Felt pretty good with these today A) 1 push press + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk (all from the front rack, not behind the neck) 5 x 1 tough; begin a set every 2:30 185-185-185-195-200...ehhh...felt heavy today B) Bear complex 8:00 light practice - nothing over 135, just want a little exposure #WZA is gonna be interesting! Then Every 10:00 for 3 even sets 1200m row 30 burpees 6:05-6:00-6:04; rows at 1:53ish 3 rounds not for time 4-5/side light Powell raises, 30X0 :30/side plank ✅ Cool Down: 10:00 mobility work #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Beautiful start to the day! 7 quick miles at BEF! #trail #bike #mtb #crossfit #dawnpatrol
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Friday, September 9, 2016
JHS Cheerleaders getting ready for the game! #footballfriday
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Pep Rally!
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Friday! A) Squat snatch build to a single @ 85-95% 1RM ugly 185 B) Back squat w/chains 2-2-1-1 building so only last single is tough; 2:30 rest finished at #260 + #80 in chains C) Strict weighted pronated CTB pull-up 3 x 3-4, 21X0 44 D) For 10:00 Evens: 10 toes-to-bar Odds: 10 unbroken wall balls, 30 to 10 All sub :20. All unbroken Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Thursday, September 8, 2016
Freshmen football putting in work tonight!
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Ironladies Soccer leading 2-0 at the half!
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Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Wednesday: Warmup: 5:00-8:00 freestanding handstand hold practice Slightly better A) Front squat 8 x 3 @ 70% (215) 1RM, 10X1; begin a set every :90 - felt better this week B) Unsupported 1-arm DB rows 3 x 3-4/side, 20X1; :45 between sides 88-100-100(3) tempo was tough on 100s Then 5 rounds nice & steady 5 rounds of [1 dead hang to inverted + 1 strict toes-through-rings] 10m double KB front rack walking lunges, 53/hand 1:30/round Then 2 sets :70 row @ 95% effort 7:00 rest Awful...fell off around :30 left...1:33...376ish meters...34ish calories #crossfitmasters #crossfit
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Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Tuesday; A) Snatch-grip deadlift from 2-3” deficit 3-2-1-1-1, 31X1; 2:30 rest 210-215-220-225-230 B) Every :60 for 10:00 2 strict handstand push-ups + 2 kipping handstand push-ups - still a struggle! Then 10 rounds for time @ high effort - fast but still even set-to-set 4 alternating DB snatches, 70 4 box jump/step-downs, 30 8 hand-release push-ups 8:28 Then 3 rounds not for time 30-40m/side 1-arm Farmer's walk, 70 :45 front leaning rest on ground #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, September 5, 2016
Yesterday it was "The Thinker"...I'm not sure what to call today's pose by Joe Finch...#1mileperhourwreck #wreckemJoe #mtb #bike #crossfit
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Monday! A) Squat clean 20 x 1 @ 185-205; begin a rep every :30 #185(10)-#195(5)-#205(5), a bit rough start, short warm-up...not as smooth as I wanted B) 5 sets even, focus is on quality reps/movement throughout 5 unbroken CTB pull-ups 5 med ball bear hug squats, 100 5 unbroken CTB pull-ups 5 med ball bear hug squats 5 unbroken CTB pull-ups .5 mile Assault Bike 1:1 work:rest 2:30-2:30-2:20-2:26-2:26, bear hug squats felt better, CTB got sketchy on 3rd in each set C) 3 sets not for time 4-6/side light DB external rotations (10-15) 15m/side moderate 1-arm DB overhead carry(75) #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday, September 3, 2016
Yep! Trail ride! #bike #MTB #getoutside #crossfit
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Saturday: Warmup: 5:00-10:00 handstand walk & double-under efficiency practice - just a few rounds back & forth, all non-fatigue A) Hang power clean from just below the knees build quickly to a tough single w/perfect footwork #225 B) 1 shoulder press + 1 push press + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk (all from the front rack, not behind the neck) 5 x 1 tough (based on the shoulder press, really); begin a set every 2:00 145-145-150-150-150 C) 5 sets @ even output - score as lowest burpee round + lowest row calories round :60 burpees :60 rest :60 row :60 rest 25+25 D) 3 rounds not for time 5-6/side light Powell raises, 30X0 :30/side plank Cooldown: 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, September 2, 2016
Beautiful evening for some Ironmen Football!
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Beautiful evening for some Ironmen Football!
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Friday! A) Squat snatch build quickly to a single @ 80-85% 1RM misses B) Back squat w/chains 2-2-2 building to a tough double; 2:30 rest 225-245-255 + #80 chains - very tough double! C) Strict weighted supinated CTB pull-ups build to a max Hit 88, missed 90...275 total(88+187) D) For time 50 toes-to-bar sets of 5 E) 1 set for reps max unbroken wall balls, 30 to 10 31...failed in this one...tough! Cooldown: 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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