AMRAP 10:00 (80%)
1 rope climb
20m OH 1-arm DB Carry #70
20 AirDyne Calories
4 rounds + the carries
Everything felt solid on this one. Looking at the video, I am not getting nearly enough out of my legs on the rope climbs, not getting my knees close to my chest to get that big stand up. I probably need to adjust my technique on these down the line. Snatched the #70 (didn't have a heavier DB upstairs and didn't drag one up from the weight room this AM). I held the wattage on the AD to around the mid to upper 200s.
Then 5 sets 500m row (90% aerobic) - rest 2:00
1 - 1:47
2 - 1:45
3 - 1:46
4 - 1:47
5 - 1:48
I was trying to hold sub-1:50 on these. I tried to focus on my breathing and my drive and held the strokes to sub-30, which is huge for me as I tend to row like a maniac.
Then 3 sets
Sorenson Hold x 30s
Side Plank x 30s/side
Rested around 30s between each set. These felt pretty solid today.
Sleep: I was able to get around 7 hours of sleep last night.
Nutrition: This was fairly solid yesterday, but I around 1700 calories for the day.
Other notes:
I have a bit of DOMS from the single leg squats from yesterday. Perhaps the biggest positive of the day is that my tweaked right shoulder feels very solid (right now)! I'm going to try to stay ahead of the curve with it. Periodically throughout my day, I have been doing some supported hangs (30s at a time) trying to open my shoulders up.
1 rope climb
20m OH 1-arm DB Carry #70
20 AirDyne Calories
4 rounds + the carries
Everything felt solid on this one. Looking at the video, I am not getting nearly enough out of my legs on the rope climbs, not getting my knees close to my chest to get that big stand up. I probably need to adjust my technique on these down the line. Snatched the #70 (didn't have a heavier DB upstairs and didn't drag one up from the weight room this AM). I held the wattage on the AD to around the mid to upper 200s.
Then 5 sets 500m row (90% aerobic) - rest 2:00
1 - 1:47
2 - 1:45
3 - 1:46
4 - 1:47
5 - 1:48
I was trying to hold sub-1:50 on these. I tried to focus on my breathing and my drive and held the strokes to sub-30, which is huge for me as I tend to row like a maniac.
Then 3 sets
Sorenson Hold x 30s
Side Plank x 30s/side
Rested around 30s between each set. These felt pretty solid today.
Sleep: I was able to get around 7 hours of sleep last night.
Nutrition: This was fairly solid yesterday, but I around 1700 calories for the day.
Other notes:
I have a bit of DOMS from the single leg squats from yesterday. Perhaps the biggest positive of the day is that my tweaked right shoulder feels very solid (right now)! I'm going to try to stay ahead of the curve with it. Periodically throughout my day, I have been doing some supported hangs (30s at a time) trying to open my shoulders up.
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