Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Tuesday: 05.24 A. 1 halting snatch-grip deadlift (:02 pause just below knees, finish lift, :03 descent) + 1 snatch pull,45 x 1 starting @ snatch max and building a bit as long as positions are solid; :10 between movements, :90 rest 205-215-220-225-230 B. 1-arm DB shoulder press from lunge (leg opposite to working arm forward), 3 x 5-6/side, 21X1; :60 between sides 60, I remember in the globe gym day of not being able to use the 40s without my shoulder being unstable... + Every :60 for 20:00: 1st minute: 10 fast burpees(:15-:18) 2nd minute: 15 Russian kettlebell swings, 70(:22-:24) 3rd minute: 20 row calories @ high effort(:37, held 1-4 over 3K cal:hour, fell off on 5 1900) 4th minute: rest + 3 sets not for time: 6-8 reverse hypers on GHD, 2012 16 unweighted Russian twists (1 = 1 twist in each direction) #CrossFit #crossfitmasters #seeatymess
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