Barbells and Bikes
Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Last day of July...20 trail rides for me...mostly with this guy...175 miles...12000 feet of climbing...nothing epic, just getting out and enjoying the wood! #bike #mtb #getoutside #crossfit
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Saturday, July 30, 2016
Saturday! 07.30 5:00-10:00 handstand walk & triple-under practice + A. Power clean, build quickly to a moderate/tough single (not a max) #245 B. Behind-the-neck push press, 3-3-3-3, 21X1; 2:00 rest 185-190-195-200 + For time: 30 deadlifts, 275 (8-7-6-5-4) 400m run 30 burpees 4:54 + 10:00 walk cool-down + 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday! 07.30 5:00-10:00 handstand walk & triple-under practice + A. Power clean, build quickly to a moderate/tough single (not a max) #245 B. Behind-the-neck push press, 3-3-3-3, 21X1; 2:00 rest 185-190-195-200 + For time: 30 deadlifts, 275 (8-7-6-5-4) 400m run 30 burpees 4:54 + 10:00 walk cool-down + 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, July 29, 2016
@JacksonBands getting the evening started! Always sound outstanding!
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The proverbial "mist in the air" riding underwater today! #bike #mtb #crossfit
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Friday: 07.29 A. Squat snatch, build quickly to a single @ 80-90% 1RM #185...feeling better... B1. Back squat, 2-2-2-2 building so only the last set is tough, 20X1; :90 rest hit #330 B2. Weighted lean-away pull-ups (pull to chin over bar, then lean back as you descend), 1-1-1-1, 31X0; :90 rest #44 + For time(s): 1 mile Assault Bike (2:11) 2:00 rest 10 rope climbs (3:11) 2:00 rest 50 thrusters, 100 (3:21) 2:00 rest 50 glute-ham sit-ups (2:59) I was hoping to be closer to 2:00 on each of these...fell apart a bit near the end on each piece, but felt good heading into the next piece + 15:00 Assault Bike cool-down #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016
9 for 9! #trail #getoutside #mtb #bike #crossfit
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Wednesday...tough session for me...didn't quite have it today... 3 sets not for time: 1/side Turkish get-up + windmill, moderate :60 freestanding handstand hold practice - goal is to keep hands within a 4 x 6’ rectangle - ehhh...about the same + A. Front squat, 12 x 3 @ 60% 1RM, 10X1; begin a set every :60 #185 B. Alternating DB rows from plank position, 3 x 10 total (5/side); 2:00 rest #70 + 8:00 @ 70% effort: 1 strict(ish) muscle-up 1 deadhang to inverted 1 skin-the-cat 1 squat snatch, 135 1 overhead squat, 135 1/side alternating overhead forward lunges, 135 5 rounds...I move terribly! + 3 sets: :30 row @ 97% effort 4:00 rest 178-179-180 all 19 calories...blister on the heel made it a bit tough today... #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Here is I nformation about Reserve Seat/All Sports Pass Sales beginning Mon. Aug. 1st.
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8 for 8! #mtb #bike #trail #getoutside #crossfit
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Tuesday! 07.26 A. 1 halting snatch-grip deadlift (:01 pause below knees, finish deadlift, :03 descent back to floor) + 1 snatch high pull, 5 x 1 @ 100-105% snatch max; :05 between movements,:90 rest 205-201-215(3) B. Weighted ring dips, build to a heavy single, 21X1 hit 114(PR) + For :60 for 15:00: 1st: 5 hang power cleans, begin @ 155 and add 5 every set failed at 180...hit them, just not unbroken 2nd: 10 axle-facing burpees(:22) 3rd: :30 Assault Bike @ high aerobic effort(10+ cals) + 3 rounds not for time: :30/side plank :30 2-arm passive hang from bar✅ #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, July 25, 2016
Some days your schedule my be off...still put in that work! Late night for me! 07.25 A. Front squat, 3-3-3, 20X1; 3:00 rest 245-265-270(2)...these were rough! B. CTB pull-ups, 12 x 5 unbroken - focus is on smooth, tight reps; begin a set every :45 - all kip...felt strong and solid + For time - short & sweet, push it hard!: 15 squat cleans, 185 400m run 3:26...did 16 squat cleans...#barbellmath + 3 sets not for time: 30 light band pull-aparts :30 front leaning rest w/fingers pointing back @ feet #crossfit #crossfitmasters #RISC
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and that completes the 7 trails rides in 7 days! Had to get it in early with the fog still hanging out... #bike #getoutside #mtb #crossfit
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Sunday, July 24, 2016
Early trail to just barely beat the heat today... #getoutside #mtb #crossfit #bike
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Saturday, July 23, 2016
Row for Ray going down! #RISC #pelotonia
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Another day...another trail ride! Beautiful morning with the fog moving through the trees! #bike #mtb #getoutside #crossfit
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Saturday: A. Power clean, build quickly to a touch-and-go double #235 B. Clean-grip deadlift, 8 x 3 @ best load in A, 11X1; begin a set every :60 C. Behind-the-neck shoulder press, 3-2-1-1, 21X1; 2:00 rest 125-135-135-135 + On a running 25:00 clock, rest the balance of each 5:00 window if you finish early: @ 00:00: 1000m row 3:36 @ 05:00: 50 burpees 2:21 @ 10:00: 50 kettlebell swings, 70 2:30 @ 15:00: 50 glute-ham sit-ups 4:00... @ 20:00: 1 mile Assault Bike 2:20 + 10:00 mobility work of choice #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, July 22, 2016
6 trail rides in 6 days...#whenwillthisend #getoutside #crossfit #bike #mtb
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Friday! 07.22 A. Squat snatch, 1-1-1-1-1 building to a heavy single; begin a rep every 2:00 went to 175...missed 185... B1. Back squat, 3-3-3-3 building so only the last set is tough, 20X1; :90 rest went to #315 B2. Weighted lean-away pull-ups (pull to chin over bar, then lean back as you descend), 2-2-2-2, 31X0; :90 rest 25-30 + 3 rounds for time: 12 thrusters, 115 6 bar muscle-ups 3 med ball to shoulders, 150 5:42 everything unbroken + 10 sets: :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic :30 Assault Bike @ 50% ✅ #crossfit #crosfitmasters @cincinnatistrength
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Thursday, July 21, 2016
Shook out the #cobwebs to start the day at Bob Evans Farms! #bike #getoutside #crossfit
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Wednesday: 07.20 3 sets not for time: 1/side Turkish get-up + windmill, 44 :60 freestanding handstand hold practice - goal is to keep hands within a 4 x 6’ rectangle - about the same as last week + A. Front squat, 10 x 3 @ 60% 1RM, 10X1; begin a set every :60 #185 B. Alternating DB rows from plank position, 3 x 8-12 total (4-6/side); 2:00 rest 60-70-70 + 9:00 @ 70-80% effort: 1 strict(-ish) muscle-up 3 wall walks 9 squat snatch singles, 115 2 + 5....mess...RMU were tough! Was not quick under the bar either + 3 sets: :25 row @ 97% effort 3:35 rest 16-151m 17-152m 16-151m #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Decided to update my Twitter profile for the first time since I started...
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Tuesday: 07.19 A. 1 halting snatch-grip deadlift (:01 pause below knees, finish deadlift, :03 descent back to floor) + 1 snatch high pull, 7 x 1 @ snatch max; :05 between movements, begin a set every :90 - 205 # B. Weighted ring dips, build to a heavy double, 21X1 - 90.5 + For :60 for 15:00: 1st: 10 anatomical push-ups (arms externally rotated so fingers point back to feet, elbows will stay tucked into sides), slow and controlled throughout 2nd: 30m med ball carry (100-bear hug) 3rd: :30 Assault Bike @ high aerobic effort (13-15 cals, 700+ watts) + Not for time: 20 hollow hold to superman rolls (1 = start in hollow + roll over to superman + roll back to hollow, alternating direction rep to rep) #crosfitmasters #crossfit
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Monday, July 18, 2016
Couple of new toys for the gym...#risc @kellidubdub @ericarhea78 @joaniegillum @seth.stockmeister @lindeystockmeister @crossfitbearclaw @quadjilla41 @kaylacarl00 @dforbes92 @jdm87c @cutty201 @heathmckinniss @beezel88 @amburtiller @brandong_917
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Monday! 07.18 A. Front squat, 5-5-5, 20X1; 3:00 rest 235-245-265(very tough!) B. CTB pull-ups, 10 x 5 unbroken - focus is on smooth, tight reps; begin a set every :45 - messy! + For time: 15 thrusters, 135(unbroken) 400m run 12 thrusters(unbroken) 400m run 9 thrusters(unbroken) 6:28 + 3 sets: 30 light band pull-aparts(getting better) rest as needed #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Sunday, July 17, 2016
"What happened to the fork leg Tony?" #bike #mtb #getoutside
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Saturday, July 16, 2016
Take 2...few seconds after the first...,a tad better...long way to go...#crossfit
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Ring HSPU and yeah... #thingthathappenafterclass #ididntbreakmyneck #crossfit
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Saturday: 07.16 A. Power clean, 1 every :60 starting @ 165 and adding 10 every :60 until you hit a heavy single for the day (not max) 235...didn't feel much pop today B. Clean-grip deadlift, 6 x 3 @ best load in A, 11X1; begin a set every :60 #235 C. Behind-the-neck shoulder press, 3-3-3, 21X1; 2:00 rest 130-135(2)-130 + 3 rounds for even times: 1 mile Assault Bike 20 burpees 3:00 walk rest 3:05(2:20) 3:08(2:22) 3:09(2:24) + 3 rounds not for time: 15 glute-ham sit-ups 15 unweighted hip extensions✅ #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, July 15, 2016
Friday! 07.15 A. Squat snatch, build to a single @ 85-95% 1RM according to feel - #170...messy, back felt tweaky...didn't want to get below parallel quickly... B. Back squat, 5-5-5 building so only the last set is tough, 20X1; 3:00 rest 260-280-305 C. Weighted lean-away pull-ups (pull to chin over bar, then lean back as you descend), 3 x 3, 31X0; 2:00 rest 15-20-20 - felt a bit better + 3 rounds for time: 75 double-unders 15m heavy prowler push(#302) 3 rope climbs 7:48 + 10 sets: :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic :30 Assault Bike @ 50% 121 cals, 3.6 miles, HR 150-160; dropped to 140s in the easy; below 130 1:00 after, below 110 2:00 after #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, July 14, 2016
Greasy roots and Spider webs on the trails this morning...didn't get in any kind of flow for this ride, but any day with a #bikeride is better than most! #MTB #bike #CrossFit
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Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Good way to spend a summer afternoon...reading by the pool! #summer #read #CrossFit
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Wednesday: 07.13 3 sets not for time: 1/side Turkish get-up + windmill, moderate (44) :60 freestanding handstand hold practice - much better this week...not good, but better! + A. Front squat, 8 x 3 @ 60% 1RM(185), 10X1; begin a set every :60 - felt slow on these today... B. Alternating DB rows from plank position, 3 x 12-16 total (6-8/side); 2:00 rest 45-55-60 + 8:00 @ 80%: 10 wall balls, 20 to 10 8 strict toes-to-bar 6 strict handstand push-ups 3+22, SHSPU were rough today, I need to stay tighter in the STTB too... + 3 sets: :20 row @ 97% effort 3:10 rest 120m-121m-122m #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Tuesday! 07.12 A. Snatch high pulls, build to a tough, crisp single - heaviest weight that still feels “snatchable” today - went to 205...felt good B. Weighted ring dips, 3 x 3-4, 21X0; 2:30 rest 53-60-65(3) + 3 rounds, pace for each movement easily sustainable: 400m run(1:40s) 500m row(1:45s) .5 mile Assault Bike(1:20s) :60 rest All around 5:30 + 3 sets: :30 hollow hold, low back pressed into ground throughout :30 rest :30 Sorensen hold :30 rest ✅ #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, July 11, 2016
Monday! 07.11 A. Front squat, build quickly to a tough double @ 22X1 - #255...felt good B. Bar muscle-ups, 5:00-8:00 practice/tech work ✅ + For time: 21 CTB pull-ups(8-7-6) 9 thrusters, 100(UB) 15 CTB pull-ups(5-3-2-2-2-1) 15 thrusters, 100(UB) 9 CTB pull-ups(3-2-1-1-1-1) 21 thrusters, 100(12-3-3-3) 5:17...really bad on the CTB...broke on the thrusters at the end...much slower than I hoped for...was hoping to be near 4:00 on this...lots of work to do... + 3 sets not for time: 30 light band pull-aparts(a bit better, but can't go unbroken) :30 front leaning rest on ground w/arm externally rotated so fingers point back to feet ✅ #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, July 10, 2016
Had a buddy show up for the ride this morning! #thebuckstopshere #bike #mtb #CrossFit
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Saturday, July 9, 2016
AMARP 10:00 @assaultairbike calories...167...ehhh...#sluggish Watch til the end @joaniegillum @crossfitbearclaw #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Saturday! 07.09 A. Power snatch, 12 x 1 moderate & crisp; begin a rep every :30 155(5) - 160(4) - 165(3) B. Clean-grip deadlift, 8 x 3 @ clean max, 11X1; begin a set every :60 275 C. Behind-the-neck shoulder press, 4-4-4, 21X1; 2:00 rest 130 + AMRAP in 10:00: Assault Bike calories 167...I think I paced too much early...sluggish! #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, July 8, 2016
Friday! 07.08 A. Back squat, 3-2-1-1 w/the last single being very tough for the day, 20X1; 3:00 rest 275-295-315-330 B. Weighted lean-away pull-ups (pull to chin over bar, then lean back as you descend), 3 x 3-5, 31X0; 2:00 rest #15...tough one! + For time: 50 double-unders (UB) 15 bar muscle-ups (6-5-4) 50 double-unders (2 misses) 10 ring muscle-ups (3-2-2-2-1) 50 double-unders (1 miss) 5 rope climbs (ehhhh) 7:28...slow, real slow...really broken on Ring Muscle Ups today... + 8 sets: :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic :30 Assault Bike @ 50% 80+ calories... #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, July 7, 2016
Heading to Lake Hope for some #Singletrack First time there this riding season...#mtb #bike #CrossFit
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Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Picked up a hitchhiker on the ride today... #getoutside #bike #mtb #CrossFit
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Wednesday: 07.06 3 sets not for time: 1/side Turkish get-up + windmill, 44 :60 freestanding handstand hold practice - huge mess! 10 unweighted hip extensions + A. Front squat, 6 x 3 @ 185; 10X1; begin a set every :60 B. 1-arm DB rows, 3 x 5/arm, 20X0; :60 between sides #100 + 8:00 @ 80%: 4 wall walks 6 strict toes-to-bar 8 alternating reverse KB front rack lunges, 53/hand 4 + 4 wall walks + 3 sets: :15 row @ 97% effort 2:45 rest 9(105)-10(97)-10(95) #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Tuesday: 07.05 A. Snatch high pull clusters, 5 x 1.1 starting @ 185 and build from there as long as pull up the torso is there; :10 between singles, 2:00 rest #185-185-190-195-200 B. Weighted ring dip, 3 x 4-5, 21X1; 2:30 rest 35-40-45...that tempo! + 8 sets even: 4 touch-and-go clean-grip deadlifts - start moderate and build some (245-255-265(5)-275) 12 Assault Bike calories 36 double-unders :60 rest All between 1:11-1:15 + 3 sets: :30 hollow rock, low back pressed into ground throughout :30 Sorensen hold :60 rest #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, July 4, 2016
Monday... 07.04 A. 1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean, build quickly to a moderate, crisp set - #205...felt terrible in these... B. Front squat, 3 x 2-3, 22X1; 3:00 rest 235-240-250... C. Bar muscle-ups, 5:00-8:00 practice/tech work - nothing maximal here, just get in a few solid reps/sets - felt better as these moved along + 3 sets: CTB pull-ups + thrusters @ 100 (1st set 21 CTB + 9 thruster, 2nd set 15 + 15, 3rd set 9 + 21) :60 rest 500m row @ 90% aerobic :60 rest 1:39-1:31-1:10, terrible CTBs...all thrusters unbroken...that 21 at the end...smh; rows were 1:48-1:50-1:49 + 3 sets not for time: 30 light band pull-aparts - harder than it looked! :30 front leaning rest on ground w/arm externally rotated so fingers point back to feet #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, July 3, 2016
Yep...#sundaytrailselfie Back on the #Singlespeed shaking the travel out of the legs this morning with some awesome Singletrack! #getoutside #bike #mtb #CrossFit
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