5:00-8:00 handstand push-up practice, this went ok. Still tough for me.
A. Squat snatch, build to a moderate/tough single - worked up to #185 by #10s, had a couple of misses, but felt solid. I had Jason help me stretch my shoulder a bit on the #185 and was able to hit it. I need to invest more time on mobility.
B. 1 halting snatch-grip deadlift (pause just below the knees) + 1 snatch pull, 5 x 1 starting @ 195 and adding 5 each set; 2:00 rest -#195-#215
Then 5 sets for even times:
10 burpees
10 kettlebell swings, 70
40 double-unders
:90 walk rest
These went fairly well, the 1:09 I happened to step on my rope and knock it out of my hands to start. I did break at rep 5 on the last set of DUs, otherwise unbroken on them. I feel I can recover pretty well when I have some rest time between sets.
3 rounds not for time:
8 light Trap 3, 40X0 #10-#15
8 alternating pistols - tough for me! Especially R
8 weighted hip extensions, 2011
5:00-8:00 handstand push-up practice, this went ok. Still tough for me.
A. Squat snatch, build to a moderate/tough single - worked up to #185 by #10s, had a couple of misses, but felt solid. I had Jason help me stretch my shoulder a bit on the #185 and was able to hit it. I need to invest more time on mobility.
B. 1 halting snatch-grip deadlift (pause just below the knees) + 1 snatch pull, 5 x 1 starting @ 195 and adding 5 each set; 2:00 rest -#195-#215
Then 5 sets for even times:
10 burpees
10 kettlebell swings, 70
40 double-unders
:90 walk rest
These went fairly well, the 1:09 I happened to step on my rope and knock it out of my hands to start. I did break at rep 5 on the last set of DUs, otherwise unbroken on them. I feel I can recover pretty well when I have some rest time between sets.
3 rounds not for time:
8 light Trap 3, 40X0 #10-#15
8 alternating pistols - tough for me! Especially R
8 weighted hip extensions, 2011
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