A. Back squat, 4-4-4 loaded according to knee feel, 40X1; 3:00 rest 225-255-255, didn't push the knee too much today, tried to hold tempo and positions
B. Weighted pronated CTB pull-up, build to a heavy single - 60...
C. Behind-the-neck push jerk, build to a heavy single #225, a bit sloppy though...
+ 10:00 @ 80% of
[9 toes-to-bar + 15 wall balls @ 20 to 10 + 21 row calories]
4 rounds + 9 TTB, held the rows around 1300 cal/hour
5:00 rest
10:00 @ 80% of
[25m Farmer's walk @ 70/hand + 25m tough sled push (202 sled-almost puke inducing...) + 25m bear crawl]
4 plus the farmers carry...sled pushes were real bad...
A. Back squat, 4-4-4 loaded according to knee feel, 40X1; 3:00 rest 225-255-255, didn't push the knee too much today, tried to hold tempo and positions
B. Weighted pronated CTB pull-up, build to a heavy single - 60...
C. Behind-the-neck push jerk, build to a heavy single #225, a bit sloppy though...
+ 10:00 @ 80% of
[9 toes-to-bar + 15 wall balls @ 20 to 10 + 21 row calories]
4 rounds + 9 TTB, held the rows around 1300 cal/hour
5:00 rest
10:00 @ 80% of
[25m Farmer's walk @ 70/hand + 25m tough sled push (202 sled-almost puke inducing...) + 25m bear crawl]
4 plus the farmers carry...sled pushes were real bad...
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