A. Squat clean, accumulate 3 single @ 215+; rest as needed - 3 at #215 and 1 at #225 - felt tough to pull under today, bottom catch position didn't feel quite right
B. 1 & 1/4 front squat, 5-5-5; 3:00 rest - #185-#195-#205(4) - these were very tough!
C. 1 shoulder press + 2 push presses + 1 split jerk, 5 x 1 moderate; 2:00 rest - #135-#145-#150-#150-#145 - couldn't press out #150 for the last set, so I dropped back to #145. Still tough, but felt a bit better than last week.
Then 10:00 @ 80%:
5 strict ring dips
5 box jumps w/step-down, 30"
10 CTB pull-ups, mandatory sets of 5 & 5 unbroken
100m shuttle run (2 x 25m out & back)
5 rounds and 9 reps - CTB were solid on the 1st and dropped off on the second, no rhythm.
3 sets:
:55 row @ 97%
6:05 walk rest
1-1:28.2 - 312 meters
2- 1:29.5 - 308 meters
3- 1:30.2 - 304 meters Fell off a bit on the last. Starts felt solid, I think I didn't givemyself the full 6:05 on the last set.
I'll put up full video later, but it hasn't beendownloaded form the GoPro yet.
45:00 - easy pace
4 KB windmills/side #35
30 cal Assault Bike (3:15-slightly fewer cals/same wattage as AirDyne)
3 strict pull-ups into :20 passive hang
750m row (slightly sub-3:00)
:A. Power snatch, build to touch-and-go 3RM - hit #165, which is what I hit last Tuesday for a single...
B. Single-leg Romanian deadlift, 3 x 4-6/leg, 4010; :90 between legs - #45s - R leg was a bit shaky compared to L
Then 9-7-5 for time: Muscle-ups )6-3,3-2-2,1-F-2-2) Heavy medball over the shoulder #150 7:00 - tough one! Tried to maintain a kip out of the dip on the MU, but very much a work in progress. Need to quite breaking at the knee as well.
Then 3 sets: 500m row @ 1:40.0-1:40.9/500m 2:00 walk rest
Felt solid, though the last one was tough.
Then 3 rounds:
10 toes-to-bar (:15)
:30 front leaning rest on rings
:60 rest
C. DB external rotations, 1 x max/side @ 25, 30X0 - R(10) and L(17) - very humid today, R arm slipped a bit which may have kept it lower. Upon recount from video it was 10 reps on the right, although it have been better on 9&10.
D. Tripod hold (head & hands on ground, knees on elbows - 4 x :60; :60 rest - easier than frog, back was not very vertical though
Then 12 sets:
:10 AirDyne @ high effort (1100 watts+)
:50 AirDyne very easy spin (100 watts)
Assault Air Bike is a bit different than AD. Calories were close, I need to investigate further to get a better comparison.
5:00-8:00 handstand push-up practice, this went ok. Still tough for me.
A. Squat snatch, build to a moderate/tough single - worked up to #185 by #10s, had a couple of misses, but felt solid. I had Jason help me stretch my shoulder a bit on the #185 and was able to hit it. I need to invest more time on mobility.
B. 1 halting snatch-grip deadlift (pause just below the knees) + 1 snatch pull, 5 x 1 starting @ 195 and adding 5 each set; 2:00 rest -#195-#215
Then 5 sets for even times:
10 burpees
10 kettlebell swings, 70
40 double-unders
:90 walk rest
These went fairly well, the 1:09 I happened to step on my rope and knock it out of my hands to start. I did break at rep 5 on the last set of DUs, otherwise unbroken on them. I feel I can recover pretty well when I have some rest time between sets.
3 rounds not for time:
8 light Trap 3, 40X0 #10-#15
8 alternating pistols - tough for me! Especially R
8 weighted hip extensions, 2011
A. 1 hang power snatch from pause just above knees + 1 hang power snatch from pause below knees + 1 hang power snatch from pause @ mid-shins, 4 x 1 #135; :10 between singles, 2:00 rest - get better this week
B. DB death march, 3 x 15m #35; 2:00 rest - felt solid
then 3 rounds for reps:
:90 of [2 muscle-ups + 2 #150 medball over shoulder]
:90 walk rest
Total 24 reps, 2 full rounds each time then failing MUs.
This was disappointing, can't seem to find a kip out of the dip. On the 3rd set I felt like I had no idea how to do a MUS, out of sync and no power in the kip or pull.
Had :35+left each time
3 sets: 500m row @ 1:41.0-1:41.9/500m
2:00 walk rest
1-1:42.6 - coasted at the end since I went out fast
2-1:41.2 - felt good
3-1:41.2 - this one felt tough
Not for time:
:60 L-sit accumulation, goal is at least :10 at a time
A. 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat, build to a tough set - #185, which is the most I've hit in a snatch balance. Couldn't lock out under the #195.
B. 1 halting snatch-grip deadlift (pause just below the knees) + 1 snatch pull, 4 x 1 starting @ 195 and adding 5 each set; 2:00 rest
The DL felt good, but I felt like I was not hitting good positions on the snatch pull.
C. Handstand push-up, 5:00-8:00 practice/tech, These were ok, probably hit somewhere around 20. Didn't grind, just went through some. Played with the hand positions a bit.
5 rounds for time:
10 burpees
12 unbroken kettlebell swings, 70
14 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10'
9:20 - round splits were 1:30 - 1:38 - 1:46 - 2:10 - 2:11 - really fell off on round 4 and 5.
Ouch! Felt out of shape on this one!
3 rounds not for time:
8 light Trap 3, 30X0 - #20
8 hip extensions - #35
: A. Squat clean gauntlet, 1 every :60 starting @ 155 & adding 10 every :60 -
finished at #225, disappointing- didn't feel it today, I was hoping for #245. Looking at the video, I had the pull high enough, I just could get the elbows through for the catch. I definitely need to find some things to work on the front rack mobility and positioning.
B. Front squat, build quickly to a tough but crisp triple - #235 No knee sleeves or Oly shoes though, not belt either
C. Shoulder press, 3-3-2-2, 21X1; 2:00 rest
#145-#150-#155-#160(1) - very backy on the initiation. I probably should start lighter and really dial in the positioning, letting the number ego take over.
For 10:00:
Evens: 8 unbroken kipping CTB pull-ups
Odds: 2-3/side 1-arm DB thrusters, #70
CTB - first two sets felt good, struggled with #8 on the last 3. i'm not in a groove for these. My technique is broken and rough.
SADB - felt good on the right, tougher on the left. Hip fatigue partially I think, I should have switched the order up to check that!
3 sets:
:40 row @ 97%
4:50 walk rest
1-1:28.1 - 228m
2-1:27.3 - 229m
3-1:26.2 - 232m
These felt pretty solid, not sure where I should exactly be on these though.