Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Thursday: A. Jerk balance, 5:00-8:00 light tech work - nothing above 95 - first time, felt a bit awkward B. Squat clean, build quickly to a heavy single - only went to #225, felt ugly and off C. Butterfly CTB pull-up, 10 x 3 unbroken; begin a set every :30 - ehhh...a bit off + 15:00 @ 80%: 2 muscle-ups 4 kipping handstand push-ups 8 kettlebell swings, 70 12 rounds and 2 MUs, started at EMOM pace and slowed to 1:30/ pace + right into 800m easy jog (sub 5:00...) #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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