I thought rowing intervals were bad in Ohio...altitude changes everything! Wednesday:
A. Power Snatch Clusters 3x1.1.1 @ #135 :10 bet, 2:00 between sets. Need to not jump wife with my feet.
B. Shoulder Press - build quickly to a heavy triple - #155, a bit too "backy" though. Am I breaking because I have a bad front rack position and need to get under the bar more? Is it do to not being strong enough in the shoulders and recruiting more of my "back" to start the lift?
Then 4 sets Row 500 @ 1:43-1:43.9/ 500 rest 2:00
Awful at altitude!
The. 2 rounds not for time
L-sit :30 (:15-:15, :10-:10-:10)
Star Plank :30/ side
Training Video
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