Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Monday, December 21, 2015
Monday: A. Back squat, 3-3-3-3 still loaded according to knee feel, 40X1; 3:00 rest - #280, ehhh B. Weighted supinated CTB pull-up, 3 x 4-6, 21X0; 2:00 rest - subbed Pendlay Rows (205) + 6:00 @ 80% of [2 rope climbs + 10 wall balls @ 30 to 10 + 40 double-unders] 3 rounds 3:00 rest 6:00 @ 80% of [10 toes-to-bar (subbed GHD sit-ups) + 30m sled push (#222)] 3 + 10 GHD sit-ups 4 rounds 3:00 rest 6:00 @ 80% of [40m Farmer's walk @ 70/hand + :30 front leaning rest on rings + 20m medball carry @ 80-100] 4 rounds (for some reason I made the MedBall carry 30m...) Had to do some modifying because of the shoulder. Achy this AM... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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