A. Split jerk, build quickly to a tough but crisp single for the day - #230
B. 1 clean thruster + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat, 6 x 1 moderate/tough; begin a set every :90 - built to #185, could feel the knee on these
5-4-3-2-1 for time:
Deadlifts, 275(UB)
Bar muscle-ups (5, 4, 1-F-1-F-F-1, 2, 1)
3:16...round of 3 BMU messed me up... deadlifts felt solid
5:00 rest
10-8-6-4-2 for time:
Alternating DB snatches, 60
CTB pull-ups (unbroken)
really felt the heart race and lungs get going on this one...not sure what a god time should be on either of these pieces...
then Not for time: 1000m row
A. Split jerk, build quickly to a tough but crisp single for the day - #230
B. 1 clean thruster + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat, 6 x 1 moderate/tough; begin a set every :90 - built to #185, could feel the knee on these
5-4-3-2-1 for time:
Deadlifts, 275(UB)
Bar muscle-ups (5, 4, 1-F-1-F-F-1, 2, 1)
3:16...round of 3 BMU messed me up... deadlifts felt solid
5:00 rest
10-8-6-4-2 for time:
Alternating DB snatches, 60
CTB pull-ups (unbroken)
really felt the heart race and lungs get going on this one...not sure what a god time should be on either of these pieces...
then Not for time: 1000m row
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