@jahaines is doing the #Avon39 Walk today so I hit up O'Hare CrossFit to train!
OCF is a legit strength and conditioning facility. The coaches (Becca and Rocio) welcomed me with open arms and I fortunate to be able to listen to a coaches meeting that Owner and Head Coach Angelo Sisco held. He discussed stress and its place in programming. He is very knowledgeable. Fed the mind and the body today!
A. Overhead squat, 4 x 3, 42X1; 2:00 rest #185-#190-#195-#195
These felt tough on my wrists today.
B. Halting snatch-grip deadlift clusters, 5 x 1.1 :10 between reps, 2:00 rest #185-#195-#205-#215-#220
These are tough for me to keep the proper position and not round.
Then 5-4-3-2-1 for time:
Muscle-ups (5, e-1, 2-1, 2, 1)
Power cleans, 205 (all singles)
3:55 for this one. Very sluggish today. Felt like I had no lungs.
I'm disappointed that I had to break on the MUs. the #205 felt like a 1RM today. I actually failed a rep on the 4s.
Every :60 for 5 sets:
15 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10' - all around 30s - got to me a bit more than expected.
3 rounds not for time:
8 light Trap 3, 30X0
#10-#15-#15 - these are ok at best.
6 alternating pistols w/:02 hold @ bottom - goal is flat foot and straight front leg
Round 1 was a mess, 2 was still shaky, 3 was the best I've felt.
8 weighted hip extensions, 10X1 ✅ #CrossFit #CrossfitMasters #rttg16