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Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Custom @strengthwraps have arrived at #RISC!!!
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Saturday: 5:00 to build to a tough (not max) snatch - #175, just missed #185, guess I needed a bit more warm-up... 5:00 rest 5:00 to build to a tough (not max) clean & jerk - ugly #225 5:00 rest 5:00 @ 90% of [1 legless rope climb + 20 wall balls @ 20 to 10] 1 wall ball shy of 4 rounds 5:00 rest 5:00 @ 90% of [3 ground-to-overhead @ 135 + 3 toes-to-bar, then 6 & 6, 9 & 9, and so on...] all the way through the 12s...this was very tough for me today... 5:00 rest 5:00 Assault Bike calories @ 90% - 75 calories...between 300-400 watts #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
Great evening for a hike tonight! #getoutside #hike #crossfit
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Thursday: 01.28 A1. Overhead squat, 3-3-3, 20X1; :60 rest - #205! Felt good. Heaviest in this position since the shoulder tweak A2. Pendlay rows, 4-4-4, no tempo but ensure elbows high @ top; :60 rest -195-195-205 + For reps: 2:00 cleans (any variation), 205 18 reps... :30 rest 2:00 bar muscle-ups 5...huge mess! + For 8:00: Evens: 8 CTB pull-ups Odds: 12 thrusters, 95 + 3 sets: :30 hand-release push-ups(17-17-15) :30 med ball over the shoulders, 100 (8-8-8) :60 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic (8-8-8) :60 rest #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Wednesday: 01.27 30:00 Assault Bike @ Z1, off every 5:00 for 20m/side 1-arm KB overhead carry #62 + 15:00 mobility work roll out and work on the shoulders! Needed this session! #activerecovery #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Tuesday January 26th, 2015
A. Hang power snatch, 12 x 1 @ 65-70% 1RM; begin a rep every :30. - #135 felt ok
B. Power clean, build quickly to a moderate touch-and-go triple - #205
then 3 sets:
15 deadlifts, 185
45 row calories
15 burpees w/lateral hop over the erg 3:00 walk rest
3:40...really dropped off on the row
The deadlifts went unbroken, clean grip on the first set and switch grip on the last two. The clean grip actually felt better than the switch. The first row was in the 1500-1600s, row 2 dropped into the 1300-1500 range and the last was in the 1200-1300 range. These got awful! On the burpees, i just kept trying to move and not trip over the erg...this got a bit nasty!
+ 3 sets:
:40 Assault Bike sprint
4:50 rest
These were the worst I've felt on the @assaultairbike barely held 800 watts and 18-19 calories
Monday, January 25, 2016
Monday January 25th, 2016
A. Back squat, 3-2-1-1, 22X1; 2:30 rest - 305-315-325-330 - these felt solid today,glad the 330 was just a single!
B. Strict supinated CTB pull-up, 3 x 3, 21X0; 2:00 rest - these felt good,like I was able to get my chest in the proper position.
2 rounds for time:
7 muscle-ups(UB - 3-1-1-2)
50 wall balls, 20 to 10'
100 double-unders
Felt good for the psyche to hit the 7 MUs to start, I was able to hit 3-1-1-2 on the second round, I didn't want to push the shoulder too hard on this one. This has been improving and the extra Chiro/Airrosti work I've had done the last week has helped. I felt ok on the first set of Wall Balls, the second was a bit more of a mess! I had a few misses on the DUs. When I finished I felt like I had gone slow (especially the 2nd set of MUs), but it turns out that I was around :40 faster than my two+ rounds of this in the Open last year. I watched the video of that one from last year and I feel my MUs were more of a struggle last year. I would have hd 5:00+ minutes to finish that 3rd round and it would have been close...
then 5:00-10:00 easy Assault Bike cool-down
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Very interesting ride at Scioto Trail today! Put those #fatbike to good use! #bike #getoutside #bikeninja #crossfit
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Saturday, January 23, 2016
Saturday: 01.23 A. Snatch, 8:00 light/moderate tech work - pick any variation that needs work - ugly...165 from the high hang, takes me a while to warm this up B. Clean & jerk, 5 x 1 @ 80-90% effort - no maximal loads here; begin a set every 2:00 - #210 + 6:00 @ 90% of [1 legless rope climb + 30 double-unders + 7 toes-to-bar + 30 double-unders] 4 + 1 rope climb 3:00 rest 6:00 @ 90% of [3 shoulder-to-overhead @ 135 + 3 burpee box jumps @ 24 then 6 & 6, 9 & 9, and so on...] Through the 12s + 13 STO + For time: 30 row calories(:57) :60 rest w/feet in straps 30 row calories(1:03) 3:00 total for this one, and it was real nasty! Thanks for joining me today @ericarhea78 @kellidubdub @thebarbellbearclaw @quadjilla41 @beezel88 #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Friday, January 22, 2016
Snow day... @crossfitgames Judges Course complete for another year...#crossfit #crossfitmasters #crossfitgamesopen
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Thursday, January 21, 2016
Fat Bikes!!! #winteriscoming #bike #fatbike #crossfit
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Thursday: 01.21 A. 1 clean thruster + 1 hang squat clean, build quickly to a heavy set w/no misses - #200 B. Pendlay rows, 5-5-5-5, no tempo but ensure elbows high @ top; :90 rest #190 + For 10:00: Evens: 6-10 CTB pull-ups Odds: 10 overhead squats, 95 Both of these felt off today... + For time @ high effort: 40 hand-release push-ups 20 med ball over shoulders, 100 40 hand-release push-ups smoked by the push-ups...real bad... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Snowy hike this afternoon! #getoutside #crossfit #hike
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Wednesday: 01.20 30:00 Assault Bike @ Z1, off every 5:00 for 1 rope climb + 1/side moderate Turkish get-up #44 + 15:00 mobility work of choice Felt a bit rough today...not sure what was going on today... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Tuesday: 01.19 A. Snatch pull, build quickly to a heavy but still crisp/fast-at-the-hips single #230 B. Power clean, build to a heavy single for the day - #250 + For 15:00: 1st: 9 bar-facing burpees(:15) 2nd: 9 touch-and-go deadlifts, 165 (:11) 3rd: 12 row calories (:20) + 3 sets: :30 Assault Bike @ 97% 4:30 walk rest Ehhhhhhhh...that hurt! Tried to hold over 900 watts, usually I've 1000 for the first :20 then fell off...20ish calories... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Monday, January 18, 2016
Monday: 01.18 A. Back squat, 3-3-2-2, 22X1; 2:30 rest 295-305-310-315 B. Strict weighted pull-up, build quickly to a tough single - stopped at #72 today C. Muscle-ups, 5:00 play time - just get in a few reps - hit 2 sets of triples...felt good, first time stringing them since I hurt the shoulder! + For time @ high effort w/a 10:00 cap: 135 double-unders 90 wall balls, 20 to 11' (ended up doing 96) 45 toes-to-bar 9:27 Fell apart in the wall balls and TTB...would help if I could count on the WBs I suppose... + 5:00-8:00 easy Assault Bike cool-down
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Sunday, January 17, 2016
Joe felt it was necessary to have two crank arms for this mornings ride...#ohiowx was a balmy 30 for the #bike #ride #getoutside #crossfit
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Saturday, January 16, 2016
The top video popped up on my #Timehop from 2 years ago...couldn't figure out how to snatch #135 from the hang..did some light work at 155 from the hang this morning...always good look back at the process. The daily goal is to be better than the day before and see where that leads...#crossfit #crossfitmasters
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...and back to winter...down 20 degrees from Thursday...cold and damp for an easy recovery ride...#ohiowx #getoutside #bike #crossfit
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Saturday: 01.16 A. Snatch, 10:00 light/moderate tech work - pick any variation that needs work - worked up to #155 from high hang B. 1 push press + 1 split jerk, 5 x 1 @ 70-80% effort - no maximal loads here; begin a set every 2:00 #175(1)-185(4) + 6:00 @ 75% of [5 strict pull-ups + 10 alternating front rack lunges @ 115 + 50 double-unders] 3 + 5 3:00 rest 6:00 @ 85% of [6 kipping handstand push-ups + 9 power cleans @ 155 + 12 Assault Bike calories] 2+15 3:00 rest For time @ 95%: 100 row calories 4:30...that was harder than I thought, finished at 1300/hour, couldn't maintain the 1500 split... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Thursday, January 14, 2016
...and today's ride was at 53 degrees...almost 30 more than Momday... Got to love #ohiowx #getoutside #bike #crossfit not quite #Manuary
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Thursday January 14th, 2016
: 01.14
A. Clean thrusters, 9 x 1 beginning @ 135 and adding set to set; begin a rep every :40
...failed after #205 today, I jumped from #175 to 205 because I was in a hurry and forgot to remove the 10s before adding the 25s. I was hoping to hit #225 after hetting 215 last week, but I am not very strong, not feeling strong overhead and it isn't the shoulder.
B. Pendlay rows, 6-6-6, no tempo but ensure elbows high @ top; 2:00 rest #185 - these were ok
+ For 10:00:
Evens: 8 toes-to-bar
Odds: 8 overhead squats, 95
These went quickly...:10-:15, failed an attempt at a squat snatch to start the last round...
For time @ high effort:
50 double-unders
10 kettlebell swings, 70
40 double-unders (a miss)
10 kettlebell swings
30 double-unders (a miss)
10 kettlebell swings
20 double-unders
10 kettlebell swings
10 double-unders
10 kettlebell swings a bit wheezy! This is proably a "wheelhouse" workout for me, light weight and low skill, and just suffer
Overall felt weak and not ready for the open yet...
A. Clean thrusters, 9 x 1 beginning @ 135 and adding set to set; begin a rep every :40
...failed after #205 today, I jumped from #175 to 205 because I was in a hurry and forgot to remove the 10s before adding the 25s. I was hoping to hit #225 after hetting 215 last week, but I am not very strong, not feeling strong overhead and it isn't the shoulder.
B. Pendlay rows, 6-6-6, no tempo but ensure elbows high @ top; 2:00 rest #185 - these were ok
+ For 10:00:
Evens: 8 toes-to-bar
Odds: 8 overhead squats, 95
These went quickly...:10-:15, failed an attempt at a squat snatch to start the last round...
For time @ high effort:
50 double-unders
10 kettlebell swings, 70
40 double-unders (a miss)
10 kettlebell swings
30 double-unders (a miss)
10 kettlebell swings
20 double-unders
10 kettlebell swings
10 double-unders
10 kettlebell swings a bit wheezy! This is proably a "wheelhouse" workout for me, light weight and low skill, and just suffer
Overall felt weak and not ready for the open yet...
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
and some mornings I'm just oblivious to what's going on around me... 01.13 15:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 + 10 rounds not for time: 1 muscle-up (ring or bar) - 5 each, getting closer 1/side Turkish get-up - #62 + 15:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16 #activerecovery
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Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Tuesday January 12th, 2016
: 01.12
A. Snatch pull clusters, 6 x 1 @ 205; begin a rep every :90 rest
B1. Power clean clusters, 4 x 1.1; :10 between singles :60 rest - #250
B2. Weighted ring dip, 2-2-1-1, 20X1; :60 rest - #100(1)
For 20:00:
1st: 3-5 touch-and-go deadlifts, moderate loads - don't exceed 275...forgot to remove a 10, uneven 285...I can't do math...
2nd: 10 hand-release push-ups
3rd: 30 unbroken double-unders
4th: 10 Assault Bike calories :16 + 3 sets: :25 Assault Bike @ 97% 4:05 walk rest 19ish calories, 1000+ watts
A. Snatch pull clusters, 6 x 1 @ 205; begin a rep every :90 rest
B1. Power clean clusters, 4 x 1.1; :10 between singles :60 rest - #250
B2. Weighted ring dip, 2-2-1-1, 20X1; :60 rest - #100(1)
For 20:00:
1st: 3-5 touch-and-go deadlifts, moderate loads - don't exceed 275...forgot to remove a 10, uneven 285...I can't do math...
2nd: 10 hand-release push-ups
3rd: 30 unbroken double-unders
4th: 10 Assault Bike calories :16 + 3 sets: :25 Assault Bike @ 97% 4:05 walk rest 19ish calories, 1000+ watts
Monday, January 11, 2016
Playing around tonight...getting closer... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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"There is no bad weather, only bad clothing choices." ...and today we wore all the bike clothes! #Manuary #getoutside #bike #crossfit
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Monday! 01.11 A. Back squat, 3 x 3-4, 22X1; 3:00 rest - #305(3) B. Strict weighted pull-up, build quickly to a moderate double - 63 + 20:00 increasing effort every 5:00: 20 wall balls, 20 to 11' 20 row calories 20 burpees w/jump to 45 pound plate 20 CTB pull-ups 3 and through 7 Burpees...harder than it looks to increase the effort... + 5:00-8:00 easy Assault Bike cool-down ✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Sunday, January 10, 2016
Today's ride...the "Rolling Ice Bath"! Rain...Ice...Snow...Wind...we had almost all the weather! #itscold #Manuary #getoutside #bike #crossfit
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Saturday, January 9, 2016
Saturday: 01.09 A. Snatch, 10:00 light/moderate tech work - pick any variation that needs work - worked up to #165 today...need to get under the bar faster! B. Double KB overhead carry, 3 x 30m @ 70/hand; 2:00 rest + 5 sets even: 10m front rack walking lunge, 125 50 double-unders :60 rest :53-:54-:60-:50-:49 + 5 sets even: 9 kipping handstand push-ups - unbroken 9 touch-and-go deadlifts, 185 - unbroken 500m row @ 1:50.0/500m - all at 1:50.0-1:50.5 2:00 walk rest 2:35 2:35 2:30 2:32 2:32 HSPU felt good today! #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Thursday, January 7, 2016
Thursday: 01.07 A. Thruster, 3-2-1-1-1; :90-2:00 rest #215, missed #225 B. Pendlay rows, 8-8-8, no tempo but ensure elbows high @ top; 2:00 rest 135-165-175 + For 12:00: Evens: 7 toes-to-bar Odds: 5 overhead squats - speed over load 135(2)-145(2)-150(2) shoulder felt ok + 3 rounds @ 80%: 20 Assault Bike calories 60 double-unders 5:57 #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Wednesday: 01.06 15:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 + 10 rounds not for time: 1 muscle up(5 ring and 5 bar...testing out the shoulder...seemed ok, no issues) 1/side Turkish get-up (62) + 15:00 mobility work #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Nice hike after school today! Winter is here! #crossfit #getoutside #hike
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Tuesday...sometimes I actually get hyped! 01.05 A. Snatch pull clusters, 5 x 1.1 @ 205; :10 between singles, 2:00 rest B1. Power clean, 2-2-2-2 touch-and-go; :90 rest - #240!! B2. Weighted ring dip, 4 x 2-3, 20X1; :90 rest- #93(2) + For time: 100m bear crawl 100m heavy sled drag (205) 100m heavy prowler push(265) 100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand 100m bear crawl 14:49...this was tough! + 3 sets: :20 Assault Bike @ 97% 4:10 walk rest 14 cals per/1000+ watts #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Monday, January 4, 2016
Snow on the hedgehog and 26 degrees, but still managed almost 10 miles on the bike tonight! #Manuary is here! #getoutside #crossfit #bike
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Monday! 01.04 A. Back squat, 3 x 4-6, 22X1; 3:00 rest #275 B. Strict weighted pull-up, build quickly to a moderate triple-61, 70(2) + 15:00 @ 70%: 10 clean thrusters, 100(UB) 50 double-unders(UB,UB, 46-4,25-25) 15 Assault Bike calories(300 watts) 10 CTB pull-ups(5-5) 3 + through the DUs + 3 rounds not for time: :30/side plank 10 hip extensions #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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Saturday, January 2, 2016
Saturday: 01.02 A. Snatch, 10:00 light/moderate tech work - pick any variation that needs work - hit some snatch balance and OHS for positions, then 1 snatch @ 135 and 1 at 155, trying ease the shoulder back into snatches. B1. 1-arm DB/KB overhead carry, 3 x 30m tough; :30 between sides, :60 rest - #88 B2. Touch-and-go deadlifts, 10-8-6 moderate - speed over load; :60 rest - 275(:17, :13, 10) + For time: 30m front rack walking lunge, 115(1:00ish) 5 rope climbs(1:00ish) 150 double-unders(huge mess) 50m heavy medball carry 30 burpees 6:53... + 4 sets: 5-10 kipping handstand push-ups 500m row @ high aerobic effort 2:00 walk rest 2:15(10-1:42)-2:16(9-1:45)-2:223(10-1:47)-2:20(10-1:45) My legs felt dead on the row... #crossfit #crossfitmasters #rtg16
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