Tough session for me today...
A. Thruster, 3-3-3 from rack; 2:00 rest - #185...felt weak and I have a terrible front rack position, I really need to get ahead on some front rack mobility...
B. Pendlay rows, 3-3-3, no tempo but ensure elbows high @ top; :90 rest #210
For reps: 2:00 cleans (any variation), 165 - 28, disappointing should've gotten to 30, all power, mostly singles, I think the bad front rack is putting some extra pressure on the injured shoulder in the movement...
+ :30 rest
2:00 ring muscle-ups - 10(3-2-2-2-1-Fail)...failed 11, had 7 in the first minute...not where I want/need to be
For 2:00 for 5 sets: 10 CTB pull-ups + 10 overhead squats, 95 All around :40-:45, first two sets were unbroken on CTB, then it got ugly real fast...not confident in the shoulder for these yet. All OHS were unbroken.
5 sets:
:20 med ball over the shoulders, 100(6)
:20 burpees(7)
:20 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic(6 cals)
:60 rest
Not sure, felt like I should be able to move faster, but I stop short as I don't think there was enough time for that extra rep...
A. Thruster, 3-3-3 from rack; 2:00 rest - #185...felt weak and I have a terrible front rack position, I really need to get ahead on some front rack mobility...
B. Pendlay rows, 3-3-3, no tempo but ensure elbows high @ top; :90 rest #210
For reps: 2:00 cleans (any variation), 165 - 28, disappointing should've gotten to 30, all power, mostly singles, I think the bad front rack is putting some extra pressure on the injured shoulder in the movement...
+ :30 rest
2:00 ring muscle-ups - 10(3-2-2-2-1-Fail)...failed 11, had 7 in the first minute...not where I want/need to be
For 2:00 for 5 sets: 10 CTB pull-ups + 10 overhead squats, 95 All around :40-:45, first two sets were unbroken on CTB, then it got ugly real fast...not confident in the shoulder for these yet. All OHS were unbroken.
5 sets:
:20 med ball over the shoulders, 100(6)
:20 burpees(7)
:20 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic(6 cals)
:60 rest
Not sure, felt like I should be able to move faster, but I stop short as I don't think there was enough time for that extra rep...
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