Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Monday, January 18, 2016
Monday: 01.18 A. Back squat, 3-3-2-2, 22X1; 2:30 rest 295-305-310-315 B. Strict weighted pull-up, build quickly to a tough single - stopped at #72 today C. Muscle-ups, 5:00 play time - just get in a few reps - hit 2 sets of triples...felt good, first time stringing them since I hurt the shoulder! + For time @ high effort w/a 10:00 cap: 135 double-unders 90 wall balls, 20 to 11' (ended up doing 96) 45 toes-to-bar 9:27 Fell apart in the wall balls and TTB...would help if I could count on the WBs I suppose... + 5:00-8:00 easy Assault Bike cool-down
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