Felt solid today... 02.22
A. Back squat, build quickly to a moderate, fast single - #305 (no sleeves, no oly shoes, no belt)
+ 5:00 pistol & kipping handstand push-up practice - small sets, no fatigue - left leg is good for pistols, right not so much, tried a free standing HSPU, pushed the abmat out of the way and those mats are a bit hard on the noggin...
For 24:00:
1st: 1 bar muscle-up + 2 CTB pull-ups + 3 toes-to-bar - no misses
2nd: 10 wall balls, 20 to 10 - :12
3rd: :40 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic - held HR to 150ish, around 500 watts, 12-13 calories
These movements felt smooth today. I was happy with the bar complex, much more comfortable than a couple of Saturdays ago. The wall balls were solid. I used the HRM on the Assault Bike and kept the HR between 150-160, which was around 500 watts. I felt ready to go after that pace on the bike.
Four days to the Open and I feel pretty solid. It'll be interesting to see where 16.1 takes us! I'd prefer something in the 20:00 range with the Ass Bike, Ring Muscle Ups, and a moderate barbell...but that's just me!
A. Front squat, 6 x 3 @ 60% 1RM; 10X1; begin a set every :60 #185
Every :60 for 5:00:
3 kipping handstand push-ups + 3 CTB pull-ups
15:00 @ 90%: 10 muscle-ups(6-4) 30 overhead squats, 115(15-7-8) 50 bar-facing burpees 6:34 build to a moderate squat clean in remaining time - #245
then For calories: :60 Assault Bike @ 97%
30 calories for me and I was Ok with that. I held the wattage below 1000 for it. My boy Doug hit 46, he can produce some power!
: 02.18 A. Overhead squat, build to a tough (definitely not max) single from the ground - #225 - I was happy with this, I felt it was a solid weight and rep for me from the ground
B. Muscle-ups, 2 x max (-2); 2:00 rest 6 each time, played it safe - would like to be around 10+ with a few reps left, but I'm not back to that yet...
+ For 20:00: 1-5: 6-9 handstand push-ups (9-9-9-6-6) 6-10: 9 toes-to-bar 11-15: 9 thrusters, 100 16-20: :30 Assault Bike @ high aerobic effort(11 calories)
this kicked by tail a bit. The HSPU were good on the first 3 rounds, but then it went south...only hit 6. The TTB felt solid, and thrusters are always nasty. The assault bike was tough today...
1 Week til the Open...not sure how I'll stack up this year...but the work has been done and I'll push it as far as I can...
A. Power clean & jerk clusters, 3 x light/moderate - more about getting in crisp movement across all 15 reps; :05 between singles; 2:00 rest - #135-#155-#165
then 3 sets @ 97%: 7 deadlifts, 185 7 bar-facing burpees 7 row calories 4:00 walk rest
:40 :39 :36 - these felt good, like I was able to move smoothly, felt fully recovered when the next set began,
+ 10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1 - held heart rate to 130-120
This session felt fairly easy and smooth, definitely not a beat down!
The Open is 9 days away, and I feel pretty good overall, no major aches or pains. I need to make sure to get in some foam rolling and mobility work along with making sure the nutrition is good.
Worked out at Red Iron Strength and Conditioning this morning...
A. Front squat, build quickly to a moderate/tough single, no grinding reps - #275 - not bad, but not quite as snappy as I wanted...
B. Muscle-ups, 8 sets x 3 unbroken; begin a set every :60 - no issues, felt solid, still breaking in the arch position...
AMRAP in 5:00 of [4 squat clean @ 135 + 6 handstand push-ups + 8 box step-up/step-downs @ 24] 4 + 5 - good push by Jake on this piece today, he got me on the squat cleans when I went to singles in the 4th round...should have pushed it a bit more! No failed HSPUs though and not shoulder issues with them...
4:00 rest
3:00 to build to a tough (not max) hang power snatch triple - opened at 135 then hit #155 - really wanted 165, but was ready to go for that one at the end..
2:00 rest :60 max toes-to-bar - 25...not good today, shoulder felt a bit dicey on these today, also didn't pack the Natural Grips and held a bit back to keep from tearing...
02.11 A. Overhead squat, 2-2-2, 20X1; 2:00 rest - #215 - #225 - #230(PR for the double)
B. 1-arm DB rows, 2 x max reps/side @ a heavy weight you think will give you around 10 solid reps on the first set, then stay at that weight for the next; :45 between arms - hit #70, felt good, may have been able to get the 80 for this, but my next jump would have been 88...
+ For time:
20 ground-to-overhead, 165
1:51 - this was spicy...jerks were bad toward the end
+ For :90 for 5 sets: 9 CTB pull-ups + 9 thrusters, 95 - ran out of space to record most of this one...
All between :40-:47...I am terrible at CTB right now...no flow and really dropped off at the end...
+ 10:00 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic Held the HR in the 150s, ended w: 100 calories
A. Power clean, build quickly to a heavy single for the day - #245 - these felt ok, still jumping a bit wide, and with slow elbows, but the pull feels solid.
B. Clean-grip deadlift, build quickly to a moderate touch-and-go set of 5-7 - stop before things slow down at all - #275(7) - #305(5) - the 275 felt good, the grip started to give way on rep 4 for the 305...
+ 5 sets @ 97%:
3 power snatches, 115
5 power cleans, 115
7 burpees
9 row calories
walk rest
this was much more pleasant than the Assault Bike intervals...I felt I cycled them pretty well, had a little breakdown on the technique...
A. 1 & 1/4 back squat, 3-3-3; 3:00 rest 275-295-305
B. Strict pronated CTB pull-up, 3 x 2-3, 21X0; 2:00 rest
then AMRAP in 8:00 @ 95%:
4 ring muscle-ups(all unbroken)
6 thrusters, 135 (all unbroken)
8 Assault Bike calories (300ish watts)
4 + 7 + 3 rounds - I felt I did ok on this piece, was able to cycle all of the MUs unbroken, kept it to just under 2:00 per round, the thrusters were ok, found a pace that wasn't awful on them, and tried not to blow up on the Assault Bike.
easy cool-down:
50 double-unders (unbroken in all 3 sets)
15-20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry, #55
15-20m/side 1-arm Farmer's walk #70
A. Thruster, 3-3-3 from rack; 2:00 rest - #185...felt weak and I have a terrible front rack position, I really need to get ahead on some front rack mobility...
B. Pendlay rows, 3-3-3, no tempo but ensure elbows high @ top; :90 rest #210
For reps: 2:00 cleans (any variation), 165 - 28, disappointing should've gotten to 30, all power, mostly singles, I think the bad front rack is putting some extra pressure on the injured shoulder in the movement...
+ :30 rest
2:00 ring muscle-ups - 10(3-2-2-2-1-Fail)...failed 11, had 7 in the first minute...not where I want/need to be
For 2:00 for 5 sets: 10 CTB pull-ups + 10 overhead squats, 95 All around :40-:45, first two sets were unbroken on CTB, then it got ugly real fast...not confident in the shoulder for these yet. All OHS were unbroken.
5 sets:
:20 med ball over the shoulders, 100(6)
:20 burpees(7)
:20 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic(6 cals)
:60 rest
Not sure, felt like I should be able to move faster, but I stop short as I don't think there was enough time for that extra rep...