A. Back squat, 4-4-4 loaded according to knee feel, 40X1; 3:00 rest 225-255-255, didn't push the knee too much today, tried to hold tempo and positions
B. Weighted pronated CTB pull-up, build to a heavy single - 60...
C. Behind-the-neck push jerk, build to a heavy single #225, a bit sloppy though...
+ 10:00 @ 80% of
[9 toes-to-bar + 15 wall balls @ 20 to 10 + 21 row calories]
4 rounds + 9 TTB, held the rows around 1300 cal/hour
12.12 - upper focus today with the gimpy knee/ossicle
A1. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 6/arm tough, 10X0; :30 between arms, :30 rest; 88 KB- probably needed90+ for these
A2. Handstand push-ups, 3 x max (-2) unbroken; :60 rest; 10 each set- cut it off at 10, no fails, definitely has a couple more reps inme each round, maybe more but I'm not sure...
6 rounds for time:
5 muscle-ups(UB, UB, UB, 3-2, 3-2, 2-F-2-1)
20m heavy med ball carry
7:35...fell apart after round 3, really want to be able to hit these unbroken under fatigue. So there are two ways to look at this one... I fell apart and didn't go unbroken, or I was able to do 30 MUs plus the carries in under 8:00...I'm still of the mindset that I should be able to hit these unbroken...I had a nice EMOM pace going at the beginning. Of course, if I had to bear hug carry it, that would change it completely!
then 3 rounds not for time: :30 Sorensen hold 12 glute-ham sit-ups :30/side plank Knee is feeling better. Good to get a sweat going this AM
12.03 A. Jerk balance, 2-2-2-2-2 speed over load; :60 rest -
Used 95-155 for these, they actually felt better than last week. Watching the video, I'm not sure if I'm driving under the bar enough.
B. Front squat, 9 x 1 starting @ 65% 1RM and adding so you end on a tough (not max) single; begin a rep every :90 -
Started at 195 and went to 285 by 10s, used the belt on 265-275-285, everything felt very solid on these today!
C. Muscle-ups, 3 x max unbroken; :90 rest 6s, kinda disappointing, but not totally. I'm just glad I was able to hit 6 (my max I is 9 during "Amanda"). Since Sunday, my right shoulder has been sore and achy. I have been able to do all the movements (HSPU, HS walks, Power Snatches). My PT Friend doesn't think anything is wrong structurly. I think during Saturday's training I tweaked it when I lost a snatch at 175 behind me and then caught the 150 MedBall pancake on that shoulder (I've pumped more air into the MedBall and that shouldn't be a problem anymore for a while!).
8:00 @ 80% of [4 power snatches @ 115 + 6 deadlifts @ 115 + 8 CTB pull-ups]
5 + 10 - wasn't feeling the CTBs today. The other movements were fine...
4:00 rest
For time:
300m run (1:05)
30 alternating pistols (2:27ish)
3:32...with UGLY pistols! I very much struggle with the pistols, especially on my right side. I had to put my heel on the mat edge to be able to get close to the movement, becuase Id din't want to run in my Oly shoes!
25:01 - sub-2:00 on the row average was a little disappointing...this was tough! I was hoping to average around 1:50 for the rows and was near that on the first one, then settled into 1:55-2:00 for the remainder.
I think on a re-test I would be able to shave some time off and maybe be in the 23:00s...I was very cautious when starting the C&J to be sure I was ready to go unbroken.