Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Saturday: 01.16 A. Snatch, 10:00 light/moderate tech work - pick any variation that needs work - worked up to #155 from high hang B. 1 push press + 1 split jerk, 5 x 1 @ 70-80% effort - no maximal loads here; begin a set every 2:00 #175(1)-185(4) + 6:00 @ 75% of [5 strict pull-ups + 10 alternating front rack lunges @ 115 + 50 double-unders] 3 + 5 3:00 rest 6:00 @ 85% of [6 kipping handstand push-ups + 9 power cleans @ 155 + 12 Assault Bike calories] 2+15 3:00 rest For time @ 95%: 100 row calories 4:30...that was harder than I thought, finished at 1300/hour, couldn't maintain the 1500 split... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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