Saturday, September 6, 2014

Just a few days...

Hard to believe that 14 days of the 2014 - 2015 school year have gone by so far...#crazyfast.
Here is a recap of my last 3 days of training:

A. Split jerk from blocks: EMOM 10 x 2 reps, - 

#175 - these felt ok.

B. Deficit clean grip deadlift 3" x 3 reps, 31X1; rest as needed
used #315 on these, grip started to fail at rep 3.

EMOM 12:
Evens: pullup/ctb/bar MU combo
Odds: 10 KBS #70
I only connected on 3 of the 6 MUs. Still a mess on those!
3 x :15 sec. AD Sprint (97%)
2:45 easy

Hit for 12 - 14 calories on this effort in the 15s...then I just hung on...

A. Snatch high-pull clusters: 6 x 1.1.1 :10 rest between 
#185 - #185 - #185 - #185 - #195 - #195 - these felt a bit slow, but ok. 

B. OHS from the ground 4 x 2 rest 2:00
Went #185 - #195 - #195 - #205 - I would have gone for #210, but I needed to get moving to get to work. 

8 min:
Row 150m - 30 DU - 5 HSPU

Finished 4 rounds, 150 m row and 30 DUs, went unbroken on kipping HSPU, should have pushed a bit faster to get 5.

rest 4mins
8 mins:
10 walk lunges - 10 kbs 53 - 8 TTB
Finished 7 rounds and 11 reps, I may have been about to get 1 rounds min, but it was solid. 

rest 4mins
8 mins:
2 MU - 7 GHD situps - 3 Power snatch #115

Hit 6 rounds, 2 MUs, and 2 GHD sit-ups. Solid throughout, all doubles on the MU, no misses, T&G on the Snatch, surprisingly the GHD sit-ups were the hard part!

rest 4mins

8 mins:
Row for cals maintain same pace entire time -  I didn't have time to do the full 8 minutes, I had to get showered and get into the office. I hit 20ish calories/minute for the short time I was able to row. 

Friday: Rest - I hit 30 minutes of mobility before heading off the watch the Ironmen play Waverly on football. Felt good to get some mob work done!

A. HBBS 10 x 2 - 2 reps every minute

used #245 - these all felt very solid today. 

B. Strict press: 4 x 2 31X1

#135 - #135 - #140 - #140 - these were a struggle, felt tweaky in my right shoulder, didn't feel smooth at all. Feeling weak in the strict press right now. 

9 DB STO #65
7 Sandbag to bar
2 legless rope climbs
50' KB OH walking lunge #45/53
10 CTB
5 5" deficit HSPU
5 Snatch, #135

rest as needed then repeat  

round 1 - 4:39
round 2 - 4:49

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