A. 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, build quickly to a tough set - #230, couldn't get under #235 today, things felt a bit off, probably due to poor nutrition and a bit less sleep over the last several days. I need to get that back on track.
B. Squat clean, 15 x 1 @ 85% of A; begin a rep every :30 - #195 - didn't feel as snappy as last week (#205), but no misses.
C1. Seated 1-arm DB shoulder press, 3 x 5-6/side, 21X1; :60 between sides, :60 rest #55 - right side felt very solid today, left lagged a bit. Couldn't quite drive a #60 with the left yet.
C2. Weighted pronated CTB strict pull-up, 3 x 2-3, 21X0; 2:00 rest #20-#30-#30 - stayed with the #30 to be sure to get the chest high to the bar.
D. Powell raises, 3 x 8-10/arm, 30X0; :60 between sides #10 - getting better I think.
Then 3 sets: :
20 row sprint 3:10 walk rest
119 meters - 125m - 126m
first one felt sluggish, the other were tough. Looking at the video, I need to have a better start-up and reach on each stroke.
4 full rounds - felt solid, used the walk to the rope and wall walks to try to control the pace. The AD started to take a toll. I was able to hold the wattage in the low to mid 300s (with a few dips into the high 200s during round 3). Overall I'm ok with the 4 rounds right now.
Then 6 sets:
500m row @1:47.1-1:47.9 (goal is tightest spread possible) 2:00 walk rest
1- 1:47.7
2- 1:47.5
3- 1:47.7
4- 1:47.4
5- 1:47.4
6- 1:47.5
I was able to hold these fairly close to each other. I usually started out with an average in the low 1:40s then found the pace to finish in the 1:47s. My stroke rate was mostly in the upper 20s. I was able to recover fairly well between efforts, although I could feel a slight toll the repeats were beginning to take during rounds 5 and 6.
3 rounds not for time
:40 Sorensen hold
:15/side star plank
Done! I could tell some hip weakness during the star planks, but the :15 was manageable,
A. Rear-foot elevated split squat, 3 x 8/side (start w/R leg, match reps w/L leg), 30X0; :90 between sides
#45-#50-#50 - felt better, should've gone with #55 on the last set
B1. 1-arm DB bench press, 3 x 7/arm, 21X1; :30 between arms, :60 rest
#50-#60-#65 - felt better today
B2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 6/arm, 20X2 (elbow high @ top, forearm vertical, wrist neutral); :30 between arms, :60 rest
#60-#70-#80- felt pretty solid
C. DB external rotations, 3 x 10/side, 30X0; :60 between sides
Used #10s, right side was a no go for the #15s, little bit of pain so I stayed smart in this one.
D. Front leaning rest on rings, 5 x :35 accumulation; :25 rest
This was much tougher than last week. Gotta keep the eyes on the end goal, these days are real exciting, but they are necessary to lay the foundation for me to improve!
A. Overhead squat, 3 x 3-5, 42X1; #165(5) - #175(4) - #185(3)
Really began feeling these in my wrists.
B. Halting snatch-grip deadlift clusters, 3 x 1.1.1 starting @ 185 10 between reps, 2:00 rest #185-#195#205
Really tried to hit the positions, definitely will take some getting used to, but will pay off.
AMRAP in 10:00
3 burpee muscle-ups
5 med ball over the shoulder #150
20 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10'
3 + 16 wall Balls
Loved this triplet, should've push the wall balls a bit more, I may have rested too much between the SBOS and them. I was concerned about going unbroken.
3 rounds not for time:
10 light Trap 3, 30X0 #10
:10/side bottom of pistol hold
10 unweighted hip extensions 10x2
Concerned that I'm not doing the Trap 3 quite right, and I maybe should have used the #5s.
On the pistol hold, I had to support myself on the first set, and used the mat edge to add a bit of a heel to my Oly shoes for the second and third.
45:00 Z1 on the #AirDyne
Off every 5:00 and 2 dead hang to inverted with controlled descent (kinda) - not real solid on this one! Also, couldn't string them together, as my shoulders felt like they were in a bad position when I came down.
✅ - 154 watt average, 10+ miles, 400+calories - never quite sure what pace to hold on Z1 so I just kept it above 150 watts.
AMRAP 10:00 (80%)
1 rope climb
20m OH 1-arm DB Carry #70
20 AirDyne Calories
4 rounds + the carries
Everything felt solid on this one. Looking at the video, I am not getting nearly enough out of my legs on the rope climbs, not getting my knees close to my chest to get that big stand up. I probably need to adjust my technique on these down the line. Snatched the #70 (didn't have a heavier DB upstairs and didn't drag one up from the weight room this AM). I held the wattage on the AD to around the mid to upper 200s.
Then 5 sets 500m row (90% aerobic) - rest 2:00
1 - 1:47
2 - 1:45
3 - 1:46
4 - 1:47
5 - 1:48
I was trying to hold sub-1:50 on these. I tried to focus on my breathing and my drive and held the strokes to sub-30, which is huge for me as I tend to row like a maniac.
Then 3 sets
Sorenson Hold x 30s
Side Plank x 30s/side
Rested around 30s between each set. These felt pretty solid today.
Sleep: I was able to get around 7 hours of sleep last night. Nutrition: This was fairly solid yesterday, but I around 1700 calories for the day. Other notes:
I have a bit of DOMS from the single leg squats from yesterday. Perhaps the biggest positive of the day is that my tweaked right shoulder feels very solid (right now)! I'm going to try to stay ahead of the curve with it. Periodically throughout my day, I have been doing some supported hangs (30s at a time) trying to open my shoulders up.
A. Rear-foot elevated split squat,
3 x 10/side (start w/R leg, match reps w/L leg)
#35 - #40 - #45 - these were tougher than I thought they would be, I wasn't very comforatble in this one.
B1. 1-arm DB bench press, 3 x 7-10/arm, 21X1;
:30 between arms, :60 rest
L(#45-#50-#50) R(#25-#35-#45) started off very weak on the right side, still feeling the shoulder pain in it.
B2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 8/arm :30 between arms, :60 rest
#50 - #60 - #60 - no issues for the shoulder on this one, felt solid
C. DB external rotations, 3 x 10/side, 30X0; :60 between sides
#10-#10-#10 - I could've gone heavier on the L on this one, but tI could not control the R with a #15. Slight shoulder pain in the R on this one, but not bad.
D. Front leaning rest on rings, 5 x :30 accumulation; :30 rest
Hit all for the full :30, felt easy and stable on this one.
This was a very different day from the usual training, and I definitely see the weak areas that need stabilized.
B. Sorenson Hold - 1 x max - 1:07
Hamstrings were fried up after this one!
C. DB external rotation - 1 x max (L-4, R-fail) #20
D. Powell Raise - 1 x max (L-3, R- fail) #20
E. Trap 3 Raise - 1 x max (L-3, R-Fail) #20
I used #20 on thes, which is slightly less than 10% of my CGBP of #240. Since the CGBP and Power Clean max last week my right shoulder has felt a bit weak in certain positions. I may have sprained my AC joint. Definitely exposed some issues with these movements. I have felt the need for some shoulder work for a while and have consider getting into the Crossover Symmetry system to improve the shoulder health.
Then AMRAP 10
AirDyne calories (aka World's Most Awful Test)
178 calories (217 watt average)
I am dissapointed with my effort on this one. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted my pace to be, and probably started out abit hot. I was wanting 200+, really hoping to be around 220. I felt really out of shape on this one.
A. Work to a max snatch for the day: #175, missed #185 - felt pretty solid up to the miss at #185, worked up in 10s from #115.
B. CTB Pull-Ups: 1 x max - 12, very ugly - did these pretty much without a warm-up, just went from snatches to them. Didn't feel these today. Also, my right shoulder felt a bit tweaky. It was not noticeable during the snatches, but I noticed it during push-ups in the warm-up and on the pull-ups,
Then for time 20 Squat Snatches @ 77% of A (#135) 3:11 - got fatigued quick in this one, all singles, didn't feel like I got my hips low as I got tired. 10 reps shy of a full "Isabel" (full squat version), which I have not tested. I'm not real sure where my time should be on this one. I'd like to get to the point where I can hit these in 3s and maybe 5s (eventually) instead of the singles. I always play squats snatches conservative in a task specific workout as I'm not quite confident in my technique.
Establish a max strict press - #155, hit #160 but moved ankles. Down from my previous #165
Then for time: 50 strict HSPU 22:22 very slow and weak. The last time I hit a bunch of HSPU it was 20 and it took me 4:30 to complete. I tried to make sure that I didn't start failing reps this morning. My overhead strength fells pretty bad right now.
Then 4 sets 30s row (100%) for meters 30s rest 1- 178m 2- 173m 3- 168m 4- 164m That was nasty! I had previously (November) hit something similar, but only for 3 rounds and for calories. As near as I can figure, the 16 cal, 16 cal, 10 cal was less work than I did than I did this morning.
A. Single Leg Elevated Split Squat (Bulgarian Split Squat)
1 x ME - #60 8 reps left, 4 reps right, felt awkward, not sure if I was hitting the depth necessary. I had a tough time staying upright, I wanted to bend at the waist to get depth.
B. 3 x max DUs - 121 - 125 - 130 rest 3:00 bet
This really got my shoulders pumped and heart rate up! These were 3 fairly solid efforts, I've hit the 150 mark before, but these were solid. I did notice that I started flopping the arms around the 80-90s. Also, it is VERY tough to count and breath at the same time!
C. 20 sets of 5 UB CTB Pull-Ups -
13:40 - slow, no flow but no tears thanks to @thenaturalgrip, those things are legit! I didn't really have a plan, just wanted to be sub-15 on this one. I may have been able to push the pace a bit more, should have tried every 20s for a set, but I was trying to ensure no fails for this test. I want to get my technique down, I feel like I'm just flopping around.
A. Work to a max close grip bench press - #240 - not bad considering I haven't benched since late summer
B. Work to a max power clean in 8:00 - #255, ugly, backy, PR(video) - not great, but progress. Still get wide with feet and not dropping under and catching with my shoulders/front rack instead of my hands/arms. I hook gripped everything today, felt solid (there may be something to that...)
AMRAP 8:00
Power Cleans @90%of B (#230)
24 reps - thought I hit 26, but upon further review I only hit 24...I should have pushed the pace a bit I guess. That is one rep every 20s. I was hoping for closer to 1/10s but that was based on doing #220ish.