Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Thursday: A. Jerk balance, 3-3-3 speed over load; :90 rest - 95-115-125 B. 1 paused front squat + 1 1&1/4 front squat + 1 front squat, 4 x 1 moderate/tough; begin a set every 2:00 - 230, these were tough! C. Butterfly CTB pull-up, 12 x 3 unbroken; begin a set every :30 - worst these have felt in long time, not sure shoulder were ready for this one... + 8:00 @ 80% of [2 muscle-ups + 4 squat snatches @ 115 + 6 deadlifts @ 115] - felt off today, struggled through 6 rounds of this one 4:00 rest For time: 90 double-unders(unbroken) 45 row calories(sub-1:50, 1500-1600 cal/hour) 90 double-unders(29-21-40) 4:06... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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