A. Hang power snatch, 12 x 1 @ 65-70% 1RM; begin a rep every :30. - #135 felt ok
B. Power clean, build quickly to a moderate touch-and-go triple - #205
then 3 sets:
15 deadlifts, 185
45 row calories
15 burpees w/lateral hop over the erg 3:00 walk rest
3:40...really dropped off on the row
The deadlifts went unbroken, clean grip on the first set and switch grip on the last two. The clean grip actually felt better than the switch. The first row was in the 1500-1600s, row 2 dropped into the 1300-1500 range and the last was in the 1200-1300 range. These got awful! On the burpees, i just kept trying to move and not trip over the erg...this got a bit nasty!
+ 3 sets:
:40 Assault Bike sprint
4:50 rest
These were the worst I've felt on the @assaultairbike barely held 800 watts and 18-19 calories
A. Back squat, 3-2-1-1, 22X1; 2:30 rest - 305-315-325-330 - these felt solid today,glad the 330 was just a single!
B. Strict supinated CTB pull-up, 3 x 3, 21X0; 2:00 rest - these felt good,like I was able to get my chest in the proper position.
2 rounds for time:
7 muscle-ups(UB - 3-1-1-2)
50 wall balls, 20 to 10'
100 double-unders
Felt good for the psyche to hit the 7 MUs to start, I was able to hit 3-1-1-2 on the second round, I didn't want to push the shoulder too hard on this one. This has been improving and the extra Chiro/Airrosti work I've had done the last week has helped. I felt ok on the first set of Wall Balls, the second was a bit more of a mess! I had a few misses on the DUs. When I finished I felt like I had gone slow (especially the 2nd set of MUs), but it turns out that I was around :40 faster than my two+ rounds of this in the Open last year. I watched the video of that one from last year and I feel my MUs were more of a struggle last year. I would have hd 5:00+ minutes to finish that 3rd round and it would have been close...
: 01.14
A. Clean thrusters, 9 x 1 beginning @ 135 and adding set to set; begin a rep every :40
...failed after #205 today, I jumped from #175 to 205 because I was in a hurry and forgot to remove the 10s before adding the 25s. I was hoping to hit #225 after hetting 215 last week, but I am not very strong, not feeling strong overhead and it isn't the shoulder.
B. Pendlay rows, 6-6-6, no tempo but ensure elbows high @ top; 2:00 rest #185 - these were ok