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Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Thursday...last workout of #2015... 12.31 A. Thruster, 2-2-2-2-2; :90-2:00 rest - most at #185, a messy one at #190, and a miss at 190 B. 1-arm DB rows, 3 x 3-4/arm, 10X0; :60 between arms #100 + For time - against a 10:00 cap 30 front squats, 135 30 shoulder-to-overhead, 135 30 power cleans, 135 perform 5 CTB pull-ups @ the start of every :60, beginning the workout with them 8:53 - the STO was the worst part, was happy with the CTB and the shoulder...unbroken til my last 2 sets then went to singles + Not for time: 1 mile @assaultairbike needed this to flush the system and get the pump out of my arms... On to #2016! #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Wednesday: #activerecovery 15:00 @assaultairbike Z1 (102 calls, 160 watts, 114 HR) Then 20 tough but steady Turkish Get-Ups (#62) and because I can't count I did 22... Then 15:00 of mobility work #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Tuesday: 12.29 A. Snatch pull clusters, 3 x 1.1.1 @ 205; :10 between singles, 2:00 rest ✅ B1. Power clean, 3-3-3 touch-and-go; :90 rest-hit #225! B2. Weighted ring dip, 3 x 3-4, 20X1; :90 rest - #62 + 3 sets for even times: 5 wall walks 10 deadlifts, 275 15 hand-release push-ups 20 alternating box step-up/step-downs, 24 2:30 walk rest 2:02-2:03-1:58 + 3 sets: :15 Assault Bike @ 97% 3:15 walk rest 11 calories #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Monday, December 28, 2015
Monday: 12.28 A. Back squat, 2-2-2-2 still loaded according to knee feel, 40X1; 3:00 rest. - finished at #315 B. Rope climbs, 7 x 1 focusing on speed; begin a climb every :60 - :05/climb + 5:00 @ 90% of [15 wall balls @ 30 to 10 + 60 double-unders] - 3 + 25(10DUs) all unbroken 3:00 rest 5:00 @ 90% of [12 glute-ham sit-ups + 40m sled drag-#200] 3 + 5 3:00 rest For time: 50m medball carry, #150 500m row 50m medball carry, #150 2:52(1:37 row) #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Saturday, December 26, 2015
Saturday: A. Snatch, 10:00 light/moderate tech work - pick any variation that needs work - did some position work at #185, keeping I easy on the shoulder B1. 1-arm DB/KB overhead carry, 3 x 50m tough (according to shoulder); :30 between sides, :60 rest -70-70-88...88 was tough but no issues for the shoulder B2. Death march, 3 x 15m moderate; :60 rest - #35 + 3 rounds for even times: 30m tough Farmer's walk #100/hand 20 Assault Bike calories 30m tough Farmer's walk #100/hand 3:00 walk rest 1:34-1:38-1:34 + 5 sets: 500m row @ 85% effort (tough, sustainable across all sets) 2:00 rest 1:41.0-1:41.1-1:41.7-1:42.5-1:42.3 That was tough... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Thursday, December 24, 2015
Tis the season! #christmasvacation #classic #tradition
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...#christmas in Ohio...#ohiowx
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Thursday: 12.24 A. Thruster, build to a tough triple off the ground - worked up to #175, didn't push the shoulder in these B. 1-arm DB rows, 3 x 4-5/arm, 10X0; :60 between arms - #95 + 6 sets for even times: 5 Pendlay Rows 135 5 front squats, 135 5 shoulder-to-overhead, 135 5 power cleans, 135 :60 rest :48-:45:-:45-:45-:44-:43 + Not for time: 2 mile Assault Bike #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16 #merrychristmas
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Ugly sweater party on The Hill tonight! #JHS #positive #uglysweater
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Wednesday: 12.23 4 rounds easy of: 40 Assault Bike calories(250-300 watts, sub 4:00) 40 row calories(1200-1300, sub2:00) 4 alternating Turkish get-ups-44(2)-53(2) 7:00ish rounds + 15:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Tuesday: 12.22 A. Power snatch, build quickly to a single @ 80-90% 1RM - did some snatch pulls up to #225 to give my shoulder a break from the turnover and catch, felt fine B1. 1 clean pull + 5 touch-and-go clean-grip deadlift, 3 x 1 starting @ 255 and adding 10 every set; :90 rest B2. Weighted ring dip, 3 x 4-6, 20X1; :90 rest, used #40 of chains, no issues with the shoulder on these + 6 sets for even times: 3 wall walks 10 row calories 10 hand-release push-ups 10 kettlebell swings, 53 :90 walk rest 1:30-1:28-1:24-1:22-1:22-1:21 No issues with the shoulder on these + 1 set: :60 row @ 97% effort 1:30-333m Felt better today, but not quite where I want it to be. #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Monday, December 21, 2015
Monday: A. Back squat, 3-3-3-3 still loaded according to knee feel, 40X1; 3:00 rest - #280, ehhh B. Weighted supinated CTB pull-up, 3 x 4-6, 21X0; 2:00 rest - subbed Pendlay Rows (205) + 6:00 @ 80% of [2 rope climbs + 10 wall balls @ 30 to 10 + 40 double-unders] 3 rounds 3:00 rest 6:00 @ 80% of [10 toes-to-bar (subbed GHD sit-ups) + 30m sled push (#222)] 3 + 10 GHD sit-ups 4 rounds 3:00 rest 6:00 @ 80% of [40m Farmer's walk @ 70/hand + :30 front leaning rest on rings + 20m medball carry @ 80-100] 4 rounds (for some reason I made the MedBall carry 30m...) Had to do some modifying because of the shoulder. Achy this AM... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Saturday, December 19, 2015
Saturday: Rough session today... A. Snatch, 10:00 light/moderate tech work - pick any variation that needs work - ugly and stiff this AM... + 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 for quality, not time: Unbroken muscle-ups, shoulder popped during the 4-3s on the way down the ladder... + 3 rounds for even times: 15 strict handstand push-ups 20 CTB pull-ups 25 Assault Bike calories 5:00 walk rest Had to cut out the HSPU & CTB due to shoulder, did some @assaultairbike 25 cal intervals...all in the :40s + 3 rounds not for time: 10m moderate DB death march 15 glute-ham sit-ups Finished, not issues with these... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Friday, December 18, 2015
Awesome job by @JacksonBands for jazzing up lunch today! We have some truly talented and amazing students! #happyholidays #merrychristmas #positive
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Thursday, December 17, 2015
OTW... #starwars #theforceawakens #stayontarget #ohyeah
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Thursday December 17, 2015
A. Split jerk, build quickly to a tough but crisp single for the day - #230
B. 1 clean thruster + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat, 6 x 1 moderate/tough; begin a set every :90 - built to #185, could feel the knee on these
5-4-3-2-1 for time:
Deadlifts, 275(UB)
Bar muscle-ups (5, 4, 1-F-1-F-F-1, 2, 1)
3:16...round of 3 BMU messed me up... deadlifts felt solid
5:00 rest
10-8-6-4-2 for time:
Alternating DB snatches, 60
CTB pull-ups (unbroken)
really felt the heart race and lungs get going on this one...not sure what a god time should be on either of these pieces...
then Not for time: 1000m row
A. Split jerk, build quickly to a tough but crisp single for the day - #230
B. 1 clean thruster + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat, 6 x 1 moderate/tough; begin a set every :90 - built to #185, could feel the knee on these
5-4-3-2-1 for time:
Deadlifts, 275(UB)
Bar muscle-ups (5, 4, 1-F-1-F-F-1, 2, 1)
3:16...round of 3 BMU messed me up... deadlifts felt solid
5:00 rest
10-8-6-4-2 for time:
Alternating DB snatches, 60
CTB pull-ups (unbroken)
really felt the heart race and lungs get going on this one...not sure what a god time should be on either of these pieces...
then Not for time: 1000m row
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Wednesday: 12.16 15 sets: :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic :30 Assault Bike @ 50% Pulled out the HRM strap and held it between 155-160, then would recover to high 120s to low 130s + 10:00 steady: alternating Turkish get-ups, moderate #44 + 15:00 mobility work of choice, hit the shoulder and foam rolled the legs today #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Tuesday December 15th, 2015
A. Power snatch, 2-2-2-2-2 touch-and-go moderate according to knee feel; begin a set every 2:00 - #165
B. Clean pulls, 6 x 1 @ 265; begin a set every :90
+ 5 sets for even times:
20 Assault Bike calories
5 burpees
10 hand-release push-ups
40 double-unders
2:30 walk rest
1:45-1:48-1:50-1:55-1:55 T
he @assaultairbike stole my souls on this one...and HR Push-Ups were a mess!
then 2 sets:
:50 row @ 97% effort
5:40 walk rest
1:32.5-1:33.4...this was real rough...didn't have it
A. Power snatch, 2-2-2-2-2 touch-and-go moderate according to knee feel; begin a set every 2:00 - #165
B. Clean pulls, 6 x 1 @ 265; begin a set every :90
+ 5 sets for even times:
20 Assault Bike calories
5 burpees
10 hand-release push-ups
40 double-unders
2:30 walk rest
1:45-1:48-1:50-1:55-1:55 T
he @assaultairbike stole my souls on this one...and HR Push-Ups were a mess!
then 2 sets:
:50 row @ 97% effort
5:40 walk rest
1:32.5-1:33.4...this was real rough...didn't have it
Monday, December 14, 2015
Monday December 14th, 2015
A. Back squat, 4-4-4 loaded according to knee feel, 40X1; 3:00 rest 225-255-255, didn't push the knee too much today, tried to hold tempo and positions
B. Weighted pronated CTB pull-up, build to a heavy single - 60...
C. Behind-the-neck push jerk, build to a heavy single #225, a bit sloppy though...
+ 10:00 @ 80% of
[9 toes-to-bar + 15 wall balls @ 20 to 10 + 21 row calories]
4 rounds + 9 TTB, held the rows around 1300 cal/hour
5:00 rest
10:00 @ 80% of
[25m Farmer's walk @ 70/hand + 25m tough sled push (202 sled-almost puke inducing...) + 25m bear crawl]
4 plus the farmers carry...sled pushes were real bad...
A. Back squat, 4-4-4 loaded according to knee feel, 40X1; 3:00 rest 225-255-255, didn't push the knee too much today, tried to hold tempo and positions
B. Weighted pronated CTB pull-up, build to a heavy single - 60...
C. Behind-the-neck push jerk, build to a heavy single #225, a bit sloppy though...
+ 10:00 @ 80% of
[9 toes-to-bar + 15 wall balls @ 20 to 10 + 21 row calories]
4 rounds + 9 TTB, held the rows around 1300 cal/hour
5:00 rest
10:00 @ 80% of
[25m Farmer's walk @ 70/hand + 25m tough sled push (202 sled-almost puke inducing...) + 25m bear crawl]
4 plus the farmers carry...sled pushes were real bad...
Saturday, December 12, 2015
OT...Ironmen trying to pick up a hard Faith's road "W"!
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Saturday December 15th, 2015
12.12 - upper focus today with the gimpy knee/ossicle
A1. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 6/arm tough, 10X0; :30 between arms, :30 rest; 88 KB- probably needed90+ for these
A2. Handstand push-ups, 3 x max (-2) unbroken; :60 rest; 10 each set- cut it off at 10, no fails, definitely has a couple more reps inme each round, maybe more but I'm not sure...
6 rounds for time:
5 muscle-ups(UB, UB, UB, 3-2, 3-2, 2-F-2-1)
20m heavy med ball carry
7:35...fell apart after round 3, really want to be able to hit these unbroken under fatigue. So there are two ways to look at this one... I fell apart and didn't go unbroken, or I was able to do 30 MUs plus the carries in under 8:00...I'm still of the mindset that I should be able to hit these unbroken...I had a nice EMOM pace going at the beginning. Of course, if I had to bear hug carry it, that would change it completely!
then 3 rounds not for time: :30 Sorensen hold 12 glute-ham sit-ups :30/side plank Knee is feeling better. Good to get a sweat going this AM
A1. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 6/arm tough, 10X0; :30 between arms, :30 rest; 88 KB- probably needed90+ for these
A2. Handstand push-ups, 3 x max (-2) unbroken; :60 rest; 10 each set- cut it off at 10, no fails, definitely has a couple more reps inme each round, maybe more but I'm not sure...
6 rounds for time:
5 muscle-ups(UB, UB, UB, 3-2, 3-2, 2-F-2-1)
20m heavy med ball carry
7:35...fell apart after round 3, really want to be able to hit these unbroken under fatigue. So there are two ways to look at this one... I fell apart and didn't go unbroken, or I was able to do 30 MUs plus the carries in under 8:00...I'm still of the mindset that I should be able to hit these unbroken...I had a nice EMOM pace going at the beginning. Of course, if I had to bear hug carry it, that would change it completely!
then 3 rounds not for time: :30 Sorensen hold 12 glute-ham sit-ups :30/side plank Knee is feeling better. Good to get a sweat going this AM
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Thursday: 12.10 A. Jerk balance, 2-2-1-1-1 speed over load; :60 rest - up to #185 B. Thruster, build quickly to a tough single - up to #185 + 5:00 to build to a squat clean max (treat like a comp and warm up thoroughly before starting) :60 rest - hit #255, missed #260 and tweaked my knee (bony part below it) 5:00 AMRAP squat cleans & 85% of established max - didn't do...didn't want to push the knee. :60 rest 5:00 burpee muscle-ups - 22 + Not for time: 800m jog or 1000m row easy - wen to Assault Bike for a mile spin #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Awesome job by Mr. Stasko and all of the JHS/JMS Choir groups!
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Nice hike at Lake Katherine tonight! #getoutside #useyourfitness #crossfit #activerecovery
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Wednesday: 12.09 15 sets: :30 @assaultairbike @ 90% aerobic (500-600 watts) :30 Assault Bike @ 50%(sub 200 watts) 202 calories total + 10:00 steady: alternating Turkish get-ups, moderate 32 with the #44 + 15:00 mobility work of choice - worked on those shoulders today... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16 #activerecovery
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Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Tuesday: 12.08 A. Power snatch, build quickly to a touch-and-go 3RM - hit an ugly #170 B. Clean pulls, 5 x 1 @ 265; begin a set every :90 + 3 sets for even times: 15 burpees 60 double-unders 30 Assault Bike calories 3:30 walk rest 3:00-3:02-2:58 + 3 sets: :45 row @ 97% effort 5:45 walk rest 1:28.5(255) 1:30.0(250) 1:30.3(248) Really fell off on these today! #spent #nolega #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Monday, December 7, 2015
Monday! 12.07 A. Back squat, 5-5-5, 40X1; 3:00 rest 265-280-285...that eccentric got me today! B1. Weighted pronated CTB pull-up, 4 x 2-3, 31X0; :90 rest all at #35 B2. Behind-the-neck push jerk, 2-2-1-1, 21X1; :90 rest 200-205-215-220 + 5 sets: 9 toes-to-bar 9 wall balls, 30 to 10' :60 rest :60 row @ high aerobic effort :60 rest :34-:34-:34-:34-:32-:33 Rows were 310+ and 1:36ish #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Sunday, December 6, 2015
Foggy and frozen views this morning! #beautiful country! #getoutside #bike
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December is definitely here! 15 miles at Scioto Trail! Temps were from 27-32 on the ride... #getoutside #bike
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Saturday, December 5, 2015
Ironmen wrestling getting after it today at the American Legion Post 81 Invitational Wrestling Tournament!
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@JacksonBands is ready for the Christmas Parade!
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Saturday: Sometimes things don't starts off quite right, but it's how you finish! 12.05 A. Hang squat clean, build to a tough single in no more than 5 reps above 135 - #225(PR) B. Front rack walking lunges, 2 x 15m tough; 2:00 rest - #155-#165 + For time: 50 CTB pull-ups (10-5-5-5-5-singles 3:27) 30 Assault Bike calories (sub 2:00, 387 watts) 10 med ball (#150)shoulder-to-overhead (total struggle...may have been a bit out of my reach) 9:19 + 3 rounds not for time: max unbroken double-unders 15 unweighted hip extensions 10 glute-ham sit-ups #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Friday, December 4, 2015
#RISC starting the day off right! Nice work @quadjilla41 @ericarhea78 @kellidubdub Friday 151204 Warm-Up: 3 rounds 20 DU's 15 air squats 10 H.R. pushups 5 pullups Strength: A. Back Squat 3 x 5 reps B. Clean and Jerk 8:00 to build to a heavy C. Clean Pull 4 x 1 @ 1RM+20; EMOM MetCon: 2 sets: Against a 4:00 running clock,: 400 Meter Row 40 Kettlebell Swings Pull-Ups/Ring Rows x Max reps RAN
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Thursday, December 3, 2015
Thursday December 3rd, 2015
12.03 A. Jerk balance, 2-2-2-2-2 speed over load; :60 rest -
Used 95-155 for these, they actually felt better than last week. Watching the video, I'm not sure if I'm driving under the bar enough.
B. Front squat, 9 x 1 starting @ 65% 1RM and adding so you end on a tough (not max) single; begin a rep every :90 -
Started at 195 and went to 285 by 10s, used the belt on 265-275-285, everything felt very solid on these today!
C. Muscle-ups, 3 x max unbroken; :90 rest 6s, kinda disappointing, but not totally. I'm just glad I was able to hit 6 (my max I is 9 during "Amanda"). Since Sunday, my right shoulder has been sore and achy. I have been able to do all the movements (HSPU, HS walks, Power Snatches). My PT Friend doesn't think anything is wrong structurly. I think during Saturday's training I tweaked it when I lost a snatch at 175 behind me and then caught the 150 MedBall pancake on that shoulder (I've pumped more air into the MedBall and that shouldn't be a problem anymore for a while!).
8:00 @ 80% of [4 power snatches @ 115 + 6 deadlifts @ 115 + 8 CTB pull-ups]
5 + 10 - wasn't feeling the CTBs today. The other movements were fine...
4:00 rest
For time:
300m run (1:05)
30 alternating pistols (2:27ish)
3:32...with UGLY pistols! I very much struggle with the pistols, especially on my right side. I had to put my heel on the mat edge to be able to get close to the movement, becuase Id din't want to run in my Oly shoes!
Used 95-155 for these, they actually felt better than last week. Watching the video, I'm not sure if I'm driving under the bar enough.
B. Front squat, 9 x 1 starting @ 65% 1RM and adding so you end on a tough (not max) single; begin a rep every :90 -
Started at 195 and went to 285 by 10s, used the belt on 265-275-285, everything felt very solid on these today!
C. Muscle-ups, 3 x max unbroken; :90 rest 6s, kinda disappointing, but not totally. I'm just glad I was able to hit 6 (my max I is 9 during "Amanda"). Since Sunday, my right shoulder has been sore and achy. I have been able to do all the movements (HSPU, HS walks, Power Snatches). My PT Friend doesn't think anything is wrong structurly. I think during Saturday's training I tweaked it when I lost a snatch at 175 behind me and then caught the 150 MedBall pancake on that shoulder (I've pumped more air into the MedBall and that shouldn't be a problem anymore for a while!).
8:00 @ 80% of [4 power snatches @ 115 + 6 deadlifts @ 115 + 8 CTB pull-ups]
5 + 10 - wasn't feeling the CTBs today. The other movements were fine...
4:00 rest
For time:
300m run (1:05)
30 alternating pistols (2:27ish)
3:32...with UGLY pistols! I very much struggle with the pistols, especially on my right side. I had to put my heel on the mat edge to be able to get close to the movement, becuase Id din't want to run in my Oly shoes!
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Wednesday: 12.02 15 sets: :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic (600ish watts) :30 Assault Bike @ 50% (100ish watts) 213 calories, 5.5 miles, 327 average watts + 10 rounds of: 1/side Turkish get-up, moderate :05-:10 L-hang from bar + 15:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Tuesday: 12.01 A. Power snatch, build quickly to a touch-and-go 5RM - just missed #165, had it and couldn't lock it out... B. Clean pulls, 4 x 1 @ 275; begin a set every 2:00 - ehhh... + 15.4 @ 85% 77 reps, cycling large numbers of HSPU kick my tail right now...wasn't smooth on the cleans either... + 3 sets: :40 row @ 97% effort 5:20 walk rest 232m-233m-231m(fell off the seat toward the end) #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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