A. Hang power snatch, build to a 5RM - couldn't get under the 5th rep at #150...
B. Clean pulls, 5 x 1 @ 255; begin a set every :75 - ehhh...always feel my tech is off when I do these
3 rounds for even times:
12 ground-to-overhead, 135 - smooth over fast, no need to touch-and-go these right now
12 bar-facing burpees
12 toes-to-bar
2:00 walk rest
3-2:32- felt apart and lungs didn't want to work...
3 sets: :20 row @ 97% effort
3:20 rest
1-1:25.4 - 117 meters
2- 1:24.0 - 119 meters
3- 1:22.4 - 121 meters
I went to the Jackson Urgent Care afterwards and found out I have bronchitis...so a Z-Pack and some prednisone for me...may have been affecting the training a bit today...
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