Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Saturday: 01.02 A. Snatch, 10:00 light/moderate tech work - pick any variation that needs work - hit some snatch balance and OHS for positions, then 1 snatch @ 135 and 1 at 155, trying ease the shoulder back into snatches. B1. 1-arm DB/KB overhead carry, 3 x 30m tough; :30 between sides, :60 rest - #88 B2. Touch-and-go deadlifts, 10-8-6 moderate - speed over load; :60 rest - 275(:17, :13, 10) + For time: 30m front rack walking lunge, 115(1:00ish) 5 rope climbs(1:00ish) 150 double-unders(huge mess) 50m heavy medball carry 30 burpees 6:53... + 4 sets: 5-10 kipping handstand push-ups 500m row @ high aerobic effort 2:00 walk rest 2:15(10-1:42)-2:16(9-1:45)-2:223(10-1:47)-2:20(10-1:45) My legs felt dead on the row... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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