A. Power snatch clusters, 4 x 1.1.1 @ 68-73% 1RM; :10 between singles, 2:00 rest - #135 - #140 - #140 - #145 - these felt a lot better than last week...still some early bend on the pull though...
B. Single-leg deadlift (not Romanian - start on floor), 3 x 3-4/leg, 31X0; :90 between legs - #140 - still not sure if I'm getting these quite right, this is a tough movement for me...really tests my balance...
+ 5 sets for even times:
3 muscle-ups
10 burpees
3 muscle-ups
10 kettlebell swings, 70
2:00 walk rest
This was tough, the second sets of muscle ups really challenged me today and found me wanting. I was able to go unbroken on all of the first sets and made it through 3 for unbroken on all. On set 4 I went 2-1 on the second set of MUs and on the 5th I went 1-2. I felt very loose and sloppy on the second sets.
I broke on these today, couldn't susutain any type of good pace. I was unable to get below 1:28 to start on these. This is well off my pace from July 16th (1:26-1:27 and over 250m). Not sure what happened to me today...I suppose it's due to beginning these very soon (less than 5:00 after the previous work), when in July it was after a more moderate EMOM session...but that feels like a bit of a cop out to me...really felt bad on these today...
A. Back squat, 2-2-1-1 building to a tough rep, 20X1; 3:00 rest - #275-#305-#315-#335 (97% of my current max of #345) - solid, but a bit slow out of the hole on the #335
A. Back squat, 4 x 2-3, 20X1; 3:00 rest - #285-#295-#305-#315(2) - these felt solid, wore the sleeves, belt and Oly shoes today.
B1. Weighted supinated CTB pull-ups, 3 x 4, 31X0; :90 rest (#35) - these got tough on the 4th rep.
B2. Behind-the-neck shoulder press, 3 x 5-6, 31X1; :90 rest - #115(tough) - yep very humbling on this one!
C. Powell raise, 2 x 8/side, 30X0; :60 between sides - #20 - felt ok for 8 today.
10:00 @ 80%:
12 alternating shoulder taps
20 Assault Bike calories
4 rounds and 18 calories
took me around 1:20ish for the calories (held over 350 watts on it). I tried to be verticle on the shoulder tapes and had my hands around 8 inches from the wall.
A. Squat clean gauntlet, 1 every :60 starting @ 165 & adding 10 every :60 - hit #255 - missed #265 - I feel like I'm getting closer, still need a better front rack (gotta work on those lats!). I did wear Oly shoes and a belt(235 onward).
B. Front squat, 2-2-2, 20X1; 3:00 rest #265-#255-#260 - these were tough after the clean gauntlet, had to drop the weight a bit after I really struggled with getting the second rep of #265 out of the hole...
C. Split jerks, 2-2-1-1 build so only last set is heavy; 2:00 rest #185-#205-#215-#225 - felt ok with these, but need to push under into a bit longer split.
4 and all but 8 DUs, CTB were a total mess... they felt good a couple of weeks ago, but I'm out of sync on them now...and my DUs were ugly, most broke in 3 sets, with only 1 set unbroken (round 4)...
2 sets: 400m run @ 90% aerobic
:90 walk rest 1:40(slow) runs...didn't feel these today!
Sometimes the training goes off the rails... this was a day I felt fortunate to be able to train, I was off, I'm tired, my sleep and nutrition has not been on point. My left knee is a bit swollen and achy. I was also coughing up a bunch of crud throughout the training this morning. I've falling behind the curve on those as I get my new gym ready...
A. Power snatch, build to a 1RM - #180 (may be a PR on the power version). I felt better on the #180 than the #175, I still keep jumping my right leg out to the side, instead of catching in a good/solid power position. That position looks better at #135, but still need to get more solid in positions.
B. Single-leg deadlift (not Romanian - start on floor), 3 x 6-8/leg, 31X0; :90 between legs - #95-very tough! I'm not sure if I was doing these correct, felt like I was, but video looked like an RDL from the floor...
5 sets for even times:
5 muscle-ups
7 burpees
9 kettlebell swings, 70
:90 walk rest
:56-:55-:55-:56-57 - all Muscle Ups Unbroken! I am still strict pressing out of the bottom of the turn-over, but I was glad to hit them without breaking today! I thought my arms very straigth on the KBS, but they looked a bit bendy on video.
1 attempt: best row pace in 5 pulls (recommend damper @ 10 and long, very aggressive pulls right from the start) - 1:20 - fell off the tower on stroke 4...didn't retest...
+ 3 sets: :35 row @ 97% 4:55 rest
All 1:28.8 and 197 meters - off today...felt a bit fried at this point and was just trying to survive this piece today...
Only a little bit more to do on the gym then I'll be back to a more normal routine...the place has come a long way!
A. Squat clean, 3 x max in :30 @ 185; 2:30 rest - 7 - 6(1fail) - 7 - these got tough as I progress through the :30, legs started to go! I had a fail on the 2nd round, but was able to finish with 6.
B. Front squat, 3-3-3, 20X1; 3:00 rest - #235-#255-#255(1) - spent from the squat cleans - disappointed that I failed that second rep at #255. Tough movement for me today! I say it was fatigue from the squat cleans....
C. Split jerks, 2-2-2-2 build so only last set is heavy; 2:00 rest - #185-#195-#205-#215 - everything felt pretty good and esay. I stopped at #215 because I hit them without any issues and needed to move on due to time this morning.
D. CTB pull-ups, 2 x max unbroken; 3:00 rest - 16-17 - I feel like my strength is there, but I'm too broken on rhythm and positions to keep cycling them efficiently. Still kippiing and no butterfly right now.
+ 3 rounds for time w/8:00 cap:
100 double-unders
10 overhead squats, 135
I think this is a workout where I should be able to be sub-6:00. I need to be smoother and therefore more efficient on the DUs, which would translate to being able to begin my OHS more quickly. I noticed there was some forearm pump starting during the second round. I was pleased that I was able to hit the OHS unbroken. They felt solid for doing them without OLy shoes. I was not quite confident enough to squat snatch the first rep today. These are tow of my favorites movements, so this was a fun one for me!