Monday, June 29, 2015

Grand Tetons - Phelps Lake #getoutside

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Breakfast! Farm fresh egg, sweet potato Brussel hash, and of course bacon! Washed down with some excellent coffee!

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Dropped in at Rendezvous CrossFit in Jackson Hole Wyoming!

Dropped in at Rendezvous CrossFit in Jackson Hole Wyoming! Meg was an excellent coah, she really breaks things down for her athletes. 

High Hang Squat Snatch 3-3-3-2-2-2 - hit the first triple at 50kg then 60kg for these rest. Had a couple of misses, but felt solid. 

Then for time:
KBS 24kg 
Wall Balls 20 to 10 

16:43 - I'll blame it on the altitude! Ouch, nasty couplet. Did the KBS unbroken until the last 20 and 25. Split the WBs into 15s + whatever was needed. Broke the last 20 - 25 into 10s. Tough mentally and I hope the altitude was what was crushing my lungs!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Little #timehop throwback to 2 years ago to my first experience with the #AirDyne ...didn't know what I was getting into! #CrossFit

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BOOM! The best basketball development camp in the country! What happen when good people put in #hardwork! #thoughtindividualcampsweredead #therripleiscoming #Repost @riobasketball with @repostapp. ・・・ 380 Strong at #HWC15 ...largest camp ever at RIO

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June 24th, 2015 aka Rowing at Altitude Sucks!


I thought rowing intervals were bad in Ohio...altitude changes everything! Wednesday: 

A. Power Snatch Clusters 3x1.1.1 @ #135 :10 bet, 2:00 between sets. Need to not jump wife with my feet. 

B. Shoulder Press - build quickly to a heavy triple - #155, a bit too "backy" though. Am I breaking because I have a bad front rack position and need to get under the bar more? Is it do to not being strong enough in the shoulders and recruiting more of my "back" to start the lift?

Then 4 sets Row 500 @ 1:43-1:43.9/ 500 rest 2:00 


Awful at altitude! 

The. 2 rounds not for time
 L-sit :30 (:15-:15, :10-:10-:10) 
Star Plank :30/ side 

Training Video

Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 20th, 2015 Got the day started off right with some #caffeine and then some #kilos!

Dropped into @Crossfit720 -very cool place, and good people! Thanks for letting me train Armando!

A. Overhead squat, build quickly to a crisp single @ 205 - no Oly shoes, knee sleeves or wrist wraps! This felt pretty solid. Looking at the video I need to get my felt at a better angle.

B. 1 halting snatch-grip (pause just below knees) + 1 snatch pull, 3 x 1 @ 195; 2:00 rest - felt solid
Videos for these are at the bottom.

Then For 12:00:
Evens:3 muscle-ups
Odds: 15 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10

Started to feel the altitude a bit on the wall balls, which forced me to focus on my breathing. I'm starting to realize that I need to be more thoughtful about my breathing so that I can maximize my output.

3 rounds not for time:
12 light Trap 3, 30X0 - #15 felt very solid today

10 hip extensions - GHD were out on loan for a local comp, so I had to improvise with a plyo box, abmat and the wall...range of motion was as full as I'd like, but I made do.

8 alternating pistols (no Oly shoes meant using a #10 plate to scale for ankles) - still need to work on the ankle flexibility and hamstring tightness to get better at these.

#RedRocksSelfie #getoutside #hike

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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Thursday June 18th, 2015

Awesome morning as #socialmedialess Jason Crawford hit #200 in his clean!!! Love it!

A. Squat clean, build quickly to a tough (not max) single for the day - #225 not a great one, wasn't feeling these today. No Oly shoes either, need to work on that ankle and front rack mobility. This was a bit frustrating.

B. Squat clean, accumulate 3 singles @ 88% of A; rest as needed - #205 felt solid, easy even.

This wvideo won't load until I finish uploading when we reach Denver.

For 10:00:
Evens: 6 unweighted strict pronated CTB pull-ups
Odds: 3/side 1-arm DB thrusters #55-#60-#70-#70-#70

The #55 and #60 felt easy, the #70 was bit more challenging! I definitely have a better idea of where to start on these.

Then 4 sets, each for max meters:
:30 row @ max effort :30 rest

This was bad!

This will make you question yourself. Hopefully I will continue to climb on the output!

10:00 AirDyne easy cool-down and my legs didn't want to work!

I'm leaving for a couple of weeks of vacation, so I may post a bit more infrequently.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday June 17th, 2015

: 30:00 #AirDyne Z1 very 5:00 off and 3 unbroken muscle ups

These need to get smoother, I am not staying tight and break in several spots.

Then 10:00 Mobility work 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday June 16th, 2015

Sorensen hold re-test, 1 x max - 2:00 - tough, hamstrings were lit up after this one! Video is below

Then AMRAP 10:00 @ 90%:
2 rope climbs
6 alternating #70 KB clean & jerk
18 AirDyne calories

4 rounds + 2 RC, 6 KB C&J + 7 cal - felt like I moved fairly well on this one, the #70 felt solid, may have been able to hit the #88, but that's a pretty big jump!

Then 5 sets:
500m row @ 1:44.0-1:44.9/500m 2:00 walk/rest

Recovery felt very good, although the last two rows were getting toward the edge of comfort!

2 rounds not for time
:30 L-sit accumulation - huge work in progress
:30/side star plank - getting better

Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday June 15th, 2015

A. Rear-foot elevated split squat re-test, 1 x max/side up to 8 reps @ 60/hand (start w/R leg, match reps w/L leg), - 8 each side at #60

B1. DB bench press (both arms), 8-8-8, 20X1; :60 rest - #60-#70-#80

B2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 6-7/arm, :30 between arms, :60 rest -#70-#80-#90(5)

C. DB external rotations, 3 x 12/side, 30X0; :60 between sides - #10-#15-15

D. Front leaning rest on rings, 3 x :60 accumulation; :45 rest

Then 10:00 AirDyne @ Z1

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday June 14, 2015

Showing that #soapporter love this AM!

Warm-Up: aerobic 5:00
PVC & Barbell

A. Overhead squat, 5 x 1-2, 42X1; 2:00 rest #205(2)-#210(2)-#215(2)-#225(1)-##225(1)

B. Halting snatch-grip deadlift, 1-1-1-1-1-1 starting @ 95% 1RM Snatch; adding 10 from there; 2:00 rest finished at #235

Then For time:
100 double-unders (unbroken)
10 tough med ball over shoulder #150
10 burpee muscle-ups


Then Every :90 for 4 sets: 20 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10′
All around :35

Then 3 rounds not for time:
6 light Trap 3, 30X0
6 alternating pistols w/:02 hold @ bottom
6 wt hip extensions #35

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday June 11th, 2015

A. Build quickly to a heavy complex of 1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat - hit #210
these were ok, I didn't use a belt or Oly shoes today. I could tell I got a bit loose on the bottom of the catch as the weight got heavier. Regripping for the hang was tough. I may have been able to push a bit more, but I tried to work up more quickly today. A year ago I hit #185 for a double from the hang (belt and oly shoes), these felt better.

B. Squat cleans #185 15x1 every :20 -  these were a mess to start, failed the first rep and another. I put up the full video, I could have cut the miss to start, but you have to take this as an honest whole. I got in a better rhythm as I progress through.

C1. Wt CTB Pull-Ups 2-1-1 #44-#53-#53 - not very happy with these, tough to get the chest up there for me, didn't feel real strong with these today.

C2. 1 arm DB Push Press 3x 5-10 - #60(10) -#70(6) -#70(6) - #60 felt solid and the #70 got tough, my posture really started to go and I used way too much back in this one!

D. Powell Raise - 3 x 4 - #20 - was able to hit the #20 today, felt solid.

Then 3 sets
:30 row/rest 4:00
1- 181m
2- 184m
3- 182m

These got quite ugly. I felt good from 8-20s then could feel the drop-off! I need to focus on pulling all the way through the cutoff time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June 10th, 2015

Starting the day with the sweet sweet sounds of the #AirDyne 45:00 AirDyne Z1 Every 5;00 off and 1 muscle-up + 1 toes through rings + 1 dead hang to inverted

Finished with about 450 calories, and kept the wattage to between 150 and 200 (mostly in the 170s to 180s).

Not real smooth on the gymnastics complex. Shoulder flexibility is lacking, I tried a couple of rounds strict MUs, but not real comfortable with those.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

My wife is awesome! Representin on that #Avon39 Walk! #YouGotThid @jahaines

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Saturday June 6th, 2015

@jahaines is doing the #Avon39 Walk today so I hit up O'Hare CrossFit to train! 

OCF is a legit strength and conditioning facility.  The coaches (Becca and Rocio) welcomed me with open arms and I fortunate to be able to listen to a coaches meeting that Owner and Head Coach Angelo Sisco held. He discussed stress and its place in programming. He is very knowledgeable. Fed the mind and the body today!

A. Overhead squat, 4 x 3, 42X1; 2:00 rest #185-#190-#195-#195 
These felt tough on my wrists today. 

B. Halting snatch-grip deadlift clusters, 5 x 1.1 :10 between reps, 2:00 rest #185-#195-#205-#215-#220 
These are tough for me to keep the proper position and not round.  

Then 5-4-3-2-1 for time: 
Muscle-ups (5, e-1, 2-1, 2, 1) 
Power cleans, 205 (all singles)

3:55 for this one. Very sluggish today. Felt like I had no lungs. 
I'm disappointed that I had to break on the MUs.  the #205 felt like a 1RM today. I actually failed a rep on the 4s. 

Every :60 for 5 sets: 
15 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10' - all around 30s - got to me a bit more than expected.  

3 rounds not for time:
 8 light Trap 3, 30X0 
#10-#15-#15 - these are ok at best.  

6 alternating pistols w/:02 hold @ bottom - goal is flat foot and straight front leg 
Round 1 was a mess, 2 was still shaky, 3 was the best I've felt.  

8 weighted hip extensions, 10X1 ✅ #CrossFit #CrossfitMasters #rttg16

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thursday June 4th, 2015

A. Squat clean, build quickly to a heavy single for the day
- hit #235 - failed #240(slow elbows and tight hip flexors)

B. Squat clean, 15 x 1 @ 88% of A; begin a rep every :30 - #210

C1. Seated 1-arm DB shoulder press, 3 x 3-5/side, 21X1; :60 between sides, :60 rest - #60x5

C2. Weighted pronated CTB strict pull-up, 3 x 1-2, 21X0; 2:00 rest -#40-#44-#44x2

D. Powell raises, 3 x 8/arm, 30X0; :60 between sides #10-#12.5 - #12.5

Then 3 sets: :25 row sprint 3:35 walk rest

All 153 meters 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday June 3rd, 2015

A video posted by thadhaines (@thadhaines) on

This one is not the most interesting or sexy of workouts, but everything has a purpose.

45:00 #AirDyne - held the wattage to around 180ish. Over 400 calories. I feel a little better about my 10 AMRAP for calories after hearing John Welborn (Power Athlete) discuss how almost unattainable the "300" workout on an AD6 on the Power Athlete HQ PodCast with one of the Gym Jones coaches.

Every 5:00 off and 3 dead-hang to inverted. I seem to have a few issues on this movement. I don't seem to be able to "loosen" and open my shoulders upon the return to the bottom while under tension. I have more knee bend than I should have for this movement. Also, I noticed I would begin by pulling with my arms instead of initiating with my core. 

#CrossFit #CrossfitMasters #rttg16

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday June 2nd, 2015

Some fine #AirDyning to start the day:
 AMRAP 10:00 @ 90%:
2 rope climbs
Bear crawl to bike (20m)
20 AirDyne calories
Bear crawl to rope (20m)

4 rounds + 2 rope climbs

Still feeling the effects of some poor nutrition choices over the weekend, but you'll have that sometimes. Felt good to get a good sweat going and the heart pumping. I was 3 pulls on the rope climbs, I want to get those down to 2. I tried to keep the hips low on the bear crawls, and those always get to me. Kept the heart rate up. I held the AD to right around 300 watts, although round 3 dropped off slightly.

RAN then
6 sets: 500m row @ 1:46.0-146.9/500m
2:00 walk rest
1- 1:46.1
2- 1:46.3
3- 1:46.3
4- 1:46.4
5- 1:46.4
6- 1:46.1

I kept them pretty well spaced and could feel the heart rate not coming down as quickly after round 4. I focused on solid pulls.

3 rounds not for time
:45 Sorensen hold
:20/side star plank

I was a bit light headed after the sorenson holds. I felt weaker on my left side with the star planks, but I was more comfortable in these this week. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday June 1st, 2015

Back at it!
A. Rear-foot elevated split squat, 3 x 6/side
#55-#60-#65 - these were rough, I'm not sure if I get low enough. The heavier weight may me feel unbalanced. I was only able to get 6 per leg.

B1. 1-arm DB bench press, 3 x 5/arm
#70-#75-#80 - best my shoulder has felt in a while

B2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 4/arm - #80-#85-#90

C. DB external rotations, 3 x 8/side - #15 - these felt solid today, much better than last week.

D. Front leaning rest on rings, 4 x :45 accumulation; :30 rest - these got real!