Frustrating session with the snatch this AM, but everything else felt good...I could have some fatigue from a wisdom tooth extraction Thursday, and being up at 3:00 AM on Friday...
08.22 A. Squat snatch, build quickly to a single @ 80-90% 1RM and accumulate 3 total reps in that range - #170 - these were a mess, and finally just hit the last two within :30 of each other...frustrating session, lost my cool and slammed the weight, not real happy with myself for that one.
B. Snatch pulls, 1-1-1-1 @ 215; 2:00 rest - felt ok, but I think I may be leading with my hips a bit.
+ Every :60 for 10:00:
\Minutes 1-5: 3 strict handstand push-ups
Minutes 6-10: 3 kipping handstand push-ups
These felt solid today, actuallly very good today.
+ For 10:00:
Evens: 1 bar muscle-up + 3 CTB pull-ups
Odds: 8 thrusters, 95
The best the bar Muscle Ups have felt in a while, I paused for a second on top of the bar to get set before I dropped to hit the CTB, which I felt pretty solid doing, although the video showed a bit of a break on the backswing. I tried to focus on my position for the thrusters,
+ 3 rounds not for time:
6 light Trap 3, 30X0
7-10 unweighted glute-ham raises, 20X1
both of these felt better today
08.22 A. Squat snatch, build quickly to a single @ 80-90% 1RM and accumulate 3 total reps in that range - #170 - these were a mess, and finally just hit the last two within :30 of each other...frustrating session, lost my cool and slammed the weight, not real happy with myself for that one.
B. Snatch pulls, 1-1-1-1 @ 215; 2:00 rest - felt ok, but I think I may be leading with my hips a bit.
+ Every :60 for 10:00:
\Minutes 1-5: 3 strict handstand push-ups
Minutes 6-10: 3 kipping handstand push-ups
These felt solid today, actuallly very good today.
+ For 10:00:
Evens: 1 bar muscle-up + 3 CTB pull-ups
Odds: 8 thrusters, 95
The best the bar Muscle Ups have felt in a while, I paused for a second on top of the bar to get set before I dropped to hit the CTB, which I felt pretty solid doing, although the video showed a bit of a break on the backswing. I tried to focus on my position for the thrusters,
+ 3 rounds not for time:
6 light Trap 3, 30X0
7-10 unweighted glute-ham raises, 20X1
both of these felt better today
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