A. Work to a max close grip bench press - #240 - not bad considering I haven't benched since late summer
B. Work to a max power clean in 8:00 - #255, ugly, backy, PR(video) - not great, but progress. Still get wide with feet and not dropping under and catching with my shoulders/front rack instead of my hands/arms. I hook gripped everything today, felt solid (there may be something to that...)
AMRAP 8:00
Power Cleans @90%of B (#230)
24 reps - thought I hit 26, but upon further review I only hit 24...I should have pushed the pace a bit I guess. That is one rep every 20s. I was hoping for closer to 1/10s but that was based on doing #220ish.
Then 5:00 easy #AirDyne to flush the system.
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