A. Hang squat clean, build quickly to a heavy single - #225
this was ok, went #185 - #215 - #225 and couldn't pull under #235
B. 1 & 1/4 front squat, build to a tough single -went #225, #255 then #265 and it felt pretty solid. No Oly shoes, knee sleeves or belt.
C. 1 push jerk + 2 split jerks, 5 x 1 moderate; 2:00 rest #195(2)-#200(3) - these felt ok, I am kicking my right leg out on the push jerk and not being in a good catch position. I may have been a bit soft with the arms a couple of times as well.
12:00 @ 80%:
10 alternating shoulder taps (from top of wall walk)
10 CTB pull-ups
10 wall balls @ 30 to 10'
6 + 20(through the CTB) really felt off on the CTB today. The shoulder taps were ok, but my position was very broken at the top. Wall Balls were unbroken and ok. Still trying to dial in what 80% feels like.
6 sets:
200m run @ 90% aerobic :60 rest
All sub :50
A. Hang squat clean, build quickly to a heavy single - #225
this was ok, went #185 - #215 - #225 and couldn't pull under #235
B. 1 & 1/4 front squat, build to a tough single -went #225, #255 then #265 and it felt pretty solid. No Oly shoes, knee sleeves or belt.
C. 1 push jerk + 2 split jerks, 5 x 1 moderate; 2:00 rest #195(2)-#200(3) - these felt ok, I am kicking my right leg out on the push jerk and not being in a good catch position. I may have been a bit soft with the arms a couple of times as well.
12:00 @ 80%:
10 alternating shoulder taps (from top of wall walk)
10 CTB pull-ups
10 wall balls @ 30 to 10'
6 + 20(through the CTB) really felt off on the CTB today. The shoulder taps were ok, but my position was very broken at the top. Wall Balls were unbroken and ok. Still trying to dial in what 80% feels like.
6 sets:
200m run @ 90% aerobic :60 rest
All sub :50
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