Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Wednesday: 06.15 8:00 alternating Turkish get-ups, moderate #44, hit somewhere over 30 of these + A. Front squat, 10 x 2 @ 60% 1RM, 10X1; begin a set every :60 #185...felt good today B. 1-arm DB rows, 3 x 7-10/arm, 20X0; :60 between sides #80(10)-85(7)-85(7) + 10:00 @ 90%: 250m row(:53-:54-:55-:52 10 alternating double KB front rack lunges, 53/hand 10 burpee toes-to-bar - tough to cycle 3 rounds and 250m row + 3 sets not for time: 10-12 weighted hip extensions #15 :30 ring dip support in external rotation ✅ #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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