I haven't been updating the blog since the Open began, just letting the auto-pots happen from Instagram. So far I'm sitting inside the top 200, although not nearly high enough to make a run at a chance to make the games...hopefully I'll be able to stay inside the 200 and have the chance to complete the Master's Qualifier events...
A. 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, 6 x 1 moderate, begin a set every :60 #225
B. Pistol practice, 5:00 - no more than 30 total reps - u-g-l-y...#onlytheleft
+ 5 sets: 1 snatch pull @ 100% snatch max(#205)
:30 rest 1 dead hang to inverted w/controlled descent + 1 toes-through-rings + 3 strict ring pull-ups
:30 rest
:30 Assault Bike @ high aerobic effort - sprint the last set (12 calls, 18 on last set)
:30 rest